Talk:Epic Rapid Spellcasting 2.0 (3.5e Feat)
This has all information required and is no less complete than the original 1.0 version from several years ago. Seriously, be specific in the discussion Bluez and I'll fix it.
As with every homebrew feat on this site, it's up to DM discretion to accept or decline. The "Incomplete Article" tag is due to a singular individual feeling that the original author will bring their input after several years of inactivity for this singular page. So I ask those who review this to wait for 6 months for the 1.0 author to give their take before deleting it. I don't believe they will give their opinion during this time. If I'm incorrect, I will agree with their wishes whole-heartedly and won't contest it at all, even if I'm asked to delete this page myself. Thanks y'all --> Official things, I'm DeanSkell on 4/19/22.
Prerequisite | Caster Level 21, Ability to cast level 9 spells, Rapid Spell feat, Quicken Spell feat +, Caster Level 21 +, Ability to cast level 9 spells +, Rapid Spell feat + and Quicken Spell feat. + |
Summary | You can cast your spells faster, without metamagic feats. + |
Type | Spellcasting + |