Unmaking (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 7th August 2018
Status: Finished
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Level: Ki Master 9, Patron Witch 8
Components: V, S
Casting time: Full-Round Action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Ray
Duration: 3 Rounds
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negate (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes

A terrible spell that upon casting fire a ray or crackling white and black energy, which upon striking utterly obliterate it target. If the ray hit, the struck creature take 50 point of typeless damage and must make a Fortitude save.

If the creature is reduced to 0 hit point or less or fail the Fortitude save it become Helpless for the duration of the spell, as it body and essence collapse into a black void. The creature appears to break off pieces by pieces as they were a reflection into a mirror, which then fall into a small singularity. The victim is fully conscious during that process, capable of speaking but not using any of it ability. As the spell end, the target is fully consumed by the void, killing and utterly obliterating all of it possessing excluding artifacts. A creature slain by Unmaking has it very soul erased, requiring a wish followed by a true resurrection spell to bring back from the dead.

Luckily for many would be victims, the process can be interrupted. As long as the duration of the spell has not elapsed, a limited wish, miracle or wish spell will end the spell prematurely and restore the creature whole, albeit at 1 hit point. Similarly a break enchantment or [[SRD:Dispel Magic|dispel magic]] spell can end it in an identical fashion, although it require an opposed caster level check to do so.

Unlike most Necromancy spell, Unmaking is fully capable of affecting objects and construct. If the ray hit terrain or an unattended it will unmake 10 ft./level of matter, if hit an attended object it is allowed a save as normal.

Focus: The shard of a broken mirror.

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Facts about "Unmaking (3.5e Spell)"
Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorLeziad +
ComponentV + and S +
Identifier3.5e Spell +
LevelKi Master 9 + and Patron Witch 8 +
RangeClose +
RatingUndiscussed +
SchoolNecromancy +
SummaryA spell that unmake a creature, utterly obliterating it without trace. +
TitleUnmaking +