Frydai (3.5e Race)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 11-18-16
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Aliens walk among us in secret. Secret invaders from another land, they observe this world in human guise. But these alien beings are not horrifying tentacled beasts or infectious sentient diseases, but something much more insidious.

They're adorable tiny creatures.

The frydai may appear human on the outside, but these are merely suits containing the Frydai within. Frydai are small rodent like creatures resembling squirrels, hamsters, rabbits, or other rodents who possess an advanced biotechnology, allowing the construction of humanoid organic mecha that only appears to be human. Their motives are supposedly for observation, resource gathering, and science but it is not unheard of units to go rogue on the line of duty.


Frydai on their home worlds have just as much variety and uniqueness to them as humanity has, but for the pilots of their beast machines (the name given to the humanoid organic constructs) they are typically soldiers, scientists, and explorers sent with a specific purpose in mind. As a result those who witness frydais usually would describe them as lawfully inclined, sometimes militaristic, and determined. Under ideal circumstances the nature of the frydai is never discovered, and so they act like a typical humanoid of their species and place of claimed origin.

Physical Description[edit]

The actual body of the frydai is highly varied, composed of several breeds of rodent-like creatures ranging from rats, mice, hamsters, rabbits, and similar beings. Small, fuzzy, cute, pudgy, and very very small one would not imagine such creatures to be much more than animals, but their small hands remain nimble enough to work tools and other devices that help them.

These creatures command beast machines, humanoid organic constructs composed of synthetic flesh and bone, with augment-able or replaceable parts that can allow for entry or exit of its pilots. The head of such creatures is hollow, allowing for a cockpit able to be entered through the face, back of the skull, or neck. The rest of the body is reserved for power cores, artificial muscles and blood, and a rudimentary brain to allow some autonomous low-level control of the beast machine when not being directly piloted.


Frydai are supposed to be undercover agents working for a goal, but it is not unheard of them to establish friendly relationships that go beyond the extend of their job. In fact, such is often a cause for rogue units and as a result the powers that be discourage getting too involved with certain activities.


Frydai are capable of any alignment, but those working for particular organizations may display a lawful bent.


The exact homeworld of the frydai is not actually known, as they are usually encountered in secret floating space stations or planetary based colonies hidden away from the world. These floating residences are packed with biological labs where beast machines are grown, cultured from the various strains of local life around the area.


The frydai have no overarching religion, and it is not a subject often talked about.


The Frydai are trained to speak the local language (usually common), as well as their own racial language of Fry.


Frydai names are curiously very normal. For an alien species, you would think they would have more K'dar Vghartks and less "Mr. Smith".

Racial Traits[edit]

The racial traits of the frydai actually cover that of their beast machines, as the frydai themselves is covered by their "Frydai Pilot" feature.

  • +2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom: Built of durable materials, they are creatures controlled by other smaller creatures. There will always be some input lag, and inability to see everything through sensors.
  • Construct (Living Construct): The frydai beast machines, while humanoid in appearance, are ultimately artificial beings. 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a frydai has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Frydai base land speed is 30 feet.  
  • Low-Light Vision: A frydai can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. 
  • Beast Machine Traits (Ex): Beast machines have a limited amout of living construct traits, being even more organic than most living constructs. Unlike other constructs, a living construct has a Constitution score. A living construct does not gain bonus hit points by size but gains (or loses) bonus hit points through a Constitution bonus (or penalty) as with other living creatures. Unlike other constructs, a living construct is not immune to mind-influencing effects. They have immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, fatigue, exhaustion, and energy drain. A living construct cannot heal damage naturally. Unlike other constructs, living constructs are subject to critical hits, effects requiring a Fort save, death from massive damage, nonlethal damage, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, and death effects or necromancy effects. Unlike other constructs, a living construct can use the run action. Living constructs can be affected by spells that target living creatures as well as by those that target constructs. Damage dealt to a living construct can be healed by a cure light wounds spell or a repair light damage spell, for example, and a living construct is vulnerable to a harm spell. However, spells from the healing subschool provide only half effect to a living construct. A living construct responds slightly differently from other living creatures when reduced to 0 hit points. A living construct with 0 hit points is disabled, just like a living creature. He can only take a single move action or standard action in each round, but strenuous activity does not risk further injury. When his hit points are less than 0 and greater than -10, a living construct is inert. He is unconscious and helpless, and he cannot perform any actions. However, an inert living construct does not lose additional hit points unless more damage is dealt to him, as with a living creature that is stable. They may be raised and resurrected as normal. They do not need to eat or breathe, but they DO need to trance (much like elves) for 4 hours in order to perform basic maintenance on their bodies. They must still rest 8 hours to prepare spells, and can still benefit from the effects of consumable spells and magic items such as heroes' feast and potions. 
  • Covert Humanoid (Ex): The beast machine has a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to appear as a Humanoid of the type it is built to resemble. 
  • Frydai Pilot: The actual frydai is not the beast machine, but the pilot. The frydai pilot is in effect a diminutive rat familiar (do not adjust ability scores for the change in size) which can enter the beast machine's interior as a move action which provokes attacks of opportunity. It possesses all the familiar benefits plus the following changes: The frydai has the mental ability scores of the beast machine (or rather this is the frydai's ability scores and the beast machine adopts them). The frydai has all the feats, proficiency, and skill ranks of the beast machine. While piloting the beast machine, the frydai has total cover and cannot be targeted (but see Mental Disconnect). If their beast machine dies, they take any additional damage beyond death that the beast machine would have taken, and they may eject into the nearest empty space as an immediate action. Given the use of an alchemist lab or similar, a frydai can rebuild their beast machine as if they were able to cast raise dead or resurrection, with all the cost involved and a casting time of 3 days (for raise dead) or 1 week (for resurrection) to repair or regrow a new body. Lastly, if a frydai would obtain a familiar due to class feature or feat, they can choose to instead obtain another frydai pilot which gains the same benefits and may pilot the beast machine with them, to a maximum of 3 pilots in one body.
If the pilots have special attacks via use of feats or use any ability which requires concentration (such as a feat which might grant a breath weapon), only one of them may activate it each round and they share the same pool of any limited use or cooldown abilities. They may still make normal attack rolls and other actions which do not require concentration. 
  • Internal Armory (Ex): The beast machines are full of hidden compartments, including the one used as the cockpit. Beyond the use of their hands, they can store a one-handed or light weapon in each of their arms, and a tiny two-handed, one-handed, or light weapon in their mouth. These are typically projectile weapons, and they may deploy them with the same action as drawing a weapon. They can use their hands while their arm weapons are out at a -2 penalty, but they cannot wield weapons. Their mouth weapon prevents them from being able to vocalize while deployed. Projectile weapons reload themselves with no need of a free hand from an internal ammo supply of up to 100 crossbow bolts, arrows, or similar sized ammunition for the various weaponry. This doesn't remove the action needed to reload. Needless to say, while having the weapons out they are clearly mechanical in nature. 
  • Mental Disconnect (Ex): While mind affecting effects can target and affect the pilot or pilots of a beast machine, the disconnection provides an element of resistance. The frydai gains a +2 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects, plus an additional +2 for every pilot they possess (to a maximum of +6). 
  • Semi-Autonomous (Ex): When a beast machine is not piloted by a frydai it is rendered into a semi-autonomous state. Treat the beast machine as being mindless, with the single action quality of a zombie. It can be commanded, but it can only understand and perform simple commands. A DC 15 Sense Motive check reveals that it is not acting "normally" for the purposes of maintaining its disguise. 
  • Target Lock (Ex): As a move action, a beast machine can lock onto a single creature gaining a +2 bonus on attack rolls against them, but a -2 penalty on AC against creatures other than the one it is focusing on. It may remove a target lock as a free action on their turn.
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Fry
  • Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages)
  • Favored Class: Any
  • Level Adjustment: +0
  • Effective Character Level: 1

Vital Statistics[edit]

The statistics given are for the frydai itself, as the beast machine takes on the properties of the species it is mimicking.

Table: Frydai Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
8 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6
Table: Frydai Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
40 years 60 years 70 years +1d10 years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Frydai Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male 0' 6" +1d6 1 lb. × (1) lb.
Female 0' 5" +1d6 1 lb. × (1) lb.

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Facts about "Frydai (3.5e Race)"
AuthorEiji-kun +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassAny +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability Adjustments+2 Constitution + and -2 Wisdom +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SubtypeLiving Construct +
SummaryThe frydai may appear human on the outside
The frydai may appear human on the outside, but these are merely suits containing the Frydai within. Frydai are small rodent like creatures resembling squirrels, hamsters, rabbits, or other rodents who possess an advanced biotechnology, allowing the construction of humanoid organic mecha that only appears to be human.
ganic mecha that only appears to be human. +
TitleFrydai +
TypeConstruct +