Disciple of the Cat Ear Clan (3.5e Class)

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Disciple of the Cat Ear Clan[edit]

In cities where the oppression of a tyrannical government reigns supreme, part of the population sometimes rebels in the greatest secrecy. Originally, the organization of the rebellion revolved around a strong person leading the revolts to large government institutions. But these times of revolts led by men almost always resulted in corruption, violence, or the death penalty. Today, several decades after the first unsuccessful revolts, only a few cities still have rebel factions in their tortuous bowels. Most of the time, these are groups of common women united in dissident factions and who form networks of informants, smugglers, and combatants. Far from the affairs carried out by men, they become over time the guardians of serenity within working-class districts by using their connections and their influences in the shadow of the monarchs. The large cities of the desert lands are almost the only ones to have factions of these strong, temperamental, and courageous women. There are few men among the Cat's Ear Disciples Clan, and the few women who are part of it must have a strong mind, they must blend in with the crowd, be attentive to the slightest information, and be as discreet as possible. Like a cat that roams the city without attracting attention, each member of the clan is attentive to the gossip as the most important decision of the government. As soon as the situation in the city worsens, the members of the clan use their networks to exert pressure where it is necessary in the greatest discression.

Making a Disciple of the Cat Ear Clan[edit]

The disciple of the cat ear clan is like the ant in a colony. Alone it will be harmless, but within a team, it will reveal its potential, provided that the team that accepts it is as diverse as possible.

Abilities: Working in huge cities, disciples need to be discreet and attentive. Dexterity is an essential ability. Charisma is also of great help in obtaining information, in parliament, and in showing diplomacy in their actions.

Races: In theory, all races are accepted within the clan. However, disciples of the cat ear clan are almost entirely female. Males are generally not welcome there, with the strict exception of anthropomorphic felines which are tolerated in limited numbers. Humans are numerous in the clan, as are feline races, certain elves, giths, genasis, halflings, and asheratis. Anthropomorphic non-feline breeds are generally not well received. And dwarfs, orcs, goliaths, kobolds, and goblins almost never choose this path.

Alignment: The cat ear clan works in the shadow of government. They don't care about the law. The members of the clan are women of the people who rise up against tyranny and slavery. Most are chaotic good, neutral good, chaotic neutral, or strict neutral.

Starting Gold: 3d6×10 gp

Starting Age: Age is very important for the clan. Entering the clan is a vocation that arises at the beginning of adulthood, when the ideals of youth collide with the cold and cruel reality of the political world. We generally join the clan by majority, although some people join it a little before.

Table: The Disciple of the Cat Ear Clan

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Transmutations
Maximum Spell
Level Known
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +1 +2 +0 Art of Transmutation of Body and Mind, Meditation, Personal Involvement 2 1
2nd +1 +2 +3 +0 3 1
3rd +2 +2 +3 +1 Favorite Transmutation 5 2
4th +3 +3 +4 +1 Supernatural Art 7 2
5th +3 +3 +4 +1 Prodigious Art (Shared Transmutation) 9 2
6th +4 +3 +5 +2 Favorite Transmutation 11 3
7th +5 +4 +5 +2 13 3
8th +6/+1 +4 +6 +2 Supernatural Art, Prodigious Art (Linked Transmutation) 15 4
9th +6/+1 +5 +6 +3 Favorite Transmutation 17 4
10th +7/+2 +5 +7 +3 19 5
11th +8/+3 +5 +7 +3 Prodigious Art (Healing Transmutation) 21 5
12th +9/+4 +6 +8 +4 Favorite Transmutation, Supernatural Art 23 6
13th +9/+4 +6 +8 +4 25 6
14th +10/+5 +7 +9 +4 Prodigious Art (Counter Strike) 27 7
15th +11/+6/+1 +7 +9 +5 Favorite Transmutation 29 7
16th +12/+7/+2 +7 +10 +5 Supernatural Art 31 8
17th +12/+7/+2 +8 +10 +5 Prodigious Art (Perfected Transmutation) 33 8
18th +13/+8/+3 +8 +11 +6 Favorite Transmutation 35 9
19th +14/+9/+4 +9 +11 +6 37 9
20th +15/+10/+5 +9 +12 +6 Supernatural Art, Prodigious Art (Bond of the Divine) 40 9

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (All skills) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spot (Wis). Teamwork (None), Tumble (Dex)

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Disciple of the Cat Ear Clan.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A disciple of the Cat Ear Clan is proficient with all simple weapons, but is not proficient with armors and shields. The disciple can chose an exotic weapon. She gains proficiency to this weapon. In addition she can choose a number of martial weapons equal to his intelligence modifier, and gain proficiency to these weapons.

Spells: Throughout his existence among the members of the cat ear clan, the disciple learns to use a special discipline called "Art of Transmutation of Body and Mind". With this discipline, she masters one form of magic called Transmutation. Transmutation is a special kind of magic that reproduce effects of certain spell from abjuration, transmutation, and divination schools. The disciple began his career with two Transmutations but can learn a lot as she gained experience. The transmutations she learns are chosen from any spell list (Cleric, Sorcerer, Bard, or even Druid), and must be choose from abjuration, transmutation, or divination school. She can only learn spell with personal range (like Arcane Sight, Iron Body, Shield or Glibness), or that target a creature including her (like Bull’s Strength, Spider Climb, Cloak of Chaos or Haste). She can only use these transmutations on herself.

At first level she must choose Wisdom or Charisma (and cannot change this choice). Then, to cast a transmutation, she must have a chosen ability score equal to 10 + spell level. She does not need to prepare or read her spells. She learns and cast them when she needs, and casts them like profane spells. To cast a Transmutation, she must spend a part of her daily intenal energy called Flux (See the Meditation ability below for further informations). Each level of Transmutation cost an amount of Flux described below.

Table: Flux cost for Transmutation casting
Transmutation Level Flux Cost
1st 1
2nd 3
3th 5
4th 7
5th 9
6th 11
7th 13
8th 15
9th 17

Meditation (Su). It is not easy to master the art of transmutation, and the disciple must synchronize his body and his mind a little like a psionic. But unlike psionics, the disciple does not need to be in this state permanently. At the beginning of each day, the disciple must undertake a meditative trance which takes 30 minutes + 2 minutes for each known transmutation. During this meditation, she must not be interrupted (if not, she must start again). At the end of this meditation, perform a Concentration check and multiply the result of this check by the highest level of Transmutation to which you have access. This final result become your Flux pool available for the whole day. The Flux is your internal energy, and each day this energy reserve fluctuates.

Favorite Transmutation (Ex). At 3rd level, choose a transmutation you know. This transmutation is always cast with +1 caster level. In addition, once a day, this transmutation can be cast by paying half the normal amount of Flux points you must normally pay (rounded down, minimum 1 flux point). You can choose another transmutation at level 6 and every 3 levels after.

Supernatural Art (Ex). At level 4 (and 4 level after), you can cast a transmutation as a supernatural ability instead of spell, but it consumes twice more flux points as normal and this amount cannot be reduced by another effect. For this, choose a Transmutation you know and that is a Favorite Transmutation, then, you must success a Concentration check with a DC of 10 + (2 x Transmutation level). If the check is successful, the transmutation is casted as a supernatural ability. Whether the concentration test is successful or not, two spells uses per day are consumed.

Prodigious Art. The disciple becomes more intimate with his art, and being his mastery of transmutations to a higher level each time. These following technics :

Shared Transmutation (Ex). At level 5, when you cast a Transmutation that is a Favorite Transmutation, you can choose a willing creature within 30 ft of you. This chosen creature receive the same effet as you, as per the effect of Share Spell. You must spends 3 Flux points from your Flux pool to use this ability.

Linked Transmutation (Ex). At level 8, when you cast a transmutation that is a Favorite Transmutation, you can choose another transmutation you know (with a different effect). This second transmutation cost only half the normal number of Flux points you should be pay, but you must cast it before the end of your next round to gain this benefit. You can use this ability one time per encounter.

Healing Transmutation (Ex). At level 11, when you cast a transmutation that is a Favorite Transmutation, you can pay one and a half the number of Flux points to recover a number of Health Points equal to the level of the transmutation x 1d10. You can use this ability one time per encounter.

Counter Strike (Su). At level 14, when an ally in a range of 30 ft of you is targeted by an attack or a spell that deal damage, you can use an immediate action to protect him with a transmutation on you. Firstly, roll a spellcraft check with a DC equal to 10 + level of the chosen active transmutation. If you success the spellcraft check, all effects of the choosen transmutation ends, and the spell energy is expelled as a poweful shield of glowing light that now surround the ally. This shield provide him a bonus to AC, a Spell Resistance, and a damage réduction equal to twice the spell level of the transmutation used for this effect. Then, immediately after the ally was hit (or miss) by the attack/spell, the glowing shield explode, and deal 5d12 force damages to the creature. If the chosen transmutation is a Favorite Transmutation, the creature must make a Fortitude save with a DC equal to 10 + spell level + spell ability modifier (Wisdom or Charisma). If it fails, it is push away to a distance of 2d4 x 5 ft of the ally, and is at bay for 1 round.

Perfected Transmutation (Ex). At level 17, when you cast a transmutation that is a Favorite Transmutation, you can pay twice the number of Flux points. All the variable numeric effects of the transmutation you cast using this ability are automatically maximized as per the effect of Maximize Spell feat. You can use this ability one time per encounter.

Bond of the Divine (Ex). At level 20, through meditation, you manage to maintain a divine bond with your tutelary deity. Now, when you cast a Transmutation that is a Favorite Transmutation, you can choose to cast it as a divine spell by spending 5 Flux from your Flux pool.

Personal Involvement: Each disciple who enters the cat ear clan becomes a member of this community. She chooses his own path which she perfects during her life within the clan. The path she decides to take comes from a personal aspiration and a long reflection on herself. At the first level, she can choose one of the paths below which he undertakes to follow:

Table: Personal Involvement
Level Chosen Path
Devious Cat Threatening Tiger Impassive Lion Intuitive Serval Sly Panther Furious Cheetah
Abilty Requirement Dex 13+ Cha 13+ Con 13+ Wis 13+ Int 13+ Str 13+
1st Deadly Claws (+2d6), Dexterous Dodge Battle Roar Impassive Resilience Fearless Heart Combat Expertise Power Attack
2nd Trapfinding Demoralizing Presence Impassive Armor Aura Transmutation
3rd Tactical Step Weapon Focus
4th Deadly Claws (+3d6) Distract the Pack Flourishing Life Sixth Sense Breaker
5th Trap Sense +1 Resillient Transmutation Approach the Divine
6th Improved Trip Powerful Strength
7th Deadly Claws (+4d6) Provocative Gaze
8th Lion's Roar Will of the Forsaken Superior Expertise
9th Optimized Defense Heavy Strike
10th Deadly Claws (+5d6) Greater Impassive Resilience Sand Snare
11th Trap Sense +2 Mind to Mind
12th Comforting Presence Stunning Strike
13th Deadly Claws (+6d6) Riposte Sand wind
14th Prodigious Disciple
15th Improved Tactical Step
16th Deadly Claws (+7d6) Greater Flourishing Life
17th Trap Sense +3 Serenity of Mind
18th Provocative Presence Strong as Nature and Magic
19th Deadly Claws (+8d6)
20th Reign of Terror Greater Riposte Prodigious Chosen One Sandstorm

Path of the Devious Cat[edit]

The disciple who chooses this path becomes the scout of the community. She detects the traps, identifies the danger, maps the terrain, spies on his opponents, then reports back to the community upon his return. To carry out this function, Disable Device, Search, and Spot become class skills for him.

Bonus class skills: Disable Device, Search, Sleight of Hand, and Move Silently become class skills for a disciple who choose the Path of the Devious Cat.

Deadly Claws (Ex): At 1st level of the Path of the Devious Cat, the disciple learns to deliver mortal blows to his enemies with freezing silence. Once per round, If the disciple attacks a creature with a light melee weapon or a one-hand melee weapon, she can try a Hide skill check against a Spot skill check of the attacked creature. If she succeeds its Hide skill check, the target creature loses its Dexterity modifier to AC (and its possible dodge bonus to AC), and the attack deals 2d6 points of extra damage (which is not multiplied on a critical hit). This damage are increases by 1d6 at level 4 and every 3 level of class beyond.

Dexterous Dodge (Ex). At 1st level, the disciple gain a dodge bonus to AC equal to his Dexterity modifier. She loses this ability if she is immobilized, if she is wearing intermediate or heavy armor, or if she carry intermediate or heavy charge.

Trapfinding: At level 2, Disciples who choose the Path of the Devious Cat can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a DC higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical traps has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. They can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. A disciple who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.

Trap Sense (Ex): At 3rd level, the disciple gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise to +2 when the disciple reaches 11th level, and to +3 when she reaches 17th level.


Path of the Threatening Tiger[edit]

Bonus class skills: Bluff, Intimidate, Perform (Danse), and Sense Motive become class skills for a disciple who choose the Path of the Threatening Tiger.

Augmented Hit Dice Hit Dice of a Disciple who choose this path rise to d10.

Battle Roar (Su): At 1st level of the Path of the Threatening, the disciple learns to reproduce the powerful roar of the brave tiger, giving courage to his allies. When you roll your initiative, you can push a powerfull battle roar. This roar affects all allies to 60 ft around you, giving them a moral Bonus to Will and Attack equal to your Charisma modifier. This bonus remains 1 rounds per level of class.

Demoralizing Presence (Ex): At 2nd level, your Battle Roar ability become stronger, demoralizing the enemies who fight you. Your Battle Roar ability now affects all enemies to 60 ft around you, giving them a moral Penalty to Will and Attack equal to your Charisma modifier. This bonus remains 1 rounds per level of class.

Distract the Pack (Su): At 4th level, the disciple can attempt (as a standard action) to distract a group of creature within 10 ft of her. First, the disciple choose how she wants to distract them. She can intimidate them, feint them, or fascinate them, but the aim is the same. You can use these following technique only one time per encounter each.

Intimidate them: The disciple make an Intimidate check against a Will saving throw from creatures who see her and are within 10ft of her. Each creatures with less HD than the disciple and who fails the Will saving throw become Shaken for a number of rounds equal to the disciple's Charisma modifier.

Feint them: The disciple make a Bluff check against a Sense Motive check from creatures who see her and are within 10ft of her. Each creatures who fails the Sense Motive check become Flat-footed for 1 round against attack which come from their back, and cannot use a withdraw or a restricted withdraw action during their next round.

Fascinate them: The disciple make a Perform (Danse) check against a Will saving throw from creatures who see her and are within 10ft of her. Each creatures who fails the Will saving throw become Fascinated for a number of rounds equal to the disciple's Charisma modifier.

Lion's Roar (Su): At level 8, you can use a strandard action to release a devastating roar in front of you, as per the Lion's Roar Spell (but it is a supernatural ability here). You can use this ability only once par minute.

Comforting Presence (Ex): When she reaches level 12, the disciple becomes able to comfort his allies during a fight. All allies within 30 ft of the disciple gain +4 on saving throws against fear effects and against mind-affecting effects. This ability need a move action to be activated and lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the disciple's charisma modifier. This is a morale bonus and cannot stacks with other similar effects.

Reign of Terror (Su): At level 20, a disciple who choose the Path of the Threatening Tiger become a master of terror, acting as a deadly threat against anyone he meets in battle. When she uses her Battle Roar ability, she can use Reign of Terror instead. She can only use this ability once a day and is active for 1 minute. When this ability is active, the disciple surrounds herself with a dark and evil aura which inspires terror and anguish in the hearts of those who perceive it. Disciple's alignment temporarily changes to Loyal Evil, and all creatures (excluding allies) within 60 ft of her must make a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 Disciple's HD + Charisma modifier) or become Paralyzed by fear. Creatures without intelligence are not affected by this effect. In addition, each round, the first time the disciple makes a melee attack and inflicts damage to an opponent, she can try to make him die of fear as by the effect of the Phantasmal Killer spell .


Path of the Impassive Lion[edit]

Bonus class skills: Sense Motive and Swim become class skills for a disciple who choose the Path of the Impassive Lion.

Augmented Hit Dice Hit Dice of a Disciple who choose this path rise to d12.

Decreased Skill Points Skill points are decreased to (2 + Int) instead of (4 + Int).

Armor & Shield Proficiency: The Disciple who choose the Path of the Impassive Lion are proficient with light armor and shields (but are not proficient with Tower Shield).

Impassive Resilience (Ex): At 1st level, a disciple who chooses the Path of the Impassive Lion gains a Damage Reduction (X/-). X is equal to the disciple's Constitution modifier. In addition, the disciple is never flat-footed during the surprise round.

Impassive Armor (Ex): At the 2nd level, the mastery of the disciple makes her more resilient. She adds her Constitution modifier as a natural armor bonus to the AC, and keeps this bonus to AC against contact attacks. In addition, the disciple die when her HP reach 0 - his Constitution modifier.

Flourishing Life (Ex): When she reaches the 4rd level, the disciple becomes a well of vital energy. She gains 3 additional HP per level in this class. In addition, she gains a bonus of +2 against energy draining effects, fatigue, and exhaustion.

Resillient Transmutation (Su): At 5th level, each time you cast a Transmutation with a elemental descriptor (Acid, Cold, Ellectricity, Fire, Force, or Sonic), you can spend 3 Flux points to gain a Resistance to that descriptior for the duration of the Transmutation (1 round minimum), granting you a Resistance equal to twice the spell level of the Transmutation.

Provocative Gaze (Su): At 7th level, During your action, you can designate an opponent and force it to make a Will saving throw against the disciple's Sense Motive check. If the opponent fails his Will save, you automatically become the target of his attacks/spells, even if this is his disadvantage. He can retry a new Will saving throw each round. The opponent must be able to see the disciple to be affected by this ability. You can attempt a Provocative Gaze on a new opponent each round or focus your attention on a single creature.

Optimized Defense: At 9th level, she have learn to battle with a lot of precaution. When she fighting defensively, the penalty of attack become -2 (instead of -4). In addition, when she is in Total Defense action, she gains a bonus of +2 to reflex to avoid a spell, a spell-like ability, or a Supernatural ability.

Greater Impassive Resilience (Ex): At 10th level, the Damage Reduction reach twice the disciple's Constitution modifier. And the Disciple gain à Soft Ability Damage Reduction of 2 for Constitution only.

Riposte (Ex):At 13th level, the disciple's training trained her to shape the flow of energy to send it back to the attacker. Each time she receives damage from a melee attack, the disciple automatically returns the amount of damage equal to his Constitution modifier to his opponent. These damage are piercing damage and are affected by Damage Reduction. If the disciple are under the effect of a Transmutation, these damage count as magic for purpose of bypassing Damage Reduction.

Greater Flourishing Life (Ex): At 16th level, the Flourishing Life ability grant her more vital energy and protection. She gains 5 additional HP per level (instead of 3 HP per level) in this class and the bonus against energy draining effects, fatigue, and exhaustion rises to +4 (instead of +2). In addition, the disciple gains fast healing equal to his Constitution modifier. This Fast Healing ability is automatically activate only when the disciple's HP fall under 25% of his total HP, and each round the disciple must make a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + numbers of rounds past under the Fast Healing effect x2). If she fails the Will check, his Fast Healing is decreased by 1 (to reach a minimum of 0). This effect can be used only once per encounter, and is negated when your HP fall under 0.

Provocative Presence (Su): This ability is quite similar to Frightful Presence, but the Provocative Presence not provide fear, and creatures not become shaken or panicked. In the opposite, user of this ability cry insults, frown, growls, and adopt an aggressive stance to irritate creatures arround her, and to force them to attack with imprudence. The disciple use Provocative Presence as Movement action, and this ability last for 3 rounds. You cannot use Provocative gaze the you have used Provocative Presence the same round. All hostile creatures within 30 ft around you must make a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 disciple's HD + Charisma modifier). Creatures who fails this check, are irritate by the disciple and must attack her with melee attacks each round they are affected. Affected creatures gain a circumstance bonus of +2 to attack and damage, a penality of -2 to AC and reflexe, cannot fighting defensively, cannot use a total defense stance, cannot withdraw, and must use supernatural ability or offensive feat (such as Power Attack) at full power each time that is posible, and this, regardless of the level of the disciple, even if it is to their disadvantage. Creatures with no inteligence are not affected by this supernatural ability, and you can use this ability only once per minute.

Greater Riposte (Ex):At 20th level, the disciple's Riposte ability become stronger. Now, the returned damage of her Riposte ability rise to twice his Constitution modifier. In addition, these damage become aligned with her aligment. The count as chaotic, lawful, good, or evil for purpose of bypassing Damage Reductions.


Path of the Intuitive Serval[edit]

Bonus class skills: Heal, Sense Motive and Survival become class skills for a disciple who choose the Path of the Intuitive Serval.

Fearless Heart (Ex): At 1st level, the disciple learn to channel his internal energy to resist to fear. She gains a +2 bonus to Will saving throw against Fear effect.

Aura Transmutation (Sp): At 2nd level, the disciple emits an aura of protection when she casts a transmutation. When she casts a Transmutation, she can spend 5 Flux points to generate a personnal aura that grants her a bonus to all saving throw equal to the level of the Transmutation she have cast, and witch lasts as long as this transmutation is active. This bonus don't stack with other bonus to saving throws granted by magic effects (except if it is a morale bonus).

Sixth Sense (Ex): At 4th level, the disciple sharpens his senses and develops a sixth sense which becomes innate. She can add her Wisdom modifier as an intuition bonus to her AC, initiative, and reflexes.

Approach the Divine (Ex) At 5th level, the disciple breathes a prayer into his daily meditation. When she uses his Concentration skill check to determinate his daily Flux pool by the Meditation ability, she can add his Wisdom modifier (in addition to his Constitution modifier) to the Concentration skill check.

Will of the Forsaken (Ex) At level 8, the disciple is able to communicate with the spirits around her. By a standard action she can spend 5 Flux points to release an aura of 60 ft radius. She automatically knows the presence of all creatures within the aura, including invisible creatures, creatures hidden in shadows, and all those that are in coexistence planes such as the ethereal plane. As long as the aura is active, she can communicate by telepathy with any creature in the area of effect as by the effect of the Message spell at will. Also, she becomes immune to sneak attacks, and to flanking attacks. The aura remains active for a number of rounds equal to 5 + the disciple's wisdom modifier.

Mind to Mind (Su) At level 11, the disciple obtains the ability to infuse confusion into the minds of the creatures around her. As standard action, she can choose a number of creatures within 60 ft equal (or less) than her Wisdom modifier, and spend 2 Flux points per chosen creature. The disciple casts a pin of psychic energy from his mind to all chosen creatures and becoming them confused for two rounds. A Will saving throw can be make by the affected creatures (DC = 10 + 1/2 level of this class + Wisdom modifier), and negate all effects of this ability in case of success. Creatures with no intelligence, or with a score of 1 in intelligence, are immune to this effect.

Prodigious Disciple At level 14, the disciple is able to manage more effectively her firsts prodigious arts of transmutation. She can use Shared Transmutation and Linked Transmutation ability twice per encounter (instead of one per encounter).

Serinity of Mind At level 17, the disciple is able to manage more effectively her prodigious arts of transmutation. She can use Shared Transmutation ability trice per encounter (instead of two per encounter), and she can use Healing Transmutation ability twice per encounter (instead of two per encounter). Finally, the radius of effect of the Will of the Forsaken ability rises to 90 ft, and the cost rises to 9 Flux points.

Prodigious Chosen One At level 20, the disciple is able to manage more effectively her prodigious arts of transmutation. She can use Linked Transmutation ability trice per encounter (instead of two per encounter), and she can use Perfected Transmutation ability twice per encounter (instead of two per encounter). Finally, the radius of effect of the Mind to Mind ability rises to 90 ft, and the cost rises to 3 Flux points per chosen creature.


Path of the Sly Panther[edit]

Bonus class skills: Decipher Script, Open Lock, Search, and Use Magic Device become class skills for a disciple who choose the Path of the Sly Panther.

Decreased Hit Dice Hit Dice of a disciple who choose this path change to d6.

Increased Skill Points Skill points are decreased to (6 + Int) instead of (4 + Int).

Increased Movement Base movement is change to 40 ft.

Combat Expertise: At 1st level, the disciple learn a tactical defense, she gains Combat Expertise feat, as bonus feat.

Tactical Step (Ex): At 3rd level, the disciple learn to move quickly and safely in battle. After each attack she receive, she can move to a free adjacent square by a 5 ft-step. This move grant her a (not cumulative) bonus of +1 to AC against attacks of opportunity until the end of the round.

Improved Trip: At 6th level, the disciple gains Improved Trip as bonus feat.

Superior Expertise: At 8th level, she increases his tactical defense and gains Superior Expertise feat as bonus feat.

Sand Snare: At 10th level, due to her defensive training, the disciple gains the Sand Snare feat (See Sandstorm) as bonus feat.

Sand Wind (Sp): At 13th level, the disciple who choose the Path of the Sly Panther can use his knowledge of Transmutation to melt his magic to a sandstorm. As a standard action, she can spend 7 Flux points to conjure a sand wind around her as per the Haboob spell. But unlike Haboob, the effect is centered on her, and she can see through the sandstorm. However, all the other effects of the spell apply normally.

Improved Tactical Step (Ex): At 15th level, squares threatened by the disciple count as difficult terrain for his opponents. Creatures threatened by the disciple in these squares only receive half of their (possible) dodge bonus from the CA. In addition once per round, when a creature takes a 5-foot step in the area threatened by the disciple, the disciple can also take a 5-foot step.

Sandstorm (Sp): At 20th level, the disciple can conjure a real powerful sandstorm. As a standard action, she can spend 15 Flux points to conjure a sandstorm around her as per the Sandstorm spell.


Path of the Furious Cheetah[edit]

Bonus class skills: Bluff, Intimidate and Swim become class skills for a disciple who choose the Path of the Furious.

Augmented Hit Dice Hit Dice of a disciple who choose this path rise to d10.

Decreased Skill Points Skill points are decreased to (2 + Int) instead of (4 + Int).

Armor & Shield Proficiency: The Disciple who choose the Path of the Furious Cheetah are proficient with light armor (but are not proficient with shields).

Power Attack: At 1st level, the disciple gains Power Attack feat.

Weapon Focus: At 3rd level, due to her hard training she gains Weapon Focus feat for a weapon of her choice.

Breaker (Su): At 4th level, the disciple can attempt to break the shield or a weapon of a foe by striking with a powerful strength. When she attacks, she can choose to make a Sunder attempt against a shield or a weapon without provoking attacks of opportunity, and she substract a number from his attack as par the effect of Power Attack feat (minimum 1 and maximum equal to his BAB). Then the damage of this Sunder attempt equal the base damage of his weapon + twice her Strength modifier + twice the subtracted number from her attack. But in return, if she misses this attempt, her opponent can make an attack of opportunity against her. She can use this ability only once par minute.

Powerful Strength: At 6th level, the disciple who choose this path uses her weapons with a great strength. When she attacks with a melee weapon for which she has the Weapon Focus feat, the Strength's damage are increased to x1.5 (instead of x1) for a one-handed weapon, and to x2 (instead of x1.5) for a two-handed weapon.

Heavy Strike: At 9th level, when she uses a melee weapon for witch she has the Weapon Focus feat, the weapon's base damage increases as if the weapon were of a larger size category. This stack with effect of a special material or feat that grants a similar effect.

Stunning Strike: At 12th level, when she use the effect of Power Attack feat by decreasing 5 or more points in attack, she can deliver a stunning strike. To do this, she can decide to not add the damage due to the effect of Power Attack feat, and after the attack, the foe become stunned. The target can roll a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + Stength modifier + number of attack point decreased by the effect of Power Attack feat). In case of success, the foe is not Stunned. Once used, this ability cannot be used again before 1d4 rounds.

Strong as Nature and Magic: At 18th level, when she uses a melee weapon for witch she has the Weapon Focus feat, she can ignore an amount of natural armor to AC of the target equal to his Strength modifier. In addition, twice per encounter, as free action before delivering a melee attack, she can choose a casted transmutation on her and dispell it (the transmutation must be always active on her). All attacks she make this round automatically bypass an amout of DR equal to the level of the dispelled transmutation. She cannot dispell a transmutation casted since less than 1 round.


Ex-Disciple of the Cat Ear Clan[edit]

Betraying the clan is a bad idea. Clan members are not tender with traitors, condemning them to exile in hostile territories, or delivering them up as opponents of warlords or smugglers. In short, it is often a slow and painful death that awaits those who leave the clan. And although they retain their power and abilities, there is a good chance that the clan will make them the goal of a mission.

Epic Disciple of the Cat Ear Clan[edit]

Table: The Epic Disciple of the Cat Ear Clan

Hit Die: d<-Die size for Hit Die->

Level Special
21st Favorite Transmutation
24th Favorite Transmutation, Supernatural Art
27th Favorite Transmutation
28th Supernatural Art
30th Favorite Transmutation

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

<-existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-another existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-Lather, rinse...->

<-... repeat.->

Bonus Feats: The epic Disciple of the Cat Ear Clan gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic <-class name-> bonus feats) every <-# of levels-> levels after 20th.

Epic <-class name-> Bonus Feat List: <-list of bonus epic feats->.

Feat: <-1st-level feat selection->.

Bonus Feats: <-1st-level feat bonus feats due to class or sample race. Remove this section if this sample doesn't get any bonus feats at 1st level. ->.

Gear: <-Starting armor and other equipment outside of weapons.->.

Gold: <-Starting gold using this package.->.

Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorNeostar +
Identifier3.5e Class +
RatingUnrated +
SkillBalance +, Climb +, Concentration +, Diplomacy +, Gather Information +, Hide +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Profession +, Spot + and Tumble +
Skill Points4 +
TitleDisciple of the Cat Ear Clan +