Talk:Small Mācuāhuitzōctli (3.5e Equipment)

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Revision as of 19:50, 18 October 2021 by HarrowedMind (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Same as with the Bastard Macahuitl, I see no point for this wweapon as-is, since the regular Macahuitzoctli has all the advantages, plus extra damage, at the cost of an extra...")
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Same as with the Bastard Macahuitl, I see no point for this wweapon as-is, since the regular Macahuitzoctli has all the advantages, plus extra damage, at the cost of an extra pound of weight (weights that are pretty darn high, not gonna lie, but that's consistent with the PHB extra weighty weapons - friggin' 10 pounds for a greatsword?! - so it checks out).

I have two suggested fixes: either it could be thrown with a range increment of 10 feet (clubs were historically thrown weapons as well) or, as the text suggests with its flavour text, it could benefit from a bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to hide the weapon on one's person, due to its small size compared to other light weapons, à la dagger. ---HarrowedMind (talk) 19:49, 18 October 2021 (UTC)