User talk:ProphetPX/Xal'Anim (3.5e Campaign Setting)

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Revision as of 15:21, 13 August 2019 by ProphetPX (talk | contribs) (Little update!)
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RatedFavor.png ProphetPX favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
i favor it because it is mine. lol So sue me! :)

I still have a long way to go!

Hello, Animal X!

This is the first-ever world publication DRAFT of my first-ever campaign setting for 3.5e Dungeons and Dragons: Xal'Anim (or, "Animal X" in anagram-speak). --ProphetPX 22:45, 22 May 2012 (UTC)

This setting looks extremely interesting. For the love of Gygax, please don't abandon it. -- 19:39, 21 April 2012 (UTC)
Really? I'd love to hear more of your input since i updated almost every page here just 2 days ago :) THANK YOU! :) BTW you have no user name here? Why not? --ProphetPX (talk) 12:35, 28 February 2017 (MST)


Thank you, everyone, for your great input! I am still tossing together ideas on how to make this work. This is why I took my idea here, to basically bounce it off of smarter players and get their independent insight from it. I will definitely take your recommendations and suggestions into consideration and I APPRECIATE your kind feedback! ProphetPX 19:37, 24 April 2012 (UTC)

Some formatting feedback - rather than doing your expansion on the ToC page, you might want to start creating the subpages and using your expansion thoughts to get a framework together. Right now your ToC is getting a bit cluttered, and if you keep adding things here instead of on more detailed pages it will get harder to parse. - Tarkisflux Talk 04:59, 26 April 2012 (UTC)
I was actually getting to that last night. For now I am just filling in all the blanks and when they get too large (as it is now), I have started to move things to their own pages (click some of them and you can tell this is so). Thanks. --ProphetPX 12:32, 26 April 2012 (UTC)

Oh Good, More Humanoids[edit]

I think WotC's made at least 50 races of humanoid form, and there are probably at least 50 on this site too. If you're really going to make 30 more, at least read this Race variant rule and make races with its guidelines in mind, rather than simply using some flawed and not particularly interesting formula to convert animals into humanoids. You should also reconsider your stereotypes for the Ziryn'thrysis, Al-Khur'thrask, Dazi'gragio, and Zenta'firr, because those are stereotypes people who are about to commit genocide use. There's really no point in letting a "criminal" into your country if you can help it, and the cost-benefit analysis in telling a "spy" anything of value goes heavily towards the cost side. --Foxwarrior 20:56, 21 April 2012 (UTC)

I have definitely not wanted to "re-create the wheel" so to speak, so to make things easier for myself (and to adopt already-recognized standards, races, and systems, making it easier on the community and DM's in general) I had already planned to just graft-in already-created anthropomorphic / humanoid races as it was. Anything that I cannot find that was already created (something I could not already moderate or modify) then I would just create something fresh from the system and rules inside 3.5e's Savage Species book, and/or Paizo Pathfinder Advanced Race Guide (which in the case of the latter, their rules are already free and published on the web, right as of this minute).
I COULD HAVE created non-humanoidal races but honestly I do not have the slightest clue (beyond my brief stint playing a Thri-Kreen) on how the dynamics of that sort of game-play would work. Honestly I am just here to let my creative juices flow and see how it comes out.
Thank you for your input. I am going to look into that. The names I have chosen for my races are really just partial-anagrams and unique names from the get-go, for races that (I hope) have already been created by someone else that I can just rename within a cultural name-space of sorts, purely for the sake of my own world. And I am still not sure whether or not to make the base/core humanoid races as being "the hunted" yet. And yes, I realize my stereotypes are a bit obtuse and lop-sided, if not incomplete, so I had already been conscious of revising them just was too tired to do anymore work as of the night this was last updated. --RDH ProphetPX 19:46, 24 April 2012 (UTC)

Another Cool Race[edit]

You might wanna check out the sergals to add to your setting, I think they would fit very well, and there are lots of pictures of them.

Thanks! They do look interesting ... somewhat like chimera-horses with SLA's? --ProphetPX 20:12, 28 April 2012 (UTC)

Setting now sandboxed?![edit]

Is that what happened? I checked my google mail today to find out that my work had been deleted? but yet ... here it is? Is this where it is now "sandboxed"? I was worried it had been DELETED... erk! I am sorry I haven't been active on it for 6+ months... My life has been out-of-focus with anything gaming lately... --ProphetPX (talk) 21:43, 6 November 2012 (UTC)

The thing is, we try to make sure everything easily navigated to is done enough to be enjoyed properly. Please feel free to work on it more in your sandbox, yes? --Foxwarrior (talk) 22:24, 6 November 2012 (UTC)
Sorry about the scare. I'd guess that the page move was seen as a deletion, though it probably shouldn't have been. Like you originally thought, we won't delete work without a request (generally, there are some exceptions). But we will move it out of main nav if it's incomplete and not being actively worked on for a while. We don't want the main nav to fill up with incomplete and un-maintained bits, as that makes it harder for people to find useful stuff.
Anyway, you're welcome to work on it more here when you get your focus back, and we can move it back when it's ready. - Tarkisflux Talk 22:29, 6 November 2012 (UTC)
Thank you for clarifying! I am mostly thankful that it all seems to be here (thus far?) and that it was not truly deleted, as I did not have a backup copy and I guess I was foolishly relying on my work to remain here... I was scared! lol I should have had a backup but as I said, I've been too busy with other things. I hope all of my work is here. Thanks for understanding and I am sorry i did not keep up with it. --ProphetPX (talk) 02:09, 7 November 2012 (UTC)
If anything is missing, we can always restore it. Just let me know if you need assistance with it. - Tarkisflux Talk 02:46, 7 November 2012 (UTC)

Little update![edit]

Fleshed some more details out today, after a many-years hiatus. Please forgive me? More will come soon. This space was definitely never wasted and I appreciate this website hosting it! :)

--ProphetPX (talk) 16:17, 25 February 2017 (MST)

Some minor updates -- Sometimes I DO still work on this stuff. Just need to be more creative, these days, I guess.

--ProphetPX (talk) 09:21, 13 August 2019 (MDT)