Category:5e Individuals
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This category is for articles and images related to named Individuals in 5th edition (2014) Dungeons & Dragons.
Pages in category "5e Individuals"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 526 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Abbathor
- Aberro (5e Deity)
- SRD5:Aegir
- Aerdrie Faenya (5e)
- Agdon Longscarf (5e)
- Ajak (5e)
- Alagarthas (5e)
- Alathrien Druanna (5e)
- Alendria (5e)
- Allegra (5e)
- Allowin (5e)
- Alobal Lorfiril (5e)
- Amaryllis (5e)
- Amidor (5e)
- Amphemia (5e)
- Angara (5e)
- Angharradh (5e)
- Anoikh (5e Deity)
- SRD5:Anubis
- SRD5:Apep
- Aphelion (5e)
- SRD5:Aphrodite
- SRD5:Apollo
- Araleth Letheranil (5e)
- Arasta (5e)
- Arawai (5e)
- SRD5:Arawn
- Archais (5e)
- Archillus (5e)
- SRD5:Ares
- Argantle (5e)
- Arrp (5e)
- SRD5:Artemis
- Artha (5e)
- Arvoreen (5e)
- Aryn (5e)
- Asien (5e Deity)
- SRD5:Athena
- Athreos (5e)
- Aubreck Drallion (5e)
- Aureon (5e)
- Auriga Sirkinos (5e)
- Auril (5e)
- Avassh (5e)
- Azil (5e)
- Azuth (5e)
- Baba Yaga (5e)
- Baervan Wildwanderer (5e)
- Bahamut (5e)
- Bahgtru (5e)
- SRD5:Balder
- Balinor (5e)
- Bane Deity (5e)
- Baravar Cloakshadow (5e)
- Barret Gloffrin (5e)
- SRD5:Bast
- Bauble (5e)
- Bavlorna Blightstraw (5e)
- Bayleaf (5e)
- Beatrice (5e)
- Belashyrra (5e)
- Beledros Witherbloom (5e)
- SRD5:Belenus
- Bellis Bellweather (5e)
- Beory (5e)
- Berronar Truesilver (5e)
- SRD5:Bes
- Beshaba (5e)
- Bhaal (5e)
- Bibdoolpoolp (5e)
- Big Barkless (5e)
- Bimz (5e)
- Birsk Chumwell (5e)
- Biscuit (5e)
- Bitzi (5e)
- Bix (5e)
- Bleredd
- The Blood of Vol (5e)
- Bloody Bjorn (5e)
- Bloody Toes (5e)
- Blookybeak (5e)
- Bobi (5e)
- Boccob (5e)
- Bodger (5e)
- Boldrei (5e)
- Branchala (5e)
- Brandobaris (5e)
- Brazzemal (5e)
- Break-a-leg (5e)
- SRD5:Brigantia
- Brottor (5e)
- Bryson Landgrave (5e)
- Budoc (5e)
- Burly (5e)
- Callarduran Smoothhands (5e)
- Calluna (5e)
- Callybon (5e)
- Candlefoot (5e)
- Captain Sigurd (5e)
- Caradoc (5e)
- Carisso (5e)
- Carthasar (5e)
- The Cat Lord (5e)
- Celestian (5e)
- Chana (5e)
- Charm (5e)
- Charmalaine (5e)
- Chauntea (5e)
- Chemosh (5e)
- Chislev (5e)
- Chucklehead (5e)
- Clangeddin Silverbeard (5e)
- Clapperclaw (5e)
- Corellon Larethian (5e)
- Cowslip (5e)
- Cradlefall (5e)
- Cyric (5e)
- Cyrrollalee (5e)
- SRD5:Daghdha
- Dalakos (5e)
- Dandy (5e)
- Darahl Tilvenar (5e)
- Darius (5e)
- Davus Raal (5e)
- Deep Duerra (5e)
- Deep Sashelas (5e)
- SRD5:Demeter
- Demitasse (5e)
- Baphomet (5e)
- Demogorgon (5e)
- Fraz-Urb'luu (5e)
- Yeenoghu (5e)
- Dendar (5e)
- Deneir (5e)
- Bael (5e)
- Glasya (5e)
- Hutijin (5e)
- The Devourer (5e)
- Diamanda Mistriddle (5e)
- Diana Cloppington (5e)
- SRD5:Diancecht
- Dictado (5e)
- SRD5:Dionysus
- Dirlagraun (5e)
- Dol Arrah (5e)
- Dol Dorn (5e)
- Drelnza (5e)
- Dubhforgail (5e)
- Dugmaren Brightmantle (5e)
- Duke Braken (5e Deity)
- Duke Ickrind (5e)
- Dumathoin (5e)
- Dumphrey Frogart (5e)
- SRD5:Dunatis
- Dungus (5e)
- Dyrrn (5e)