Combatant (3.5e Class)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
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Intended as a redone Fighter class, the combatant is a master of combat, not limited to simply "hit it again". 20 1 Good

Poor Other Other


The unsung heroes and rank and file soldiers protect the land with sword and shield, bows and armor. Warriors may be the mooks among them, and mere fighters skilled but limited, but the combatants are the best of the best. Trained in the art of war, they use everything to their advantage to gain the upper hand and bring the opponent to their knees.

Making a Combatant[edit]

Abilities: As a melee focused class, Strength is important for damage and fighting alike, as well as Constitution to survive the counterattacks of anyone not disabled by your blows. Dexterity helps compliment armor in defending you, and a strong Wisdom can cover your weak save. Charisma and Intelligence has a more situational use in skills, mainly focused on intimidation and mobility.

Races: Any.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 5d×10 gp (125 gp).

Starting Age: As fighter.

Table: The Combatant

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +2 +0 Combat Power, Exotic Training, Least Combat Trick, Martial Skill, Weapon Aptitude
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Armor Mobility 1, Bonus Feat, Extraordinary Forger
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Extraordinary Armor Master +1, Extraordinary Weapon Master +1
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Die Harder
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Armor Mobility 2, Extraordinary Forger, Lesser Combat Trick
6th +6 +5 +5 +2 Bonus Feat, Extraordinary Armor Master +2, Extraordinary Weapon Master +2
7th +7 +5 +5 +2 Body of Stone, Mettle
8th +8 +6 +6 +2 Armor Mobility 3, Tough It Out
9th +9 +6 +6 +3 Extraordinary Armor Master +3, Extraordinary Weapon Master +3
10th +10 +7 +7 +3 Bonus Feat, Feat Retraining
11th +11 +7 +7 +3 Greater Combat Trick, Lossless Attacking
12th +12 +8 +8 +4 Extraordinary Armor Master +4, Extraordinary Weapon Master +4
13th +13 +8 +8 +4 Second Wind
14th +14 +9 +9 +4 Body of Iron, Bonus Feat
15th +15 +9 +9 +5 Extraordinary Armor Master +5, Extraordinary Weapon Master +5
16th +16 +10 +10 +5 Improved Tough It Out
17th +17 +10 +10 +5 Superior Combat Trick
18th +18 +11 +11 +6 Bonus Feat, Extraordinary Armor Master +6, Extraordinary Weapon Master +6
19th +19 +11 +11 +6 The Legend Never Dies
20th +20 +12 +12 +6 God of War

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Listen (Wis), Martial Lore (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Combatant.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A combatant is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields).

Combat Power (Ex): If there's one thing a combatant does better than others, it's fighting. They can pull out that extra bit of damage out of any weapon they wield. Combatants add 1d6 per class level to damage with melee and ranged weapons, but only once per round regardless of the number of attacks.

Exotic Training: A smart warrior knows how to use even the most complex weapon. The combatant gains weapon or armor proficiency in a number of weapons up to his Intelligence bonus (if any). Since he is already proficient in most weapons and armor, this primarily applies to exotic weapons and armors.

Least Combat Trick: The typical warrior only knows how to hit things with his sword, and that's it, but a real combatant knows that one must pull out all the stops when fighting the enemy. Combat Tricks offer new attack options, at the cost of reducing the damage from their Combat Power ability. On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number of combat power dice you would be allotted and instead gain the benefit of one of the combat tricks listed below. This number is specified with each combat trick and may not exceed the dice you would be granted. Any non-instantaneous effect of the combat trick applies until your next turn.

The at 1st level the combatant only has access to least combat powers, as listed below. You can add one combat trick a round. The saving throw for any combat trick is 10 + 1/2 BAB + any one ability modifier applied to the attack roll.

Bash (Ex): The combatant can smack their opponent with the butt of their sword or another part not intended as the business end of their weapon. This changes the weapon damage as appropriate (typically to bludgeoning). This reduces Combat Power damage by 1 die. This synergizes well with shield use; if you have the Improved Shield Bash feat you may make a shield bash as a swift action.

Close Quarters Combat (Ex): Sometimes you need to get down and dirty with your opponent. You can attack with your unarmed strike as if you has the Improved Unarmed Strike feat. This reduces Combat Power damage by 1 die. If you have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, you instead gain unarmed strike damage of a monk of a level equal to your BAB.

Defensive Combat (Ex): The best offense is a good defense. You gain the benefits of the Combat Expertise feat. This reduces Combat Power damage by 1 die. If you have the Combat Expertise feat, you instead gain the Superior Expertise feat regardless if you qualify.

Offensive Combat (Ex): The best offense is still offense. You gain the benefits of the Power Attack feat. This reduces Combat Power damage by 1 die. If you have the Power Attack feat, you can power attack with Light weapons as if they were one-handed, or one-handed weapons as if they were two-handed.

Rush (Ex): The best offense is a tactical advantage. You gain the benefits of the Improved Bull Rush feat, though you do not gain the +4 bonus on bull rushes. This reduces Combat Power damage by 1 die. If you have the Improved Bull Rush feat, you are no longer limited in size what you can bull rush.

Steel Buster (Ex): The best offense is taking away the enemy's offense. You gain the benefits of the Improved Sunder feat, though you do not gain the +4 bonus on attack rolls. This reduces Combat Power damage by 1 die. If you have the Improved Sunder feat, items you sunder can be repaired with their magical properties intact through normal, mundane crafting and other methods of mending.

Trampling Charge (Ex): The best offense is... ah screw it, JUST KNOCK THEM ALL DOWN! You gain the benefits of the Improved Overrun feat, though you do not gain the +4 bonus on Strength checks. This reduces Combat Power damage by 1 die. If you have the Improved Overrun feat, you gain the power to trample which deals your unarmed damage plus full Strength to all overrun targets.

You qualify as possessing the Combat Expertise, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Improved Unarmed Strike, and Power Attack feats for the purpose of pre-requisites.

Martial Skill: Combatants work well with martial initiators. They count their full class level for determining their martial initiator level in the event that they gain martial maneuvers. In addition if they gain the Martial StudyToB feat or any other feat which grants them limited maneuver use, they obtain the Martial Expertise feat.

The combatant counts as levels of fighter, for the purpose of pre-requisites.

Weapon Aptitude (Ex): You have the flexibility to adjust your weapon training. Each morning, you can spend 1 hour in weapon practice to change the designated weapon for any feat you have that applies only to a single weapon (such as Weapon Focus). You must have the newly designated weapon available during your practice session to make this change. For example, if you wish to change the designated weapon for your Weapon Focus feat from greatsword to longsword, you must have a longsword available to practice with during your practice session.

You can adjust any number of your feats in this way, and you don't have to adjust them all in the same way. However, you can't change the weapon choices in such a way that you no longer meet the prerequisite for some other feat you possess. For instance, if you have both Weapon Focus (longsword) and Weapon Specialization (longsword), you can't change the designated weapon for Weapon Focus unless you also change the weapon for Weapon Specialization in the same way.

If you have weapon aptitude from another class or feat (such as from warbladeToB levels, you may instead apply your weapon specific feats to all weapons you are proficient in, without a need to train with the weapon for an hour.

Bonus Feat: At 2nd level and every four levels beyond (6th, 10th, 14th, etc.), a combatant gets a bonus combat-oriented feat. These bonus feats must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats. A combatant must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.

Armor Mobility (Ex): Combatants aren't fools, they know not to walk into battle without wearing some kind of protection. At 2nd level a combatant learns how to use medium armor to his advantage. He can move full speed in medium armor and tumble in it, and he reduces the armor check penalty by 1/2 his class level, while raising the maximum Dex bonus by 1/2 his class level. This benefit also applies to shields.

At 5th level, these benefits now apply to heavy armor as well, as well as tower shields.

At 8th level, they become so mobile that they can use a combination of their movement and their armor to parry attacks. They add their armor and shield bonuses to their touch AC.

Extraordinary Forger (Ex): At 2nd level, the combatant gains 1/2 his level to Craft checks to make any kind of armor, weapon, or shield.

At 5th level, he gains the Mundane Crafter for Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat, even if he doesn't qualify for it. If he already has this feat, his effective caster level for crafting increases by +4, and he is counted as knowing all spells for the purposes of crafting magic arms and armor only. After all, he can't rely on the court wizard to make his own gear.

Extraordinary Armor Master (Ex): At 3rd level and every three levels beyond (6th, 9th, 12th, etc), a combatant gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus to his armor as if it were enhanced by magic. However this is an extraordinary effect, a result of his expertise with whatever armor he wears. It does not stack with the enhancement bonus from other sources, though he can still benefit from the other effects of magic armor. If the combatant uses a shield, the bonus applies to the shield AC as well.

Extraordinary Weapon Master (Ex): At 3rd level and every three levels beyond (6th, 9th, 12th, etc), a combatant gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus to his weapons as if they were enhanced by magic. However this is an extraordinary effect, a result of his expertise with whatever weapon he wields. It does not stack with the enhancement bonus from other sources, though he can still benefit from the other effects of magic weapons.

Die Harder (Ex): A 4th level combatant is a difficult warrior to put down. He gains the effects of Endurance and Diehard, as well as a few other bonuses. He automatically stabilizes if dying, is immune to any form of bleeding damage, is immune to death by massive damage, and if reduced to –10 or greater hp he may make a Fortitude save equal to the damage exceeding –10. If successful, he is left at –9 and stable, though he is unconscious in spite of Diehard. If he fails, he dies as normal.

For example, a combatant with 3 hp takes 20 damage, placing him at –17. He must succeed on a DC 7 Fortitude save or die. On a successful save, he is at –9 hp and unconscious until he receives healing.

Lesser Combat Trick: At 5th level, the amount of combat tricks a combatant has access to expands as follows:

Achilles Heel (Ex): You damage their legs, preventing them from walking right. Make an attack and if you hit the opponent must make a Fortitude save or have their speed reduced in half, save negates. The slowing effect lasts for 1 round/level, and stacks with itself to a minimum of 5 feet a round. They only need save once per round, regardless of the number of hits. This reduces Combat Power damage by 5 dice.

Blinding Strike (Ex): You aim for the eyes, or use dirty tricks to throw dust in your opponent's face. Either way, you make an attack and if you hit the opponent must make a Fortitude save or be blinded, save negates. The blindness lasts for 1 round/level, or until the opponent makes a move action to negate the blindness. They only need save once per round, regardless of the number of hits. This reduces Combat Power damage by 5 dice.

Chokehold (Ex): Squeeze the life out of your enemy. You gain the benefits of the Improved Grapple feat, though you do not gain the +4 bonus on grapple checks. This reduces Combat Power damage by 3 dice. If you have the Improved Grapple feat, you are no longer limited by the size of things you can attempt to grapple.

Concussive Blow (Ex): Give them a bit of brain damage with a head strike. Make an attack and if you hit the opponent must make a Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round, save negates. They only need save once per round, regardless of the number of hits. This reduces Combat Power damage by 5 dice.

Deafening Blow (Ex): You clap your hands over your opponents ears or just knock them senseless. Either way, you make an attack and if you hit the opponent must make a Fortitude save or be deafened, save negates. The deafness lasts for 1 round/level. This reduces Combat Power damage by 3 dice.

Disarming Parry (Ex): Knock away the opponents weapons and leave them harmless. You gain the benefits of the Improved Disarm feat, though you do not gain the +4 bonus on disarm checks. This reduces Combat Power damage by 3 dice. If you have the Improved Disarm feat, you can grab the disarmed weapon as long as you have a free hand (even if your disarm attempt was not made with an unarmed strike).

Knockdown (Ex): Get your opponents off balance and lay them flat. You gain the benefits of the Improved Trip feat, though you do not gain the +4 bonus on tripping attempts. This reduces Combat Power damage by 5 dice. If you have the Improved Trip feat, you can even trip creatures that normally can't be tripped like snakes and oozes by rendering them effectively off balance.

Quickblade (Ex): You sneak in another strike when they aren't looking. You gain an extra attack at your full attack bonus this round (regardless if its a single or full attack). This does not stack with similar effects, such as with haste. This reduces Combat Power damage by 5 dice.

Whirling Blade (Ex): You are able to fight any number of attackers. You gain the benefits of the Whirlwind Attack feat. This reduces Combat Power damage by 5 dice. If you have the Whirlwind Attack feat, you can make a whirlwind attack as a standard action, and your whirlwind attack counts as an area effect for the purpose of interacting with swarms.

Wrist Breaker (Ex): You damage their hands, preventing them from wielding correctly. Make an attack and if you hit the opponent must make a Fortitude save or receive a -4 penalty to attack and damage and -8 penalty to any skills requiring the use of their hands, save negates. The penalties last for 1 round/level. They only need save once per round, regardless of the number of hits. This reduces Combat Power damage by 5 dice.

You qualify as possessing the Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, and Whirlwind Attack feats for the purpose of pre-requisites.

Body of Stone (Ex): A combatant must be tough, tough as stone! At 7th level a combatant gains light fortification, and immunity to the fatigued, shaken, sickened, staggered, and stunned conditions.

Mettle (Ex): At 7th level the combatant gains the mettle ability. If you are affected by a spell that would normally have a reduced effect on a successful Fortitude or Will saving throw, it instead has no effect at all upon you if you save successfully.

Tough It Out (Ex): An 8th level combatant can resist the effects of suffering longer than most. All harmful effects besides hit point loss which afflict the combatant are delayed by 1 round. For example, if a combatant fails a save against flesh to stone, he remains animate and able to act for 1 more round before turning to stone. If he does something to cure the harmful effect before 1 round is up, the effect ends as normal as it is cured. This does not apply to hit point damage or being knocked unconscious or killed as a result.

Feat Retraining: A 10th level combatant is not only a master of his own style, but given a short time, also a master of others. By training for 1 hour, a combatant can change out any fighter bonus feats he possesses into different fighter bonus feats, including fighter bonus feats he obtained via normal leveling or by other classes. He must still qualify for these new feats as normal.

Greater Combat Trick: At 11th level, the amount of combat tricks a combatant has access to expands as follows:

Blade Beam (Su): Unlike Link, you don't need to be at full health for this to work. You may make melee attacks at range, with a range dependent on how many dice of Combat Power you sacrifice. For each dice of Combat Power you sacrifice your effective reach increases by 5 feet for the rest of the round.

Blade of the Destructor (Ex): Your blows make things crumble before you. Creatures killed by your attacks are utterly destroyed as if his by disintegrate, and you can damage force effects as if it were disintegrate as well. In addition you ignore the hardness of objects. This reduces Combat Power damage by 9 dice.

Blowback (Ex): Air juggle your opponents! This functions like the combat trick rush, but you do not follow your opponent's movement and they can be projected in any direction, including up. They take falling damage based on how far they were moved, even if they hit an object or a wall in the path, and they fall prone where they land. This reduces Combat Power damage by 7 dice.

Fake Out (Ex): You make a purposeful near miss, and the opponent can clearly see you could have decapitated them if you wanted to. Make an attack and if you hit you deal no damage but the enemy must make a Will save become panicked and become flatfooted for 1 round. Even on a successful save, they are shaken for 1 round/level. This reduces Combat Power damage completely (since you deal no damage).

Painful Blow (Ex): You make an attack which is so painful they can't focus. Make an attack and if you hit the opponent must make a Fortitude save or become sickened. This effect lasts for 1 round/level. They only need save once per round, regardless of the number of hits. This reduces Combat Power damage by 7 dice.

Weavecutter (Su): Your attacks are super effective against magic users, and magic itself. Any attack you make against a spellcaster counts as lingering damage for the purpose of concentration checks made to cast spells. In addition until the beginning of your next turn, you can destroy magical effects which come your way. Any magic which targets you or whose line of effect passes over you provokes an attack of opportunity. Make an attack roll against 11 + the caster level of the effect. If you succeed, the effect is dispelled before it has any effect. This reduces Combat Power damage by 7 dice.

Lossless Attacking: A 11th level combatant is able to make many attacks, but he's even better at it than the other full BAB classes. Iterative attacks gained from BAB no longer gain a penalty greater than -5. Therefore, a combatant with 16 BAB has an attack roll of +16/+11/+11/+11 instead of +16/+11/+6/+1.

Second Wind (Ex): A combatant must finish the fight, no matter the cost. Once per day as an immediate action, the combatant can create the effect of a heal spell on themselves, fueled not by magic but their own willpower and hotblood. Their effective caster level is their effective fighter level, and the heal spell has no cap on caster level.

Body of Iron (Ex): A combatant must be tougher, touch as iron! At 14th level a combatant gains moderate fortification, and immunity to the death effects, energy drained, exhausted, frightened, nauseated, and panicked conditions.

Improved Tough It Out (Ex): At 16th level a combatant can delay the inevitable even further. Whenever a combatant is using Tough It Out to delay one or more effects, they can make a DC 25 Fortitude save on the round it would come into effect to delay it another round. Each additional round they delay it increases the DC by +5, and if they fail the delayed effects manifest immediately.

Superior Combat Trick: At 17th level, the amount of combat tricks a combatant has access to expands as follows:

Death, Certain Death (Ex): Off with their heads! As a full attack action, make a single attack against an opponent. They must make a Fortitude save or die, save negates (though it doesn't stop the weapon damage). However, if you miss the attack you are thrown off balance, and are left dazed for 1 round, so don't miss. This reduces Combat Power damage by 17 dice.

Flash Strike (Ex): One cut, many deaths. Your attacks in this round apply to all opponents within a 30 foot radius effect of you, going against their AC. This reduces Combat Power damage by 15 dice.

Wracked with Pain (Ex): You make an attack which is so painful they can't fight at all. Make an attack and if you hit the opponent must make a Fortitude save or become nauseated for 1d4 rounds. Even on a successful save, they are sickened for 1 round/level. They only need save once per round, regardless of the number of hits. This reduces Combat Power damage by 15 dice.

Wraithblade (Ex): None shall escape your blade. Your attacks in this round are touch attacks. This reduces Combat Power damage by all of your dice, regardless of amount.

The Legend Never Dies (Su): There's something supernatural about a 19th level combatant. They've achieved such successes that even reality knows they are legendary, and legends never die. If a combatant perishes, the armor or weapon they were wielding at the time becomes an artifact and their soul travels inside. It becomes an intelligent item with the mental ability scores and personality of the combatant and with telepathy and 60 foot vision and hearing, though it gains no other powers. The combatant can be revived by normal means, incurring no monetary or level loss as long as the artifact item is present. Alternatively, a willing creature (or a dominated one who has failed an Ego battle) can sacrifice themselves to the sword, transforming their body into the reborn combatant.

God of War: At 20th level, the combatant becomes a destroyer of battlefields. He ignores any and all damage reduction, energy resistance, and immunities with his attacks, being able to cut through adamantine with a copper butter knife, burn a fire elemental with his flaming sword, or stun an undead with one of his attacks.

Epic Combatant[edit]

Table: The Epic Combatant

Hit Die: d10

Level Special
21st Extraordinary Armor Master +7, Extraordinary Weapon Master +7
22nd Bonus Feat
24th Extraordinary Armor Master +8, Extraordinary Weapon Master +8
26th Bonus Feat
27th Extraordinary Armor Master +9, Extraordinary Weapon Master +9
30th Bonus Feat, Extraordinary Armor Master +10, Extraordinary Weapon Master +10

6 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Extraordinary Armor Master: Bonuses continue to grow for extraordinary armor master, still equaling 1/3rd your class level.

Extraordinary Weapon Master: Bonuses continue to grow for extraordinary armor master, still equaling 1/3rd your class level.

Bonus Feats : The epic combatant gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic combatant bonus feats or any fighter bonus feat) every 4 levels after 22th.

Epic Combatant Bonus Feat List: <-list of bonus epic feats->. In addition, they may choose from any fighter bonus feat.

Human Combatant Starting Package[edit]

Weapons: Longsword.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 7 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
Climb 4 Str -2
Craft (weapons) 4 Int
Intimidate 4 Cha
Jump 4 Str -2
Listen 4 Wis
Spot 4 Wis
Tumble 4 Dex -2

Feat: Weapon Focus (longsword).

Bonus Feats: Quick Draw

Gear: Chain Shirt.

Gold: 10 gp.

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a Combatant[edit]

Religion: The religious nature of combatant is as varied as its members. From those would would fancy themselves paladins to those who have no need for gods, combatants run the gambit.

Other Classes: Combatants are the masters of fighting. The sneaky sorts never want to fight them in a stand up fight. The casters may think themselves superior, but when facing a golem or other magic resistant foe they rely on the brute strength of a good sword. They are what fighters should be, and brothers to warblades and other competent warriors.

Combat: Get on the front lines and stab a sword in their face! But only the fighter, who can only do that and only that, you can shut the enemy down while you're at it!

Advancement: What works for fighters and other melee classes works for combatants. In particular, they synergize with initiators very well.

Combatants in the World[edit]

Think you can go blade to blade with me? You'd be dead in six seconds.
—Uthgerd the Unbroken, Human Combatant

Daily Life: Combatants can be of many persuasions, but most are members of the guard or military of the land. Not all remain in the arms services, some becoming freelance mercenaries or adventurers.

Notables: Charles Hampshire is the captain of the Gold Lion knights in Merkahbah. His bravery in the previous war has earned him many honors.

Organizations: As fighters, combatants usually can find organization within various military units around the world.

NPC Reactions: That guy? Oh yeah, he used to be a guard, but them he sundered an arrow with his knee.

Combatant Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge Local can research combatants to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge Local
DC Result
10 Combatants are masters of battle. They gain many combat tricks which duplicate feats and other effects.
15 Combatants seem to make any weapon they use into a thing of legend, and are able to come back from impossible odds.
20 The high level combatant can kill with a single blow or strike things impossible to touch with amazing skill. They're so legendary, even their equipment is special.
30 Those that reach this level of success can research specific combatants, their whereabouts, motives, recent activity, and other details.

Combatants in the Game[edit]

Adaptation: The combatant makes a find replacement for the fighter class. It is on the upper end of High though, so consider these lower level alternatives.

  • Combat Power gives 1d4 per level for a lower end High.
  • Combat Power gives 1 per level for the upper end of Moderate.

Sample Encounter: The captain of the enemy forces is known to be a powerful warrior. Can you defeat him in a head on fight?


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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5645 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorEiji-kun +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionGood +
Class AbilityOther +
Class Ability ProgressionOther +
Identifier3.5e Class +
Length20 +
Minimum Level1 +
Rated ByLeziad +
RatingRating Pending +
SkillBalance +, Climb +, Concentration +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Handle Animal +, Heal +, Hide +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Martial Lore +, Move Silently +, Profession +, Ride +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Spot +, Survival +, Swim +, Tumble + and Use Rope +
Skill Points6 +
SummaryIntended as a redone Fighter class, the combatant is a master of combat, not limited to simply "hit it again". +
TitleCombatant +
Will Save ProgressionPoor +