User:ThunderGod Cid/Hivemaster

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Hivemaster Feats

  • Scorpion: Scorpions are carriers of some of the most potent venoms in the world, delievered through a long tail ending in a cruel-looking stinger.
3: You now have a stinger that deals damage according to the table below. If you already have a stinger attack, increase the damage of you current stinger by one size category.
7: Your stinger is now venomous, dealing 1d6 Strength damage on a failed Fortitude save.
11: You gain two more arms that end in wicked-looking pincers, which function in the same manner as claw attacks.
15: Your stinger lengthens into a tremendously long tail that arches over your head and can be use to attack opponents at a distance. You now have 5 extra feet of reach for your stinger attack. Your poison is also more virulent, dealing 1d10 points of Strength damage.
  • Cockroach: Cockroaches are persistent little bastards, extremely resilient and hard to kill (they can even survive for days after their head is cut off).
3: You gain an additional +4 bonus to natural armor as his exoskeleton strengthens dramatically.
7: Your body resists elemental damage, granting him resistance 10 to all sources of elemental damage.
11: You gain immunity to death effects and death from massive damage.
15: You are now immune to critical hits and nonlethal damage.
  • Mantis: The mantis is the ultimate predator, a master of remaining perfectly still and blending in with its surroundings.
3: You gain a competence bonus to Hide checks equal to one half your hivemaster level.
7: You can now mimic the colors of your natural surroundings and use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain.
11: You acquire the uncanny ability to rotate your head up to 300 degrees, allowing you to literally watch your own back. You can no longer be flanked or surprised.
15: You can now use the Hide skill even while observed.
  • Beetle: Burrowers by nature, the massive beetle can still prove a dangerous opponent with its powerful horn and acidic defense mechanism.
3: Your nose warps into a large, chitinous horn. You now have a gore attack that deals damage appropriate for your size (see Table: Hivemaster Natural Attacks) as a natural weapon. You also gain Improved Bull Rush as a bonus feat even if you do not meet the prerequisites.
7: You sprout antennae from just above your eyes, granting you the effects of the Blind-Fight feat. You also gain a burrow speed equal to your base speed.
11: Like a bombardier beetle, you have the ability to release a spray of acid to damage foes. You may now unleash a 30-foot cone of acid that deals 1d6 points of acid damage per level. When you use this ability, you must wait 1d4+1 rounds before you may use it again.
15: The sensitivity of your antennae is heightened, giving you blindsight out to a distance of 5 feet per hivemaster level.
  • Spider: With their deadly combination of webs and poisons, spiders are deadly and patient hunters.
3: You gain a bonus on Jump checks equal to your hivemaster level. Your mouth also twists into an insectoid mandible, granting you a bite attack which deals damage according to the table below.
7: Your bite is venomous, dealing 1d8 Dexterity damage on a failed Fortitude save. You are also treated as if permanently under the effect of a spider climb spell, which cannot be dispelled.
11: Your jumping distance is now longer limited by your height. You also now have the ability to create a web a number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier. This web is similar to attacking with a net, but has a range increment of 10 feet and a maximum range of 10 feet per hivemaster level.
An entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist check or burst the web with a Strength check. The check DCs are both equal to 10 + 1/2 your level + your Constitution modifier. The web has a number hit points equal to your HD and hardness 0. There is a 75% chance that the webbing will not burn if any sort of fire is applied to it (check each round).
15: Spiders are always the hunter, never the hunted. You are now under a permanent freedom of movement effect.
  • Queen Bee: The queen is the mother of all bees in her hive, and her flock will defend her with suicidal fervor.
3: Colonies of bee larvae infest every open cavity of your body, using their own tissue to seal your wounds at amazing speed. You gain fast healing 5.
7: In order to better defend their host (in this case, you), the larvae have adapted themselves so that you may use them to attack your foes. You may now spit a larva at an opponent up to 30 feet away as a ranged touch attack.
11: The larvae become even more efficient at healing you as your fast healing improves to 10.
15: You now have the ability to spit fully grown bees instead of larvae, which willingly give their lives just as the maggots do. Unlike the larva, however, a bee is spat with tremendous speed, striking with deadly force. The bee deals 1d8 piercing damage per hivemaster level as a ranged touch attack and can be used as a standard action.
  • Ant: Ants are tremendously strong for their size, and their single-minded determination is almost machine-like.
3: Your carrying capacity is equal to a creature one size category larger than you, and you are immune to fear effects.
7: You gain a +2 inherent bonus to your Strength score.
11: You gain immunity to all mind-affecting effects.
15: You gain an additional +6 bonus to Strength.
  • Mosquito: Mosquitoes are well-known carriers of disease and death, not to mention the fact that they're annoying as hell when they bite.
3: You gain a sickening proboscis that emerges from your mouth. You may make a melee touch attack up to a distance of 10 feet. If you hit with this attack, you may start a grapple as a free action, and in addition to the damage dealt by the proboscis they also take 1d4 points on Constitution damage per round that they are grappled in this manner. A grappled creature may escape normally with a successful Strength check. The proboscis can also be used when you successfully attack with a bite, but deals no damage other than the Constitution damage when used in this way.
7: You gain gossamer, transparent wings that allow you to fly at your base speed, with good manueverability.
11: Your proboscis attack carries a particularly virulent strain of red ache that has a save DC equal to 10 + one half your hivemaster level. You suffer no ill effects from this disease.
15: The range of your proboscis attack is greatly lengthened to 30 feet and deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage.
  • Tarantula Wasp: Renowned by researchers for its unique methodology, the tarantula wasp implants its eggs into the corpses of its prey.
3: You now have a stinger that deals damage according to the table below. If you already have a stinger attack, increase the damage of you current stinger by one size category.
7: An enemy struck by your stinger must now make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 hivemaster level + Constitution modifier) or be implanted with an egg pellet that incubates inside their body for a day, after which the egg bursts forth as a giant wasp with HD equal to one half your hivemaster level, killing the subject instantly. A remove disease or heal spell neutralizes the pellet, as will a DC 25 Heal check.
11: Your stinger is now filled with swift-acting, paralytic venom that paralyzes an ememy for 2d4 rounds on a failed Fortitude save. A target that fails this save and becomes paralyzed gets no save to resist implantation.
15: Your implant ability now spawns spider eaters instead of giant wasps, with HD equal to one half your hivemaster level (rounded down). It is also much more difficult to remove an implanted pellet; only a heal spell will now suffice.
  • Centipede: A hundred legs and potentially massive size make the centipede a force to be reckoned with.
3: The dozens of legs that develop on your body grant you a bonus to Balance checks equal to one half your hivemaster level.
7: Two of the legs around your torso twist into sharply clawed appendages, granting your two claw attacks.
11: You are strengthened by the power of a hundred limbs, which interlock together around you to increase your power. For all intents and purposes, you are treated as one size larger than normal, with the following exceptions: natural attack damage (except for claw attacks gained through this feat) is not increased, and your space and reach remain the same as before.
15: The credo of the insect is (or should be), "If it works, make more of it." You gain two more claw attacks.
  • Stinkbug: Maloderous stench that hinders foes
  • Caterpillar: While it has potent defenses, the caterpillar is perhaps best known for its ability to wrap itself into a protective, shell-like coccoon.
3: You may unleash a burst of acid that deals 1d4 acid damage per hivemaster level as a swift action to a single target within 30 feet.
7: You can create a chrysalis that protects you from harm. This coccoon functions as a resilient sphere, but only manifests as a thick carapace directly over your skin. While you are inside the chrysalis, you are invulnerable to attack and cannot move or attack, but you also regenerate a number of hit points per hour you are inside equal to your hivemaster level. Creating the chrysalis is a full-round action. The chrysalis can be broken by anything that can penetrate the resilient sphere spell.
11: Your natural weapons secrete a natural anticoagulant that creates profusely bleeding wounds. All of your natural attacks now deal 1 point of bleeding damage per round as if they had the wounding enchantment.
15: Your chrysalis is now all but a completely safe haven for you. In addition to the damage you recover while inside, any lost limbs or organs are restored within 2d10 rounds, or 1 round if they are touching the stumps where they were originally severed (as the regenerate spell). You also do not age inside the chrysalis.
  • Firefly: The firefly is one of the few creatures in the world that can produce its own light through chemical reactions taking place in its own body.
3: Your body emits bright light at will at your whim. As a free action that can only be taken during your turn (but thusly does not count as a used swift action), you may radiate bright light that extends for 20 feet as an light spell and, if you wish, dazzles anyone within 60 feet with no save. Sightless creatures or creatures already dazzled are immune to this effect.
7: The light coming from your body is capable of striking awe into all who look upon it. Creatures dazzled by your light must now also succeed at a Fortitude save or be fascinated.
11: Your bioluminescence shines even brighter, now functioning as a daylight spell, and creatures within 60 feet are now blinded if they fail a Fortitude save.
15: As a full-round action, you may collect all the bioluminescent chemicals in your body for a single, supercharged display of light. This attack is identical to the sunburst spell. If you use this ability, however, you cannot use any of the abilities afforded by this feat for at least 8 hours as the light-producing chemicals in your body are spent.
Table: Hivemaster Natural Attacks
Type Size
Fine Diminutive Tiny Small Medium Large Huge Gargantuan Colossal
Proboscis 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 3d6
Pincers/Claw 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 3d6 4d6
Gore 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 3d6 4d6
Bite 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 3d6 4d6
Stinger 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 3d6 4d6 6d6