Mechanical Prosthetic Arm (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 22nd November 2019
Status: Finished
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Mysterious Prosthetic Arm [General] You have an arm of mysterious origin, with plenty of trig hidden into it.Prerequisites: 1st Level Only or Knowledge (Engineering) 11 RanksBenefit: One of your arm is a prosthetic arm which is as agile and strong as your actual biological arm. However it possess many technological gadget which allow it to serve further purposes. When a character take this feat she choose two gadgets from the list below, at 5th level and each 5 levels thereafter she gain a new gadget she can install in her arm. After using a gadget she cannot use that gadget again for 5 rounds.

  • Firecracker: This gadget fire a firecracker with a range of 10 feet, counting as a projectile weapon. The firecracker detonate at the start of your next turn, making a loud noise and forcing any creatures adjacent to it to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + your Dexterity mod) or become blinded for 1 round.
  • Grappling Hook: As a Hookshot except it can be shot and retracted with the same standard action. At 5th level it can be shot and retracted as a move action, a swift action at 10th and immediate action at 15th. Can serve as a normal Grappling Hook at-will. Like a Hookshot it length and head may be enhanced or modified.
  • Iron Grip: As an immediate action, you cause the hand of the arm to become closed with great strength. This make the arm function as a Locked Gauntlet for 5 rounds, after which the grip release to normal.
  • Poison Gas: You may use this gadget to project a single dose of inhaled poison into a 30-ft. cone or a 60-ft. line, increasing the DC by 2. You must load the poison into the arm as a move action and release it as a standard action.
  • Smoke Bomb: This gadget function as the smoke bomb. If the user is a ninja, she gain this trick for free and it may be used as a gadget without expending ki.
  • Spring-Loaded Arm: You may use this gadget to draw or sheath a weapon as a free action.
  • Spring-Loaded Axe: As a swift action you are able to deploy a battleaxe from your arm and make a single attack with it. This attack ignore shield bonus to AC, and if it hit negate any shield bonus to AC for 1 round. This gadget count as a weapon and may be enhanced or modified as such.
  • Spring-Loaded Spear: As a swift action you are able to deploy a shortspear from your arm and make a single attack with it. The attack gain an extra +10 feet of reach, except it can still strike an adjacent opponent. If the attack hit a non-adjacent opponent of your size or smaller, you may have it be automatically dragged adjacent to you. This movement does not provoke an attack of opportunity and fail if no legal space is adjacent to you. This gadget count as a weapon and may be enhanced or modified as such.

If the arm is damaged or destroyed, it can be repaired over the course of 8 hours witha DC 20 Craft check. Special: A Mysterious Prosthetic Arm can and is usually used to replace a missing arm. If a character take this feat while having only a single arm from the result of an amputation, the Mysterious Prosthetic Arm replace the missing arm.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
Prerequisite1st Level Only or Knowledge (Engineering) 11 Ranks +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou gain a prosthetic arm which is as good as a normal arm, but possess multiple gadgets. +
TitleMechanical Prosthetic Arm +
TypeGeneral +