Fossor Sapper (3.5e Racial Substitution Levels)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 18/12/2021
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Fossor Fighter Substitution Levels

Race: Fossor

Fossor are employed in armies as specialized troops for excavating and fighting in trenches and tunnels

Table: The Fossor Trench Fighter

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Digger
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Tunnel Warfare
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Grit Strike

Trench fighters add Profession (digger) as a class skill for all their fighter levels.

Digger (Ex): At 1st level, instead of a fighter bonus feat, trench fighters gain the feat Digger for free. They also add their fighter level to checks made to dig.

Tunnel Warfare (Ex): At third level they gain new options when fighting in tight spaces. They are not hindered if they need to squeeze nor they suffer penalties to AC or attacks. They also gain a +2 shield bonus everytime they fight adjacent to a wall, +1 per each additional wall. This shield bonus stacks with other shield bonuses. This feature does not substitute others.

Grit Strike: At fourth level a trench fighter, instead of the bonus fighter feat, gains the ability to deal more damage when fighting on soil, sand or stone. Once per round the trench fighter may deal +1d4, +1d4 per each four subsequent levels (up to +5d4), as bludgeoning and piercing damage to one of its targets. The damage is magical if the weapon used to hit is. If you use the additional elemental damage rule this extra damage is Earth damage.

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the bluez in the dungeon's Homebrew (755 Articles)
the bluez in the dungeonv
Article BalanceModerate +
Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Identifier3.5e Racial Substitution Levels +
RaceFossor +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryFossor are employed in armies as specialized troops for excavating and fighting in trenches and tunnels +
TitleFossor Sapper +