Aelyra (3.5e Sourcebook)/BC/SeaWitch

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Sea Witch

The Sea Witch is a full nature spellcaster that gathers its power from the “spirit of the sea”. They have a mix of lightning, wind, cold, curse, divination, enchantment, conjuration, and healing magic.

Ability Score Bonus: +2 to Charisma and Wisdom
Starting Age: As Wizard.
Alignment: Any.
Starting Gold: 150gp

Table: The Assassin

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spells per Day
Fort Ref Will 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st +0 +2 +2 +0 Poison Use, Death Attack +3d6, Personal Immunity, Spellcasting 2
2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 Uncanny Dodge, Death Attack +4d6 3 0
3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 Hide in Plain Sight, Death Attack +5d6 3 1
4th +3 +4 +4 +1 Cloak of Discretion, Death Attack +6d6 3 2 0
5th +3 +4 +4 +1 Trapfinding, Trapmaking, Death Attack +7d6 3 3 1
6th +4 +5 +5 +2 Palm Weapon, Death Attack +8d6 3 3 2

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level)
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis) Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha).

SkillBalance +, Bluff +, Climb +, Concentration +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Disable Device +, Disguise +, Gather Information +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Perform +, Profession +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Sleight of Hand +, Spellcraft +, Spot +, Survival +, Swim +, Tumble + and Use Magic Device +
Skill Points4 +