User:Xandar/Complete Alchemy/Reagents Compendium
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Reagents are an integral portion of Alchemy, without them it's impossible to create any of the Potions, as all of their effects are derived from the Reagents in particular. The Reagents are laid out in such a way that you can easily determine their relevant information, including their prices, rarity, environment, and so forth.
Part of refining the format of the alchemy Rebuild and breaking it apart into multiple documents both for Ease of Access and for Ease of Editing. This chapter serves as an information reserve for all of the Reagents.
Reagent Rarity
Reagents come in four Tiers of Rarity, Common, Uncommon, Elusive, and Rare. Rarity determines how plentiful they are in their respective Environments, and subsequently sets a DC for finding them.
- Common Reagents can be spotted in large quantities, either spread out over a large area or in common groupings, becomes of this they can be easily discovered. The DC to discover Common Reagents is usually 15, and even someone unfamiliar with Alchemy and Herbs can usually identify them.
- Uncommon Reagents can be discovered relatively easily, not in the same Abundance as Common Reagents, whether spread out or grouped together. The DC for Uncommon Reagents is usually 20, those unfamiliar with Alchemy and Herbs can find them, but are usually more unfamiliar with them, picking them as curiosities typically.
- Elusive Reagents can be discovered with some effort, though occur in far less abundance than even Uncommon Reagents. The DC for Elusive Reagents is 25, meaning that the chances of an untrained eye spotting them is particularly low, though still possible. The Common Folk that discover and pluck these Reagents often do so believing them to be unique plants that they may never see again.
- Rare Reagents require a trained eye to discover, having a DC of 30 to Discover. These plants are almost never found by those without any training in Alchemy or Herbs.
The DC's referenced in these Rarities correspond to any of Three Skills that could be used to Discover them. Spot/Perception can be used, as can Survival (In the case of Herbalist Training), as well as the Alchemy Skill. I suggest using whichever is Highest, or most appropriate given the character.
Reagent Environments
Reagents grow and are Discovered in Different Locations and Environments, Gelu Crystals for example are endemic to colder regions, though can be found rarely in warmer climates so long as the temperature has dipped sufficiently. Similarly, Cavernous Shrooms are native to the underground, and while they can be grown in planters and controlled Environments, would not be found in forests, deserts, plains, and other open surface areas. Each Reagent has a Listed environment where it can be discovered, as well as a note about temperature requirements.
Reagent Harvesting
Harvesting Reagents is a Hit-and-Miss process, in both player and DM terms. Consider the frequency of Traffic in an area that you're searching, if its close to a civilization, chances are that the Reagent sources nearby have frequent visitors who harvest them as they become available. This lowers, and in some cases eliminates the chances that the Reagents of an area can be harvested at all. Areas such as this are referred to as High-Traffic areas.
If on a Trail or road of some sort between civilizations, reagents may have been harvested as someone passes along, situations like this only reliably result in Half as many reagents as could be found otherwise, these areas are known as Medium-Traffic areas.
Areas where the only trails that can be found are those created by wildlife are known as Low-Traffic areas, and have an abundance of Reagents, with minimal possibility of being discovered and harvested by others.
- High Traffic Areas have a number of properties to them, the previously mentioned chance for a Majority of the Reagents to have been harvested before you arrive is perhaps the most debilitating to your searches. The barren status of the area often makes it difficult to discover reagents that others may have missed, but those more keen of skill can still accomplish this. If you successfully make your Harvest check with a -10 Penalty to the task, you will successfully find reagents, though anywhere between 50-75% less as far as quantity goes, which is up to your DM.
- Medium Traffic Areas have similar properties, the Harvest check is instead done at a -5 Penalty, and the Penalty to Reagent quantity is only 25-50%, once again up to DM decision, making areas like this still viable to search in as opposed to being written off due to the visible traffic.
- Low Traffic Areas are different than the above areas in that no Penalties are instated for either Harvest checks, or Reagent quantity, as Low Traffic areas are meant to represent the unbroken wilderness.
Variables exist in this system, assuming that a Civilization has no Alchemists or Herbalists, High-Traffic areas could be just as untouched as Low-Traffic Areas. Situations like this call for the Penalty to Harvesting to be removed entirely, and for the Reagent Quantity to be diminished to 0-25% instead, as some reagents are still Discovered and picked. The Same Penalty could be included in a rudimentary form under the argument that Wildlife consumes the reagents, but this complicates it further than Necessary.
Alchemist and Herbalist Presence can also impact Medium and Low Traffic areas, if a moving convoy has an alchemist or two, Medium-Traffic areas could be more barren akin to High-Traffic areas, owing to the alchemists in the group gathering for their craft. Low-Traffic areas could have the same effect if a Hermit Alchemist frequents the area.
All of these variables are up to your DM, but the most important factor is the Quantity of Reagents harvested. Variables already exist to Diminish them, but what is the Standard Quantity that they're Harvested in? This is determined by Rarity, as listed below.
- Common Reagents can be found in Abundance. When searching and harvesting from an Area, Roll 2d6 and the result is the quantity you find.
- Uncommon Reagents can be found in decent quantities, roll 1d8 and the result is the quantity you find.
- Elusive reagents can be found in limited quantity, Roll 1d4 and the result is the quantity you find.
- Rare reagents can be found in singular quantity exclusively, only granting a single reagent when discovered.
Harvesting from an area can be handled in a few ways, the first method listed here requires a player to be looking for a Specific Reagent, which allows for them to harvest from an area repeatedly while "Targeting" different Reagents each time until you've exhausted the area. The Second method is to simply roll a Spot/Perception, Alchemy, or Survival check (Whichever is deemed appropriate to the character) and compare the result to the DC of the Reagents in the area. Once this is done, reward the player with the reagents they've found accordingly, rolling for the quantity as well.
The time table for these methods of searching work in Hours, for each reagent that you find or search for, it takes One Hour of time searching and harvesting, making some searches day-long endeavors.
Reagents of course can be purchased from herbal shops and Apothecaries, hence the notes of the Reagent value. Each value section is marked as a range as opposed to a specific value, the lower end marks an appropriate per-sample cost for the reagents when they're either common to an area, or in surplus, while the higher end of it marks appropriate per-sample costs for reagents when not native to an area, or in low-stock and potentially high-demand.
Reagent Format
This section briefly covers the format that Reagents will be displayed in. Note, this is unlikely to remain the format, as there's probably a far superior method for laying it out somewhere on this wiki.
Name | Environment | Rarity | Value | Herbalism | Information | Property | Alchemy | Harvest DC | Toxicity Rating |
Straightforward, names the Reagent. | Temperature : Environment | Lists the Rarity of the Reagent | Lists the value of the reagent per-sample, shown as a range and based on the Rarity. | The effects contributed by a single sample of the reagent (if Applicable) when made into a poultice, or used on its own. Poultice is the term for a collection of different reagents made into a sort of bandage that is often packed against a wound, against the skin, or consumed for its effects, though also covers different forms. See the herbalism section in the first chapter for more information. | Complex and and based on the Reagent in question, gives information on it, including visual appearance and lore. | Defines the important effect of the reagent, and specifies if its a more generic one. This is key when Custom-Alchemy is in play, as it can be argued that a property can be put to different forms, though these require DM permission first. | Lists the use of a Reagent in alchemy, and the required quantity to achieve the effects specified. | Only relevant to a few Reagents, the harvest DC also varies on a case-by-case basis, determining a level of skill required to harvest a Reagent in a way that avoids injury or avoids ruining the reagent in question. | Only Relevant to Toxic Reagents, this number is used to determine the lethality of a Toxin created with said reagent. Works on a scale of 0-10. |
Reagent List
Omitted Temporarily until a better format can be figured out. There's quite a lot of Reagents that would be added here, and I'm mildly afraid that a sudden gargantuan article on the wiki is a no-no and I've not noticed a rule specifying. This is easily the largest part of the Revision as a whole, and still requires a bit of work as well before it will be 100% Complete.
Name | Environment | Rarity | Value | Herbalism | Information | Property | Alchemy | Harvest DC | Toxicity Rating |
Acrid Ivy | Temperate, Warm : Forest, Hill, Marsh, Mountain, Plain | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Samples of Acrid Ivy can be pressed against Masonry for at least one minutes to weaken the material, reducing its Hp by 1 Point. If used this way, it loses its Acidic quality and can’t be used again or in Alchemy. It can be packed against someone’s flesh to cause minor acid burns to them for a single round equal to half the quantity of Ivy samples. It otherwise has little use in Herbalism. | A well known mildly acidic Ivy common in Warm and Temperate climates. This Ivy is a well known nuisance, infamous for its ability to bore into and climb nearly any surface it climbs. The mild acid it produces wears away at the smooth surfaces, rendering them porous and rough, giving it a surface to cling to and grow along. | Acid | Contributes 1 Acid Damage/Round per 2 Samples | 12. If wearing Protective Equipment, no check is required, though reduce the HP of the gloves by 1 per Harvested Sample. If Fail without protective gear, take 1d3 points of Acid Damage per 3 points below 12. | N/A |
Acricia Shoots | Temperate, Warm : Forest | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Samples of Acricia Shoots are hardly useful on their own, packing them close to your provisions can help ward off scavengers that would seek to eat them, though if slipped into foods can be utilized normally as a Nauseating agent. In Poultices, the nauseating smell or Taste must be overcome with a successful Fortitude Save, but it provides an effective deterrent against animals. Whether or not it works against Magical Beasts is debateable. ThisDeterrant lasts for approximately six hours regardless of the quantity consumed. | Acricia is very much like Bamboo in nature, though growing slower and in much thicker and taller stalks. The shoots it produces contain a murky sort of Juice that must be cooked out of them before they can be eaten with any safety. If this isn’t done, the juice of these shoots is rather disgusting to taste, leading some to challenge each other to eat as many as possible without vomiting. In their Raw Form they can be used to induce a state of artificial Food Poisoning, and the more a person imbibes, the worse the condition becomes. Initially consumers are put into a state akin to being Sickened, impeding their actions. Further consumption Nauseates the consumer, and should you be hearty enough to consume further still, disgust will effectively Daze you. | Poison: Nauseating | Contributes 1 round per sample. Up to 5 Samples Dazzles, 6-10 Samples Converts the Dazzled Status to Nauseated Status, 11-15 Dazes the consumer. If additional samples are used, 16-20 Adds 5 Rounds of Nauseated, and 21-25 adds 5 rounds of Dazzled. Status goes from Dazed to Dazzled as the Duration goes by, starting with the most severe condition and working backwards. | N/A | N/A |
Ashita Sap | Temperate, Cold : Forest, Hill, Marsh | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Exclusive to Toxic Poultices. Grants 1 Toxicity Damage to a Consumable Poultice, but the effects have the same 24 hour Delay as in Alchemy. | Ashita sap is a thick, sweet tasting but effective poison. When refined, Ashita Sap bears resemblance Jelly or Jam, but is notable for being bright turquoise. This Sap is borne from Ashita trees, which are near identical to Aspen Trees, though the patterns of white and black on their bark always have a distinctive arrangement allowing you to Identify them. Ashita Sap itself as a Poison is effective, though comes with its own Bizarre side effect. This Sap has a property to it that Delays the effects for quite some time, approximately one Day. This effect doesn’t Stack, but any Toxins combined with Ashita Sap will gain this Delay as well. | Poison : Health | Contributes Toxicity to Damage, Uniquely grants a 24 Hour Incubation Period to the Toxin. The Incubation Period does not grow per additional samples. | N/A | Rank 6 |
Assassin Vine | Temperate : Forest | Common | 20-50Gp | On its own, Assassin vine is very durable for a few days after its clipped, and can be used as a thick and strong rope. When treated and dried properly, it will remain in good condition and function as a Silk Rope of approximately 10 feet, though it feels much rougher. Generally only a single rope can be gained from Assassin Vines. In poultices, Assassin Vine grants no Toxicity Damage to an Applicant Poultice as it’s too weak in raw form. | Assassin Vines are semi-mobile plants that grab and crush sentient creatures, depositing their corpses near its roots, feeding itself as their bodies decay and become part of the soil they’ve taken roost in. When processed similarly to Sugarcane, the juices extracted from Assassin Vine can be Distilled into a rudimentary but functional Venom. Assassin vines also develop small grape-like fruits that can be made into a Valuable Wine. | Venom : Health | Damage contribution is covered by Toxicity. | N/A | Rank 2 |
Aurum Nectar | Temperate, Cold : Forest, Hill, Marsh, Mountain, Plain | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Aurum Nectar is used to preserve things that are coated with it. If a suitable enough amount of it is used, you can preserve small objects within it, letting it set, it becomes a sample of Nectar with small insects or Animals perfectly frozen within it. Things preserved in this manner must be kept away from warmth, else the Nectar will slowly soften and “Melt” away from the preserved item, and it must be prepared again, though any artistic value it had will likely have been lost. Aurum Nectar can be used in Poultices to hold the Poultice against a person, making it unlikely to fall off accidentally. | Aurum Nectar is a thick golden Liquid, appearing like molten gold, Aurum Nectar is in fact the sap of an otherwise unassuming tree, noted for its Golden Leaves and wood. This sap is difficult to harvest, as it is known for being unusually sticky, as well as being quite difficult to remove if it has been let to harden. The sap itself must be kept in liquid form, as if it hardens it’s practically useless for both Alchemy and Herbalism. If the sap hardens, it can be exposed to open flame (or at least an intense heat) to soften it, and eventually return it to a usable form. When processed Alchemically, the active property that renders it so sticky is harvested, and can be safely combined with heat inducing reagents without it compromising its adhesive qualities. | Adhesive | Aurum Nectar will grant a Potion created with it Two Effects, both of which are more useful towards Splash Potions. The adhesive quality is harvested for the potion that it is included in, making splash potions last on a splashed target. In addition, the splash area of a potion will be treated as Difficult Terrain as long as there is at least Three samples of the Nectar used in its creation. As a final benefit, while Potions can be scraped off of you (Deposited at your feet, or thrown onto someone within five feet) Aurum Nectar makes it difficult to do this, taking an additional full round action to accomplish this per three samples, water will halve the amount of turns required to remove the contents. | 20 | N/A |
Azran Ash | Any : Forest, Hill, Marsh | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Handfuls (About two Samples) of Azran Ash can be thrown into the air to create a Temporary Smokescreen. It is more powerful in Raw form like this, depending on how it’s used, if thrown into a specific spot, it grants a 10% Miss chance and lasts two rounds, if Thrown in an Arc, a 15 foot area (3 Adjacent squares) will have a 10% miss chance for a single round. The Ash has no true function in Poultices, but can be used similarly to its Alchemic form if combined with Toxic or curative reagents, impacting those in an area with the effects, though for an extremely short duration. The Miss chance granted by Raw Azran Ash can never exceed 20% when used like this as it doesn’t last long enough. Light Wind or Rain will immediately end this effect, wasting the use and ruining the samples. | Azran Ash is a specific type of Ash tree with a bluish hue to its bark. While very difficult to see without close scrutiny, Azran Ash trees have distinct properties when burned. Azran Ash Wood produces no smoke whatsoever, and leaves behind more ash than normal for the amount of wood burned. This leftover ash has a very distinctive royal-blue coloration to it, and seems to contain all of the “unused” smoke from the burning of the wood, as when it’s processed Alchemically, the concoctions that contain the ash emit a smoke-like vapor that gets more intense the more ash is used during creation. | Smoke | Every Two samples of Azran Ash will confer a Smoke-like Vapor to the splash area. The smoke emission will last as long as the duration of the Potion, but the quantity of Reagents determines how thick the smoke is. Two Samples confers a smoke that isn’t difficult to see through, but has a mirage-like impact on those who see it, giving those within the smoke a 10% Miss chance. Every Two additional Samples will increase this by 10% up to a maximum of 50%. This smoke production is equal to 1 5ft cube per round, in enclosed spaces this will spread to fill rooms quickly. The smoke created by this will dissipate in time, being completely gone in a number of rounds after the potion duration is over equal to 1/2 of the duration. 10 round duration for example, 5 rounds after the potion effect has ended the smoke will be completely gone. Much like Byssodica, Azran Ash can interact with other Reagents and allow the effects to be delivered via inhalation. Light wind and rain can impede the effects, but if either lets up before the duration is over, it will begin again. When you spread Damaging or Healing effects across the Smoke induced from Azran Ash, you split the effects as well. If its a Philter or Potion that only has a 5ft Square effect, the full effect is achieved by standing in it the entire time. Finally, if it has an Effect that takes hold for numerous rounds (Example, Regenerative Potions granting Fast Healing) the effect doesn’t run its course in them, they gain fast healing equal to the number so long as they’re within the smoke instead. | N/A | N/A |
Black Cohosh | Temperate, Warm : Forest | Common | 20-50Gp | In Poultices, Black Cohosh will stop Bleeding (-1 to -10 Hp) within Five Rounds. | Black Cohosh was used for many years as a Medicine, some claimed it had to be consumed, either by eating or brewing into a tea and drunk, but it's most useful when pulped and packed against a wound. Plentiful amounts of Black Cohosh can be reliably used to Stabilize a person near-death, but the quantity is often impractical to do this with. | Healing | Grants 3 Hp Recovery per Sample | N/A | N/A |
Black Lotus | Any : Any Except Aquatic | Rare - Extremely Rare, Treat Black Lotus as a sort of Treasure in itself. | Priceless. | Toxic Reagents are used in Toxic Poultices. Grants 2 Toxicity Damage to either consumable or Applicant poultices. | Black Lotus flowers are extremely rare mutations of the Lotus Flower. No one is sure what causes the Lotus Flower to darken as it grows, but once it does, the flower contains an incredibly virulent toxin. Unlike regular toxins, Black Lotus can only be made into either a Poison or a Venom, even when paired with Azran Ash it isn't converted to an inhaled form. | Toxin : Constitution | Damage Contribution is covered by Toxicity Rating, Damages constitution by 1 per included sample. Reduces the effectiveness of Antitoxins used against it by 1 step, no more than one time. An Antitoxin Elixir completely eliminates toxins, it would only result in an 80% reduction vs Black Lotus toxins. | N/A | Rank 10 |
Bleeding Heart | Warm, Temperate : Forest, Hill, Plains | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Toxic Reagents are used in Toxic Poultices. Grants 1 Damage to a Consumable Poultice. | Bleeding Heart bears resemblance to Ember Hearts, though where Ember Hearts Petals curl into the shape of a heart, Bleeding Heart is a solid pod-like mass that resembles a heart. This Heart-like mass is supported by an extraordinarily strong stem, something required by the plant else the Heart itself would droop to the ground. The Heart itself gradually fills with a smooth, slightly sticky, fruity smelling Scarlet Nectar. Once the Heart is full of this nectar, pressure begins to build inside, eventually bursting forth from the heart, causing it to split in random places and leak the nectar, giving it the appearance of a Bleeding Heart. These Hearts, or rather the nectar, is the valuable reagent, often harvested by cutting the Heart from the plant when it looks full to burst, as after it is cut, the heart serves as a built-in container for the nectar. | Poison : Health | Contributes Toxicity to Damage in a Poison | N/A | Rank 7 |
Bloodroot | Any : Forest, Hill, Marsh, Mountain, Plain | Elusive | 500-750Gp | In Poultices, Four samples of Bloodroot when in Consumable form will grant +1 to Strength Temporarily. | Bloodroot, aptly named for being the crimson root of an otherwise normal looking shrub, has been used as a form of performance enhancer for centuries. Popularized by orcs, chewing on the root releases a bitter juice that when swallowed was believed to strengthen the consumer. While it did indeed possess this effect, the intensity was far too minuscule to be as effective as the orcs claimed it to be, making it a bit of placebo effect as well. | Strength | Grants +1 Strength per 2 Samples of the Root | N/A | N/A |
Blue Whinnis | Temperate, Warm : Plain, Hill, Mountain | Elusive | 500-750Gp | In Poultices, Three samples of this Powder will contribute a single round of Unconsciousness when in consumable form. | Blue Whinnis is identifiable as a short scrub brush with coloration similar to a blue spruce tree, hence its name. The brush itself isn't the useful portion of it, instead being the root of the brush that is valuable. When dried and ground into a powder, this Poison can render the imbiber unconscious. | Sedative | Every sample of this powder contributes 1 round of Unconsciousness | N/A | N/A |
Byssodica | Any : Any | Common | 20-50Gp | Unlike in alchemy, in Herbalism Byssodica has no use, its effects aren't combined with other reagents properly when prepared as a Poultice. | Byssodica is a Lichen native to any and all environments, subsequently can be found anywhere in abundance. Sometimes thought to be a moss, this wispy wool-like Lichen is easy to spot in some environments, and quite difficult in others. Primarily growing upon rocks, occasional tufts of it can be observed drifting on air currents. | Resistance | When put in Equal Quantities with the Proper Reagent, it grants 1 Point of Resistance to the Property it's been paired with. Byssodica is considered a “Dominant” Reagent, and if included with Reagents like Ignus Flower, will override their properties up to an amount equal to the quantity of Byssodica included. | N/A | N/A |
Caecus Nettles | Any : Desert, Forest, Hill, Marsh, Mountain, Plain | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | In poultices, Caecus Nettles grant no toxicity damage to an applicant poison as it's too weak in raw form. | Caecus Nettles are little nettle plants with bright purple stalks, while painful to touch with bare hands, they cause discomfort at most rather than causing any damage to the person touching them. | Poison : Health | Contributes toxicity to damage. | N/A | Rank 3 |
Cavernous Shrooms | Any : Underground | Common | 20-50Gp | In Poultices, Cavernous Shrooms can be specially prepared to harness the Healing properties independent of the Toxic qualities, the Toxic qualities being too weak in raw form to be useful. In this form, it grants 3 Hp per sample, much like Elf Root. | Cavernous Shrooms were initially thought to grow in locations that were associated with magical Presence and Powers, this was discovered to be untrue when they were found growing among Darker Caverns in Mines that used no Magic as part of their production. As not many of the same Restorative Reagents grow underground, Cavernous Shrooms are often Cultivated by Alchemists underground as a source of Reagents for any Health-Related brews they may be commissioned to create. They gain their name both from the areas they’re typically found, as well as their spacious nature, the shrooms are rather large, but mostly hollow and nearly barren of any of their Toxic Spores. | Restorative and Toxic : Health | Can grant either 3 Health per sample, or its toxicity rating to toxins. | N/A | Rank 1 |
Charia | Any : Aquatic, Forest, Marsh | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Four samples of Charia when in consumable form will grant +1 to Charisma temporarily. | Charia is a Charisma Boosting Herb, the exact effects vary depending on the person who consumes it, it can treat speech impediments for a time, but its most common use is in Potions that make people’s speech more Eloquent. Those that drink Potions made with Charia find themselves far more capable in regards to speech, having an easier time coercing people to their views. Spellcasters such as Sorcerers find themselves capable of commanding greater magic for a short time, as it allows them to cast higher level spells with a shortly boosted casting score. | Charisma | Grants +1 to Charisma per 2 samples of Charia | N/A | N/A |
Chicory | Warm : Any except Aquatic | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Similar to Byssodica, Chicory serves no purposes in Poultices. | Chicory is a tough plant looking like a cross between Grass and Garlic stalks, the roots of which can be finely chopped or ground down into fine granules. These particulates can be used in Distillation to greatly improve the quality of the resulting materials. Because of this, it's a vital Reagent in more complicated Formulas to ensure that the quality of the Potion is as Potent as it’s intended to be. | Distillation | Chicory is a Necessary Reagent to ensure no errors depending on the Complexity of the Potion. Each Sample Reduces Error Margin by 5%. Chicory is sometimes recommended in Recipes, but is an otherwise Completely Optional. Chicory doesn’t extend the duration of Reagents it is used in, nor does it add to Craft DC. | N/A | N/A |
Cofus Powder | Any : Forest | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Handfuls (Approximately Two Samples) can be thrown into the air to create a short lasting Confusion-Inducing Cloud that lasts a single round. Throwing it in an Arc like Azran Ash disperses it too quickly. In poultices, Cofus powder tends to be detrimental, unless making a Poultice that confuses the consumer/user is the intent. | Cofus Powder is the result of Grinding up Cofus Nuts into a fine powder. Whilst it's not necessary to grind them up to be used Alchemically, it is if one is to use it as a confusion-inducing dust. The Cofus Nuts bear resemblance to Acorn sized Pine cones, having the same bump covered exterior, and the same cap-like shape on top. | Confusion | Two samples of Cofus Powder (or Two Cofus Nuts) contributes 1 round of Confusion to whatever it's added to. | N/A | N/A |
Cripple's Cane | Warm : Any except Aquatic - Found only in darker areas | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Four samples of Cripple's Cane when in consumable or applicant form will grant 1 Strength Damage. | Cripples Cane gains its name from two of its properties, its resemblance to a knobby crudely carved Cane, and its Strength sapping properties. It was a widely believed superstition that Cripples became such due to contact with this Fungus, driving people to burn any of it that they discovered for fear of becoming crippled themselves. Compounded with this, its requirements for Warm and Dark Environments to grow in makes it particularly Uncommon. | Toxin : Strength, Health | Grants -1 to Strength for every 2 Samples | N/A | Rank 2 |
Deathblade | Any : Any except Aquatic | Elusive - Common in Graveyards and Cemeteries | 500-750Gp | Four Samples of Deathblade when in consumable or applicant form will grant 1 Dexterity Damage. | Deathblade greatly resembles the tall grasses that can be found commonly in prairies and plains, though has a malicious tinge of Purple to its coloration. It's extremely uncommon in most places, but interestingly becomes quite common in Cemeteries and past battlefields. Due to its presence in locations such as these, it’s said to grow only in places ‘Thick with Death’ and granted Deathblade its foreboding name. Boiling the Deathblade, or at least exposing it to intense heat causes it to release a thin purple oil, removing the coloration from the plant itself. This Oil serves to be its key Poisonous property. | Toxin : Dexterity, Health | Grants -1 to Dexterity for every 2 samples. | N/A | Rank 2 |
Demon Thorn | Warm, Temperate : Marsh, Mountain | Rare | 1,500-3,000Gp | In poultices, Demon Thorn is used for toxic poultices, granting 2 toxicity damage per sample. | Demon Thorn is named such due to its vivid color palette and features, ranging from a fiery orange to a bloody scarlet, the plant has many thorns much like Roses, and spiky protrusions at the end of its branches. It is often described as Demonic or Hellish, and is thought to be an innately Evil plant. For that reason it was cut and burned wherever discovered for a number of years, making it quite rare, though some still persists in remote areas or wherever people may cultivate it. The thorns themselves are the valuable part to those looking to harvest this Toxic reagent. | Toxin : Health | Contributes Toxicity to Damage | N/A | Rank 8 |
Drovumperre | Any : Marsh | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Drovumperre serves no purpose in Herbalism, as the effect doesn't properly take hold on reagents its placed with. | Drovumperre is a bizarre plant, resembling a Lily with withered petals and thick, stiff stalks and downturned flowers. Within these flowers lies the Drovumperre berries, which greatly resemble blueberries if they were dried in the sun for several days. When combined with creations that had Healing Properties, it’ll often render them as Lethal as they once were Beneficial. | Inversion | Drovumperre can Invert the effects of reagents it is combined with, provided it is combined in equal quantities. If a Healing Potion is to be turned into a Poison with this, the Healing Reagents must be Matched entirely by Drovumperre berries to achieve the desired results, if it’s only halfway, the Potion is rendered Inert instead, and further Drovumperre Berries will have no effect. When added to Poisons, curiously nothing happens. Check below the table for a list of specific interactions Drovumperre has. | N/A | N/A |
Durus Thorns | Any : Any except Aquatic | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | The effects of Durus Thorns are all but useless in Herbalism as the effects are too random to be helpful. | Durus Plants resemble rosebushes if they'd been crossed with vines. Their stalks stand on their own, but tend to grow closely against nearby structures and plants, climbing them as they grow. The thorns of this plant are a soft grey as a stark contrast to the stalk's reddish-brown, and can be harvested with relative ease. It is thought that creatures with natural armor seek out and consume Durus Thorns in their younger years to augment their own protection, but no proof exists of this. Upon consumption, Durus Thorns result in patches of callous-like growths to appear randomly across the body, and while durable, their unpredictable growth placement proves unhelpful, and in rare instances, particularly inconvenient. | Armor | Grants +1 natural armor per 2 samples. | N/A | N/A |
Elfroot | Temperate, Warm : Forests | Common | 20-50Gp | Elfroot on its own can be chewed to grant a minor amount of healing, restoring 1hp per sample chewed upon. In Poultices this healing quantity is identical. | This Herb’s use was derived primarily from the Elves, hence the name given by other races. The root is rather stringy, but when pulled apart and boiled, its healing properties can be distilled from the resulting mix. Elf Root can be identified by the short bushy protrusion from the ground, resembling a wild carrot. | Healing | Grant 3 Health per sample when prepared alchemically | N/A | N/A |
Ember Hearts | Any : Forests, Plains, Hills | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Ember Hearts can be crushed to a rough powder and sprinkled into open wounds, causing them to heal and stop bleeding within seconds. In Poultices, Ember Hearts bolster your ability to heal from Lethal Damage, granting you the ability to recover from Lethal damage at a rate equal to recovery of Nonlethal damage, 1Hp per Character Level Per Hour, as opposed to 1Hp per Character Level over 8 hours of Rest. This effect lasts 24 Hours. | Ember Flowers are infrequent in Growth, often being found as Individuals out in the wild, a short but noticeable distance separates the flowers from one another. They bear astounding resemblance to a human heart, even seeming to “Beat” like one, presumably on very gentle breezes, though some speculate that the plant itself can move. Ember Hearts are found in the center of the Heart-Shaped flower, being small cherry-pit-like seeds. Each Ember Flower contains only a Single Ember Heart, and the hearts themselves are mildly warm to touch. | Regeneration | Grants 2 levels of Fast Healing per samples. In addition, for a number of days equal to the rounds of Duration the resulting potion has you gain the Herbalism effects. | N/A | N/A |
Fatuus Bark | Any : Marsh, Forest | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Four samples of Fatuus Bark when in consumable or applicant form will grant 1 Wisdom Damage. | Fatuus Trees can easily be mistaken for trees that have withered and died, lacking any form of leaves of Fruit, it’s uncertain how these trees spread due to this property. The Bark from them is easy to break free or cut off, leaving a particularly dark wooden interior. The Bark itself is the only valuable part for Alchemy however. | Toxin : Wisdom | Grants -1 to Wisdom per 2 samples as well as Toxicity Damage. | N/A | Rank 2 |
Fortis Stalk | Any : Any | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Four sampels of Fortis Stalk when in consumable or applicant form will grant 1 Constitution gain or damage, depending on the cuttings used. | Fortis Stalks bear an extraordinary resemblance to that of Rhubarb, and grow in a myriad of environments, perhaps to represent the Fortitude of the plant itself, and to hint towards the effects of the Stalk when properly harvested. The Youngest and Lightest Green Fortis Stalks are the ones harvested for Beneficial reasons, the Oldest Darkest Green Stalks are the dangerous ones that harm Constitution. It was noted by some Alchemists Observations that the Dual Nature of this Plant mimics mortal races, as earlier in their lives people typically are far more hearty than they are in their later years. | Constitution Gain, or Toxin : Constitution, Health | Grants +1/-1 to constitution per 2 samples, based on the cutting of the Stalks | N/A | Rank 2 |
Fortuna Salts | Any : Mountains, Underground | Rare | 1,500-3,000Gp | Fortuna Salts when consumed grant a very brief luck effect, grant +1 per sample to any roll made within the single round duration of the consumed salts or poultices. | Fortuna Salts are peculiar concentrations of minerals, showing up in Coconut sized deposits, often found most frequently entombed in hard stone, occasionally the surrounding stone will wear away and expose the contents. Fortuna Salts are a pale green and break apart into very fine granules. Accompanying them is a particularly aromatic spice-like scent, and they can improve the taste of a dish they’re added to several times over. In addition to these properties, the Salts do improve the Luck of the consumer, when added to Dishes the bonuses last up to a minute at most, often only about thirty-seconds. When either added to an Alchemic Compound, or just refined to be more pure, the effect instead lasts for several minutes at a time. This Luck Bonus could take any form you wish it to, rerolls, bonuses to rolls, etc. | Luck | Every salt used in a Potion grants you the following effects, for the duration of the potion whenever you roll a d20 you may roll two instead, with the second taking a Bonus to its roll equal to the number of salts in the Potion and no other bonuses, take the greater roll between the two. For example, a Three-Salt Potion gives you a d20+3 secondary roll, if you roll to attack something with a bonus of +5, you may roll this secondary die and take the greater of the two as an Attack Roll. | N/A | N/A |
Gelu Crystals | Cold : Any - As long as Ice and snow can form, Gelu Crystals form alongside them. | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Gelu Crystals can be used to cool materials they’re pressed against, this factor is of limited use, but enough exposure will eventually freeze liquids. A Single Crystal will eventually Freeze a 5 foot Cube of water over the course of roughly an hour, but the Crystal will be trapped in the center of the ice, and it must be broken apart to be retrieved. Unfortunately it bears no function in Poultices. | Gelu Crystals are often mistaken for ice, forming on incredibly cold surfaces and in deposits at most the size of acorns, usually among icicles. The crystals are always cold to the touch, never warming no matter their exposure. Humorously one of the first applications they were used for was to chill drinks. This application still exists when Inns and Taverns can afford them, or dare trust their patrons with them, as swallowing one under the impression that they are ice often upsets consumers due to the pain. | Ice | Grants 1 Ice Damage/Round per 2 samples | N/A | N/A |
Hydrian Stalk | Warm, Temperate : Forest, Hill, Plain | Rare | 1,500-3,000Gp | Exclusively used in Toxic Poultices, grants 2 Toxicity damage to Applicant Poultices. | Hydrian stalk is a distinctive plant, bearing some resemblance to the creature whose name it shares as its surface has a scaly texture. The Stalk itself also bears resemblance to a Hydra in that when its cut the plant will fork, and grow two stalks from the stump where it was cut, this also being preventable by burning the stump. While the Stalk is the valuable Portion of the plant for alchemic reasons, it must be cut in a precise way if one intends to harvest from it later. New stalks may be harvested with no worry, however the Forked Stalks from an imprecise cutting are more like a form of plant ‘Scar Tissue,’ and have little to no value alchemically. If Harvested properly, the Forking nature of the Stalk can be prevented, and a normal stalk will grow in its place, though slower than the Forked ones would have. | Venom : Health | Contributes Toxicity to damage. | 20, Special Harvest Rule: An exceedingly sharp blade must be used if you seek to harvest from the same sample of Hydrian Stalk. It can be twisted or snapped off, but the ragged stump will heal and fork, making that stalk useless for Alchemy. If cut precisely and cleanly however, it will regrow normally. | Rank 7 |
Id Moss | Any : Marsh, Forest, Aquatic - Requires very wet areas to grow. | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Exclusively used in Toxic Poultices, grants 1 Toxicity Damage to consumable poultices. | Id Moss is a greenish-brown Moss found in any place that a sufficient amount of water exists, Most Commonly found clinging to Rocks in Wet Caverns, Rivers and Waterfalls. Id Moss bears similarity to a Cactus, drawing in seemingly impossible quantities of water to sustain itself, if ever removed from the water sources its reserve lasts quite a bit of time. | Poison : Health | Damage contribution from Toxicity rating. | N/A | Rank 5 |
Ignus Flower | Warm : Any except Aquatic | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | The oil from an Ignus Flower can be used to easily ignite something splashed with it. The oil evaporates rather quickly, disappearing after only five rounds, so it can't be used to "Soak" anything. Ignus flower unfortunately has no use in Poultices. | Ignus Flowers are very moist to the touch, perhaps in contrast to their name and nature. This is directly because of the oil they secrete, which coats the petals quite thoroughly. When the flower is picked, it rather quickly re-absorbs the oil, and when it dries, the flower is quite bizarrely far more flammable than before. | Fire | Grants 1 Fire Damage/Round per 2 samples. | N/A | N/A |
Intae Leaf | Any : Plains | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Exclusively used in Toxic Poultices, grants 1 Toxicity damage to consumable poultices. | Intae leaf is characterized by its distinctive points on its leaves, as well as the distinct waxy feeling that the leaves have. Intae is harvested to be used as a Poison, though curiously was sought as a Tea many years ago, as a rumor had been spread that Intae could improve one’s health. Of course, as a poison, the Tea did the opposite, though those who drank enough of it eventually gained a resistance to it that led them to believe that they had actually gained the Health-boosting properties it was claimed to have. This rumor has largely died out, though in obscure locations it may still be in practice. | Poison : Health | Contributes Toxicity Rating to Damage. | N/A | Rank 3 |
Latis Fruit | Warm : Forests | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Consuming a single Fruit (Or at least the juices) is enough to Fatigue the consumer for a short time, consuming additional fruits will exhaust the consumer. This effect can manifest in poultices, but is difficult to find a use for. | Latis Fruit, while it tastes excellent, bears properties that fatigue and exhaust the consumer. Bearing some similarity to a cross between a pear and a Mango, Latis fruit is mostly exclusively to warmer regions, though if the conditions are met, it can be grown anywhere, should you have the dedication to cultivate a Tree for several years. | Fatigue/Exhaustion | Each one fruit added to a brew adds one round of Fatigue. Each additional Fruit upgrades the Fatigue to Exhaustion instead. Once the duration is up on Exhaustion, there is at least one round of Fatigue before the victim recovers fully. In short, if there are Two Latis Fruits used, you will gain One Round of Exhaustion, and one round of Fatigue. If Three are used, you'll gain one round of Exhaustion and two rounds of Fatigue. | N/A | N/A |
Lumina Mushroom | Any : Mountain, Underground | Common | 20-50Gp | Lumina Mushrooms can be mashed into a paste and smeared onto different surfaces, a common use is to coat the end of a branch in order to create a form of Torch that must be “Recharged” with sunlight exposure. They can be used in Poultices, but will only result in the poultice emitting light, which doesn’t serve much purpose. If ignited, the paste from these mushrooms will burn extraordinarily fast and emit a very bright light, though only bright enough to dazzle, until there’s enough Lumina Mushrooms used. | Lumina Mushrooms grow in Caverns that get some amount of sunlight, but not enough to grow anything else. This gives the Lumina Mushrooms the needed minute sun exposure to trigger their bioluminescent quality. Lumina Mushrooms glow a soft Blue after only a few seconds of sunlight exposure, and can retain this light for several hours per minute exposed to the sun. Some have taken to growing these mushrooms in small containers akin to lanterns for cheap reusable light sources. | Light | When processed Alchemically Lumina Mushrooms are typically exposed to light, allowing the light-emitting chemical to “charge.” A potion will typically Glow for an hour per Lumina shroom, when exposed to light for a few minutes. Tempus nuts can greatly extend the time that Light Emitting potions will glow for. If Sped up with Tempus Nuts instead, the brightness of a Potion will be intensified, but the duration will be shortened tremendously. Five Samples of Lumina Mushroom treated like this Dazzles a target exposed to the flash produced for three rounds. Ten samples will double the duration of the Dazzle Effect. Fifteen Samples will Blind a Target for a Single Round, leaving them Dazzled for Two More. Twenty Samples will Blind a Target for Two rounds, Dazzling them for Four more. Twenty Five samples Blinds for Three rounds, and Dazzles for six more. | N/A | N/A |
Nervoro Needles | Any : Desert | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Nervoro Needles have minor Paralyzing properties. The Potency on them is not strong enough to fully paralyze someone, however they can still be used offensively. In combat, provided no armor prevents access to the target, Nervoro Needles can be used to selectively deaden portions of the Victims body. They can be considered an Exotic or Improvised weapon, and require precision to use, but you can Deaden the Arms or Legs of a Target with them with some amount of ease. Paralysis of individual limbs like this lasts three rounds. In Applicant Poultices, this Paralysis effect applies to whatever portion of the body is Struck, allowing it to be more easily delivered than by pricking someone with a needle. Using them like this doesn’t allow for a save to resist the paralysis effect. | Nervoro Needles on their own are not strong enough to paralyze a target, but have been prized as a rudimentary form of Anesthesia, allowing those who suffer chronic pain some amount of relief, at the cost of being unable to feel or move their limb. Similar to a Cactus, Nervoro plants are covered in long strong needles filled with a Paralyzing chemical. The fragile needles blanket the surface of a Nervoro plant, making it quite difficult to Harvest without risk to oneself. Primitive Physicians benefit from these particularly, as it allows them to perform primitive Surgery without risking death from Shock in their patient. In a more mundane use, cultures and individuals who Tattoo others use these needles to apply tattoos painlessly, some use the Nervoro Needles to apply the Ink Directly instead. | Paralysis | Contributes 1 round of Paralysis per 3 needles, applying to full body rather than an individual limb. | 20 | N/A |
Nightshade | Temperate, Warm : Forest, Plains, Hill | Common | 20-50Gp | Contributes no Toxicity damage as it's too weak in raw form. | Nightshade is a common Flower containing moderate Toxic qualities. Its widespread and found in numerous locations, oddly common in Cemeteries, gardens, and sparsely throughout the wilderness. | Toxin : Health, Nauseating | Contributes its Toxicity to Damage, as well as 1 round of Nausea per 5 samples. | N/A | Rank 2 |
Nitharit | Any : Any | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Exclusively used in Toxic Poultices, contributes 1 Toxicity Damage to an applicant poultice. | Nitharit is a cousin species to Id Moss, native to opposite in environment, while Id Moss is more common Underground, Nitharit is rare underground, but grows in similarly Aquatic Environments. Much like its cousin species, Nitharit Absorbs water like a Cactus to sustain itself in the event of water access being taken from it. As another difference to its cousin, Nitharit when prepared properly isn’t a poison, instead serving as an effective Venom. | Venom : Health | Contributes Toxicity to damage. | N/A | Rank 6 |
Nyekian Hemataka | Temperate : Any | Rare | 1,500-3,000Gp | Exclusively useful to toxic poultices, grants 2 Toxicity Damage to either consumables or applicant poultices. | Nyekian Hemataka is a plant that originated from a small and remote island where it was practically an epidemic, having grown wild all over the island, it made it a Beacon to seafarers, Crimson Leaves blanketing the island. Those who stopped on the island took cuttings and dug up samples of the plant, bringing them to the mainland where they spread easily, though with some difficulty compared to their native island. While they don’t grow as quickly or abundantly anywhere but their island, they’re valued quite heavily by those who know of their toxic nature. Nyekian Hemataka is often better known as ‘Red Doom,’ as a reference to its distinctive red coloring, and its intensely toxic quality. | Toxin : Health | Contributes Toxicity to damage. | N/A | Rank 9 |
Phantasia Root | Any : Forests, Plains | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Phantasia Root Samples can be chewed to induce minor Hallucinations, usually small visions or quiet sounds. In Poultice form and brewed like Tea, the active chemicals in it are made into an effective Hallucinogenic drink, making significantly more potent hallucinations, potentially capable of confusing the imbiber over what’s real and what isn’t. Two samples contributes 1 round of Minor Hallucinations up to 8 rounds, Additional samples past 8 convert the Minor Hallucinations to Mild Hallucinations, Additional samples past 16 convert the Mild Hallucinations to Intense Hallucinations. | Phantasia root isn’t innately harmful, when chewed or consumed in general the Hallucinations aren’t ever potent enough to be a danger to the victim. The Tea-like brews that can be made from Phantasia Roots were used for a number of years in Shamanistic rituals, seen as a method of inducing a Spiritual Journey. Whilst this use involves consuming the Root, it can be processed into a Venom to coat weapons with as well. | Hallucinogen | If Conditions are Met, Contributes 1 round of Cowering condition to victim per sample up to 8 rounds, Additional samples past 8 convert 1 round of cowering to Frightened condition to victim per sample, Additional samples past 16 convert Frightened to Panicked condition to victim per sample. If in a Non-combat scenario, Phantasia root just induces Hallucinations in accordance to the quantity imbibed. DM’s are encouraged to get creative with this. | N/A | N/A |
Pondero Pollen | Temperate : Forests | Rare | 1,500-3,000Gp | Pondero Pollen is unfortunately too little in effect per sample to be useful in any quantity, making it useless in Herbalism. | Pondero Flowers are Highly Fragile Crystalline flowers that are very rarely among Forests. Each one forms in the shape of almost any given flower, meaning some could bear resemblance to Lilies, Roses, Tulips or any given flower in existence, and are quite easily distinguished from them by their obvious crystalline nature and their extreme fragility. Pondero Flowers require finesse to harvest the pollen from, else you risk shattering the flower outright, potentially scattering all of the pollen among the dirt below. While the pollen from these flowers renders something immune to magic for a time, the amount that can be gathered is far too minimal to be effective on a creature, hence their application in Alchemy. | Magic Reflection | Grants 1 Point of Spell Resistance per Sample, this version of Spell Resistance bears the qualities of the Tarrasque’s ‘Carapace’ Quality, so if a check is made against you to attempt to beat this Spell Resistance and fails, roll to see whether or not the effect rebounds on the caster. | 25 | N/A |
Puravil Seeds | Temperate : Forests | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Puravil Seeds can be imbibed individually to take advantage of the Seeds Purifying effects, each consumed seed Delays the impact of Toxins and Diseases in the consumer by a small amount, in Diseases, it halts the progression for a Day per seed consumed, in Toxins, it Delays the effects for a round. If you consume 3 seeds in a single round you're granted an additional save vs the effects, successful save will end the effect. This effect is no Different in Poultices. | Puravil Seeds are Crystal-like Transparent seeds harvested from the Pine-cone like growths on Puravil Trees. These seeds can be used to remove impurities from Potions that are tainted by undesirable Reagents, and react with Toxic components quite severely. Puravil seeds placed into a Toxic liquid will quite violently dissolve the seed, as though it were some form of Acid, this serves as an effective “tell” as to whether or not a drink is poisoned, or whether or not a mysterious substance you find is Toxic in general. Interestingly, when processed alchemically, if you then add toxic components, it will render the toxic properties inert, allowing you to remove the Toxic nature of certain reagents, this is used to repurpose the secondary qualities that some toxins have. | Purification | The disease and toxin hampering property is harvested for Panacea Potions and Antitoxins. Toxin Duration is reduced by 5% per Seed. 25 Seeds results in a Panacea Potion. Will Eliminate Toxicity of anything added to it, allowing for specifically harvestable secondary effects | N/A | N/A |
Quvacory | Any : Any - Uncommon in Extreme Heat and Cold, but always available to find. | Common | 20-50Gp | Quvacory, much like Chicory, holds no function in herbalism, only in Alchemy. | Quvacory seems to be a Reagent that can take numerous roles in Alchemy, so long as it's paired with Reagents from which it can derive its own uses. This power of it isn’t Universal, and it can seemingly only take the place of common and uncommon reagents, but can reduce the requisite Reagent Quantity by 25%, using Quvacory as a “Filler” Reagent. Quvacory itself is a small plant very much like Garlic in appearance, though more solid and smooth, as if they grew without a peel. | Variability | Can be used as Filler Reagent for up to 1/4 of the Required Reagents, exclusive to Common and Uncommon Reagents. This allows a person to craft a Fire Flask with 2 Fire Damage/Round with only 3 Ignus Flower, substituting the 4th flower with a sample of Quvacory. When using it to substitute for reagents, it must be paired with specific reagents to hold the place of, not granting its effects towards more than a single reagent at a time. | N/A | N/A |
Razorspine Thorns | Warm : Forests | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Razorspine needles on their own can be used as improvised weapons, as they are extraordinarily sharp, this use is primitive, but functional. Alchemically, Razorspine needles have few uses, being used to Augment damaging effects of different creations, it’s exclusive towards potions and poisons made with Hostile intent. | Razorspine trees resemble Pine trees, and at a first glance and touch are similar, with mildly pointed but not amazingly painful needles growing on its branches. Underneath these branches, the rough bark of a Pine tree is replaced with extremely smooth Thorn-shaped Scale-like patches of Bark, these are the Razorspine Thorns. What seeks to harm the tree has two layers of defense to skirt before they can get to the tree beneath it all. Razorspine thorns require a careful hand to gather without Injury, and remain sharp so long as they aren’t crushed or damaged in any way. | Damage | Grants +1 Damage/Round if combined with reagents that have Damage/Round properties, like Acrid Ivy, Gelu Crystal, Ignus Flowers, and Thunder Petal. +1 per Razorspine added, but it can never exceed the damage dealt by the original reagents. | 20 | N/A |
Roburus Juice | Any : Forests, Plains, Hills | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | The berries can be consumed to counteract the effects of Fatigue and Exhaustion, Five Berries must be consumed to counteract Fatigue or reduce Exhaustion to Fatigued. In poultices, this property operates the same. | Roburus Berries are similar to Raspberries, having a similar cluster-like formation, but also have small leaves protruding from between the berries themselves. The leaves have no benefit, but don’t impede in Alchemy, and as such are left rather than meticulously plucked from the berries. Roburus Juice when sufficiently concentrated or Alchemically processed, is capable of granting the Vigor that consumers typically describe. This effect can aid anyone who suffers Fatigue or Exhaustion. Whilst it’s less useful on its own, Roburus juice can be used in healing Potions to greater aid those who are battle worn. Often it's combined with Byssodica and Latis Fruit for a Potion that both Cures Fatigue and Exhaustion, as well as Preventing it for a short duration afterwards. | Fatigue/Exhaustion Recovery | Every 3 Samples of Roburus Juice grants one stage of recovery, 3 Samples curing Fatigue, and an additional 3 Samples Curing Exhaustion. | N/A | N/A |
Sanguinare Dust | Any : Underground, Mountains | Rare | 1,500-3,000Gp | On its own, Sanguinare dust is difficult to find a use for due to the sharp edges of the crystal being dangerous to handle bare handed. In Poultices, it has special function, as while it won’t cut you enough to deal damage, it can be combined with Toxic Applicant poultices and pressed into someone to cause wounds that will immediately begin taking in the venomous contents. | Sanguinare Dust on its own is rather dangerous to handle, similarly to Razorspine thorns, Sanguinare Dust is crushed Sanguinare Crystal, which if handled with bare hands is rather dangerous as they can flay one's fingers open on their extremely sharp edges rather easily, uses for them can be derived from there. Alchemically, Sanguinare crystal can be prepared in different ways depending on the desired effect from them, granting you a fluid that can slow and even stop bleeding in sufficient concentration, or one that accelerates bleeding several times over. | Blood | Can be used in two forms: Prevents Bleed Damage by 1 point per 2 Samples. (This property varies based on DM choice, a Potion made with 24 Sanguinare Dust can prevent up to 12 Points of Damage per Round if that is the form of Bleed Damage you use. Otherwise, it can prevent up to 12 points of Constitution Damage from any source that would be considered “Bleed” damage.) Contributes 1 Point of Bleed per 2 samples. (This varies between DM’s as well, my choice is that it results in a Bleedout effect, whereupon an enemy who has been affected by this takes any form of slashing or Piercing damage, and begins to lose health in a fashion similar to an Inverse Fast Healing. This could also be used as a Form of Constitution Damage, whereupon I would suggest that 12 Points of Constitution damage be the maximum it does over its duration. For a better explanation, see Attribute Damage in the Poisons section.) | N/A | N/A |
Sassone Leaf | Temperate : Plains, Forest | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Exclusively useful towards Toxic Poultices, grants 1 toxicity damage per sample. | Sassone Plants are Large Bushes with wide oval-shaped leaves, these leaves can be dried out carefully, resulting in a fairly thick pollen-like layer developing on the leaf, this pollen can be scraped off and worked Alchemically into a mild Poison. Sassone Bushes can be easily identified in any pest-ridden areas as vegetation eating pests know to avoid the Sassone bush. | Toxin : Health | Contributes Damage based on Toxicity. | N/A | Rank 4 |
Scinare Clover | Warm, Temperate : Forest, Plains | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Not very useful on its own, In Poultices, consumers of the Poultice can be impacted with the Fascination effect for a single round per two clovers included in the Poultice. As its Toxicity is not high enough in raw form, it is safe to consume in this manner. | Scinare Clovers are a special kind of clover that grows in the presence of Scinare crystals that have formed close to the surface. They’re characterized by a slightly shimmery crystalline layer that develops over the clover, sometimes rendering them hard enough that they can be broken when trodden underfoot rather than crushed down like typical plants. The Scinare crystals that these clovers grow near are often close enough to the surface that when rainwater, or water of any sort really, reaches them, it liquefies the crystal itself, and is absorbed through the roots of the Clovers. Strangely no other plant takes in the crystal properties of Scinare as these clovers do, instead filtering the particulates out and leaving crystalline deposits on their Roots instead. | Poison : Health, Fascination | One Scinare Clover is enough to grant Three rounds of Fascination, as well as its Toxicity Rating to Damage. | N/A | Rank 2 |
Sensus Leaves | Warm : Forests, Hills, Plains | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Four samples of Sensus Leaves when in consumable form will grant +1 Intelligence temporarily. | Sensus Leaves are a plant resembling Ferns, covered in a myriad of tiny leaves, the leaves have a small but distinctive Curl to them. These tiny leaves can rather easily be shredded off the plant, and contain the vital Intelligence Boosting property. How this is possible is unclear, but those who have consumed the raw plant and its resulting concoctions have described a curious tingling-headache for a short while, before being able to think more clearly for the duration of the Potion. It contributes a short amount of Intelligence boosting effects. | Intelligence | Contributes +1 Intelligence per 2 Samples of Sensus Leaves. | N/A | N/A |
Sidus Thistle | Temperate, Warm : Plains Hills | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Sidus Thistle in its raw form can be consumed to Recover Spell-Slots, however it takes several of them to do so, three Sidus Thistle per level of spell slot must be consumed for it to be effective at recovery like this, and can’t be used to recover slots higher than third level. Alchemically, Sidus Thistle can be concentrated enough to recover higher level spell slots. In Poultices, this property is unchanged. | Sidus Thistle is an intriguing plant, shining with little specks of golden light, because of this it is most easily found at night. It is said to grow in areas where great feats of magic have been wrought, but no proof of this exists. Its ability to recover magic is a boon to magic users, but the rarity of the Thistle makes it difficult to use in that regard. | Magic | Recovers 1 Spell Slot per 2 Sidus Thistle, this can be used to either regain numerous lower level slots, or Higher Level slots all the way to 9th level with at least 18 Sidus Thistle. | N/A | N/A |
Silvertongue's Tarnish | Temperate : Forest, Hill, Marsh, Mountain Plain | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Four Samples of Silvertongue's Tarnish when in consumable or applicant form will grant 1 Charisma Damage. Its Toxic properties are too weak to be used in raw form. | Silvertongue Tarnish is a distinctive plant, bearing resemblance to Tulips with Longer wider petals on the flower-like growth. The actual buds aren’t true flowers, actually being more like highly clustered Leaves. These Tulip-like growths have a faint silvery coating as if the petals were coated in a light dusting of Glitter. | Toxin : Charisma Damage, Health. | Contributes -1 to Charisma per 2 samples, as well as Toxicity Damage. | N/A | Rank 2 |
Sollertia | Any : Any, Damp and Wet environments especially, far less common where dry. | Elusive | 500-750Gp | In Poultices, Four samples of Sollertia when Consumable form will grant +1 to Dexterity Temporarily. | Sollertia is a wide-leaf fern-like plant that thrives in wet conditions, whether it be a more aquatic area, or just a wet region. Sollertia has long been harvested for its Dexterity impacting properties, some regions hail it as a joint-ache remedy. Elders of villages and tribes often sought it out to relieve their own pains because of this property, even if its effects were short lasting. | Dexterity | Grants +1 to Dexterity per Two Samples. | N/A | N/A |
Somnissum | Any : Desert, Hill, Marsh, Mountain | Elusive | 500-750Gp | In Applicant Poultices, Six Samples of Somnissum contribute a single round of being Stunned to the victim struck with it. This Effect takes until the next round to kick in. The Toxic properties are too weak in its raw form to be useful as a Toxic Poultice. | Somnissum is a waxy plant similar to a Cactus if it has no spines, instead replaced with hard blade-like ridges, when damaged in any way it gets particularly hard and difficult to grind to powder form, but that is a necessary step between harvesting Somnissum and putting it to use. Somnissum is thought to be a Relative to Nervoro due to its similar appearance, hazards, and properties. Both the Hardness of the damaged plant, and its ability to Stun those who get cut by it are theorized to be a protective measure of a sort, similar to a combination of both plants with barbs or other methods that Discourage consumption, as well as Poisonous plants whose poisonous property is what discourages creatures from consuming it. | Venom : Stunning | Contributes its Toxicity to damage. Every Three samples of Somnissum contribute a Single round of Stunned to the victim. | 15+ | Rank 1 |
Sophis Buds | Any : Forest, Plains | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Four samples of Sophis Buds when in Consumable form will grant +1 Charisma. | The Buds of a Sophis plant are small and soft, drying quite easily in the sun, and catch fire quite easily as well. Sophis has a distinctive scent that most describe as ‘Mystic’ and it reminds many of Incense. Sophis plants are short, bushy growths that are dark bluish green, and have small thread-thin ‘Streamers’ dangling off them that are easy to identify. | Wisdom | Contributes +1 to Wisdom for every 2 Sophis Buds included. | N/A | N/A |
Stringun | Any : Aquatic, Forest, Underground | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Too weak to contribute any damage to a Toxic Poultice, in Consumable or Applicant Poultices, Stringun grants a Dazzled-like condition to its victims for a Single Round per Two Samples used. | Stringun partly gets its name for its incredibly stringy appearance. Often appearing like a clump of Grass growing on rocks or cliff faces, Stringun is in fact a Moss that grows very long grass-like protrusions, rather than being flat “Blades” however, these protrusions are thick, tough, and more reminiscent of vines. Stringun is Mildly toxic in addition to its ability to induce an effect similar to being Dazzled. | Toxin : Health, Dazzled | Each sample of Stringun contributes its Toxicity to the Damage/Round, and a Single round of Dazzled Status per sample. | N/A | Rank 2 |
Striped Toadstool | Any : Any - Underground, Mountains, Forests especially | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Exclusive towards Toxic Poultices, Striped Toadstool grants 1 Toxicity Damage to Applicant Poultices. | Striped Toadstools Grow among other toadstools and mushrooms, most commonly found underground or in caves, but anywhere that Toadstools and mushrooms grow may result in the appearance of Striped Toadstools. | Venom : Health | Contributes Toxicity Based Damage. | N/A | Rank 5 |
Stultus Beans | Temperate, Cold : Forest | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Four samples of Stultus Beans when Consumable or Applicant form will grant 1 Intelligence Damage | Stultus Pods are quite similar to oversized Mesquite Pods, though with a rich Dark-Orange coloration to them. These Pods begin Pale Yellow, and as they ripen, darken to their Distinctive Dark-Orange color. The Stultus Trees themselves bear extreme resemblance towards Weeping Willow trees, though the leaves of the tree share the same coloration as the Pods, new leaves being a pale yellow, and fully grown leaves sharing the Dark-Orange color scheme. The Pods and Leaves grow in a similar time frame, making them a little difficult to pick out among the leaves, but the result is well worth it towards individuals who can use them. Every Pod always contains a precise number of Beans, and the total contents of a single pod are considered a single ‘Sample’ and the required amount for Alchemy. | Toxin : Intelligence | Grants -1 to Intelligence per 2 Samples | N/A | Rank 2 |
Surdin Cones | Temperate : Forest, Hill, Mountain | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Surdin cones serve no Herbalism use, being took weak in toxicity to contribute damage. | Surdis Cones are very oddly bright Orange, and have very tough smooth ridges on them, otherwise bearing similarity to Pine cones. Surdis Cones must be Ground finely to be used as a Reagent. The bright coloration that Surdin Cones are known for is thought to be similar to brightly colored Animals and other Toxic plants. | Poison : Health | Contributes Toxicity Damage per round. | N/A | Rank 3 |
Taggit Root | Any : Any | Common | 20-50Gp | Four samples of Taggit Root will render someone affected by them unconscious for a single round. | Taggit root is a very thin Stringy plant that contains far more liquid than you would imagine possible within its roots. The portions of the Root that stick above ground have little to no value, bearing extreme resemblance to common weeds. When the Taggit Root is damaged in any way, the liquid contained therein practically sprays outwards, and clever alchemists know to break them towards containers to avoid spilling the juice released. Taggit Root isn’t Lethal in any capacity, as the only effect it has is making the consumer fall unconscious. | Sedative | Render the Victim Unconscious for 1 Round per 3 samples. | N/A | N/A |
Tempus Nut | Temperate : Any, cannot be found in places too warm or cold for it. | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Tempus Nuts on their own have little value for different applications, one of the only things they can be used for is as a preservative, when ground up without being prepared specially, they can be sprinkled upon different foods and “Rubbed in” to slow the spoilage significantly, this may also be done with Poultices and Potions, adding 1 week to the lasting time per nut. | Tempus Nuts are an interesting Reagent, growing on “Trees” that never reach a height of more than a few inches and bearing a stunning resemblance to Acorns. Tempus Nuts are edible, but provide little to no nutrition. An interesting quality of the Tempus nuts is that they never seem to Decay no matter how long they’re left alone. This quality was used for a number of years by humans to preserve foods for years at a time, though their rarity has resulted in this falling out of practice by most. When used in Alchemy this quality isn’t quite as potent, Tempus Nuts typically have the impact of extending the duration of whatever it was mixed into, though when prepared correctly the opposite can occur, greatly speeding the process, and even empowering it by a small degree. | Time | Tempus Nuts can be prepared in Two ways; the first extends the duration of the Potion by 25 rounds, but weakening the effects of the Potion by 10% per 2 Tempus Nuts. Keep in mind that the rate at which Potions can be weakened and extended through this method Can total 100%, as the effects of Tempus Nuts are based on the Original Potion instead of being compounded, this applies even if it’s an infusion or concentration, effectively recalculating the Potion, then calculating Tempus Nuts, and then adding them back to the New results. It is inadvisable to go beyond 50% as the returns usually become less efficient because of that.
The Second method has the reverse effect of the first, shortening the duration by 25%, but empowering the effects by 10% per two samples. The purpose of this version is to speed the effects without impeding them overall. Round appropriately whenever determining the Duration (Up where appropriate, down where appropriate). This Method is typically only used Once or Twice, as the effects begin to diminish when the duration is shortened so severely. Like the Former method, this is based on the Potion as if it contained No Tempus nuts even if being used in an Infusion or Concentration. If Reduced to a 0 round Duration, the effects are severely weakened, but have a Bomb-like Concussive effect if damaging in nature. |
N/A | N/A |
Thunder Petal | Warm : Any - Special, grows in the presence of Storms. | Uncommon | 150-300Gp | Thunder Petal on its own has no distinctive uses, though has an extremely sour flavor. | Thunder Flowers grow especially well in regions that experience frequent rainfall, but even in regions where they aren’t common, frequent rainfall in an area can cause spontaneous growth of the Thunder Flowers. Thunder Flower has a very distinct appearance, appearing like a Snapdragon flowers but the petals are always a softly glowing neon-yellow. | Lightning | Contributes 1 Lightning Damage/Round per 2 samples. | N/A | N/A |
Torpor Lilac | Any : Any - More commonly Cultivated than found in the Wild. | Rare - Changes if Cultivated. | 1,500-3,000Gp | When in the presence of Torpor Lilacs for long enough (Ten Rounds), those exposed to them are subject to a will save to remain awake (DC = Rounds of Exposure), burning them makes this happen much faster the save occurring at 5 rounds instead and has a save DC of 2 per round of exposure instead. The Lilac burns for Five rounds on average. This property can be used in poultices, creating a Herbalist Sleep-Aid, allowing individuals to easily get to sleep, though if they’re disturbed they would wake as normal. | Torpor Lilacs gain their name due to their resemblance to Lilacs, having a pungent earthy aroma. It was discovered that those who cultivated Torpor Lilacs were known to grow lethargic over time, eventually lapsing into a sleep that could result in death if they aren’t taken from the range of the Torpor Lilac Aroma. This Sleep Inducing power is more useful when made into a Potion, and can be included in Poison Formulas. | Sedative | Contributes 1 Round of a Sleep Effect Per Sample. | N/A | N/A |
Zephyr Berry | Any : Any | Elusive | 500-750Gp | Zephyr berries are useless to Herbalism, as their effects are too weak to be harnessed by consuming the berries or adding them to poultices, though some claim to be capable of taking additional Swift or Immediate Actions because they’ve consumed a few. | Small Bunches of Zephyr Berries grow on the Zephyr Bush, which themselves grow in seemingly random locations as they have no native environment. Zephyr berries bear extreme resemblance to Juniper berries, including their hardness, though having a pale green color instead of blue. Zephyr Berries most common use is to brew a potion that allows the drinker to move faster than before for a time, but when combined with the right Reagents can result in a Potion that mimics the effects of Haste. | Speed | Capable of being prepared in different ways with different effects. One, Five Zephyr Berries collectively grant an Additional +10 Feet per round in Movement speed bonuses. Two, Five Zephyr Berries collectively grant an Additional Round of the Haste effect, and +5Ft per round in movement speed per 5 Berries. | N/A | N/A |
- Reagents that can be Inverted with Drovumperre:
- Aurum Nectar: Makes a Highly Slick Grease-like Substance that isn't remotely sticky, and makes things very difficult to grasp instead. When exposed to cold temperatures, it will harden again, but will melt even at room temperature. If slathered over a wall, it's near impossible to climb. If a floor is covered with it and a target walks upon it, DC 20 Reflex to maintain footing. If the Target Runs across it, DC 30 Reflex to maintain footing. If using Tome of Prowess use the appropriate DC Modifier rules in Athletics and Acrobatics when dealing with surfaces coated in Drovumperre augmented Aurum Nectar.
- Healing Reagents (Elfroot, Black Cohosh, Cavernous Shrooms, but not Ember Hearts): Their Effects are directly inverted, damaging as much as they would have previously healed.
- Byssodica: Creates a Vulnerability to the Energy Paired with Byssodica, Vulnerability to Energy Makes the victim take Half the energy based damage Up to the Vulnerability Number. (Example: Vulnerability to Fire 15, Target takes 50 Fire Damage from any source, target will then take an additional 15 Fire damage instead of 25 as per Normal Vulnerability rules. If they were to have a Vulnerability of 15 and only take 20 Fire damage however, they would take 50%, 10 Damage)
- Cofus Powder: Can be used to clear confusion from a person.
- Durus Thorns: Can soften Natural Armor in the consumer.
- Fortuna Salts: Inverts the luck effect to a bad-luck effect without the rerolls.
- Nervoro Needles: Will Cure Paralysis Effects.
- Phantasia Root: Will End Hallucination effects whose severity it matches.
- Pondero Pollen: Inverts Spell resistance, for the purposes of this effect, treat the spell as though it were of a Higher Caster Level than it really is. Take the Spell Resistance, Halve it, and use the resulting number for the purposes of calculating the higher Caster Level.
- Sidus Thistle: Will take away Daily spell slots from those who consume this combination.
- Taggit Root: Will Immediately wake someone from an Unconscious state.
- Torpor Lilac: Will wake someone from sleep, and prevent them from being put to sleep by any source for the duration it would have otherwise made them sleep for.
- Zephyr Berry: Will Slow Movement speed by Half for every five Zephyr Berries (Half, Quarter, Eighth, Sixteenth, etc) to a point where a person is unable to move (Determine when their movement speed is below Five feet) or Slow (As per the Spell) a target for the duration of the effect.