Awakened (3.5e Template)

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Author: Nari Mortem
Date Created: 25 Dec 2017
Status: under development
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Awakened Beings are former Claymores who went over their 80% limit and Awakened. Their forms vary greatly and have a desire to eat humans.

Awakened Qualities

Each Awakened Being has his or her own appearance and, unlike Claymores who have same physical traits with each other, they do not share any physical traits between them. Some of the Awakened Beings may have the form of an animal, like Jean's Awakened form seems to bear an appearance similar to that of a butterfly, Ophelia's half-snake, lamia-like body, or even Rigardo's humanoid lion form.

It is generally thought that Awakened Beings completely lose all connection to their humanity, and often that appears to be the case. Awakened Beings can be incredibly cruel, vicious, sadistic, and are often ravenous as well. One often sees an Awakened Being give off an air of confidence, one they retain until they are overpowered or realize they are in danger. In a strange irony, the Awakened Being Ophelia's personality was so much like her Awakened persona that she did not even realize she had Awakened, much to her horror. However, despite the presumption, there are several Awakened Beings that have displayed human-like sentimentality and even genuine affection. A prime example is Riful and Dauf's relationship, Dauf being obsessed and incredibly protective of Riful and Riful feeling so as well - albeit she is prone to manipulate the slow-witted behemoth for her own amusement, yet still risked her life to try to drag him to safety.

Awakened Beings are typically far more powerful and more dangerous than Claymores. While they tend to abandon the near-indestructible swords they wielded as Claymores, the very powerful and intelligent Awakened can alter their bodies in use of various strategies and attacks. As sharp as swords, to limbs that can adapt to the enemy, to even Awakened Beings who have Awakened forms designed to create many dummy forms to hide their true weak points. It seems that many Awakened Beings have their forms influenced by their own personalities.

Creating an Awakened

The Awakened template is an acquired template that gets a Claymore who is Dangerously Awakened by failing the next save against awakening. This template has several stages of an application within the game situation, when Claymore loses control over himself and becomes an Awakened One.

For the application, the template uses the Claymore characteristics that she has, being Dangerously Awakened, all bonuses received for her specialization and other class abilities and features are also taken into account.

An Awakened One also retains all class bonuses and characteristics that belong to classes other than Claymore, since they do not lose their levels in classes.

It is to the final characteristics of a Claymore at the time of awakening that all the following steps are applied in stages.


First step

Claymore acquiring a template can not, at will, try to resist the Awakening. Claymore becomes an Awakened One First type, a predator driven by his hunger and a thirst for violence, losing virtually all human traits and most of the human mind. Her attitude is automatically Hostile in all ways, even to those with whom she is familiar. If there are foes present, she must attempt to attack them in some way, even if it is likely to prove ineffectual. If there are no foes present, she must either attack the nearest creature. If any creature provokes an attack of opportunity from her, she must take that attack of opportunity, even if the creature in question is a trusted friend or family member. People are now perceived exclusively as food and "toys" and anyone who tries to stand in the way of her hunger or thirst for violence must be destroyed regardless of previous relationships. The character immediately passes under the control of the DM and acquires the following features:

Size and Type

The size increases into two categories, which leads to the purchase of appropriate bonuses and penalties, in addition to types and subtypes, the entity acquires Aberration type.

Hit Dice

Class hit-dice are replaced by d12


Same as the base Claymore.

Armor Class

An Awakened One First type gets a bonus to Natural Armor in the amount of his Cons bonus (considering all the bonuses available for Claymore and considering the bonuses of this template)


An Awakened One First type receives primary and secondary natural weapons in accordance with their size to choose the DM (horns, claws, tail attack, slam, etc.), but not more than one secondary natural weapon


Like the original Claymore, taking into account all the bonuses and bonus of this template

Special Attacks

Like the original Claymore, taking into account all the bonuses and bonus of this template

Special Qualities

An Awakened One First type acquires one quality from the following list:

Wings: An Awakened One gains wings and a fly speed equal to his base land speed. Flight is average in maneuverability. Additionally, the wings can be used as 2 secondary natural attacks, dealing 1d4 damage each. Finally, An Awakened One gains flight as a class skill.

Bodily immunities: An Awakened One drastically improves the bodies ability to reduce the influence of outside effects. Immunity to poison and disease are granted.

Extra limbs: two more arms are grown. These arms, while not nearly as powerful as the main claws, are treated as secondary natural attacks (dealing 1d10 +½ str mod, 19-20 x2). Additionally, they increase any climb or swim checks by +4, and give a circumstantial bonus of +2 to grapple checks.

Additional legs: two more legs are grown. +4 Balance check and additional 10 ft. speed.

Snake-like body: An Awakened One share some of the innate qualities of snakes, such as a +8 racial bonus on Balance and Climb checks. An Awakened One can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. An Awakened One use either their Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is higher. An Awakened One has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. An Awakened One can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. An Awakened One does not naturally have swim or climb speeds.

Amorphous: The fortification rids an Awakened One of any weak point throughout your body. It grants immunity to all critical hits.

Great Physical Prowess: Permanent +5 to all physical attributes.

Reach: Primary natural attack has +10’ bonus to reach caused by stretching of the body.


If Claymore was an offensive type, then +4 Dex, +3 Str, +2 Cons, if a defensive type, then +2 Dex, +3 Str, +4 Cons to Claymore totals, with all bonuses from class abilities and Dangerously Awakened status.

An Awakened One First type reduces your intelligence by half.


An Awakened One First type loses all abilities based on intelligence.


An Awakened One First type gain Multiattack, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes, assuming the original Claymore meets the prerequisites and doesn’t already have these feats.

Challenge Rating

Same as base creature +6


Always CE

Level Adjustment

Same as base Claymore +6


Second step

If Claymore chooses to try to resist the Awakening, then for the beginning she must try to keep her mind and not descend to the level of the devouring flesh driven only by fury and hunger.

For this, Claymore goes through save against awakening again, as if she again resists the approach of the Final Awakening. If Claymore fails the test, she becomes an Awakened One First type, as if she did not resist. If the test is successful, then Claymore retains, if not the individual, then her human mind. Claymore can choose whether to try to fight for her humanity further, or to accept Awakening.

If Claymore chooses to surrender, she becomes an Awakened One Second type, as described below. An Awakened One Second type retain their memories and even some of the attachments, and also have a more humanoid form than monsters of the first type. An Awakened One Second type is not hostile to everyone she sees around, but is generally capable of communication and is not obligated to attack those who were not her enemy prior to Awakening. Although she still must attack those who were her enemies before that.

Although her former attachments are greatly weakened, and in the event of a threat to her life, she will fight even with those for whom she would have died as Claymore. As for strangers, she will experience exactly only gastronomic interest and will hunt them when she is hungry, as she will not see the reason for this not to do and will attack even former friends if they try to prevent her. An Awakened One Second type also passes under the master's control, if Claymore decides not to resist further.

Size and Type

The size increases into two categories, which leads to the purchase of appropriate bonuses and penalties, in addition to types and subtypes, the entity acquires Aberration type.

Hit Dice

Class hit-dice are replaced by d12


Same as the base Claymore.

Armor Class

An Awakened One First type gets a bonus to Natural Armor in the amount of his Cons bonus (considering all the bonuses available for Claymore and considering the bonuses of this template)


An Awakened One First type receives primary and secondary natural weapons in accordance with their size to choose the DM (horns, claws, tail attack, slam, etc.), but not more than one secondary natural weapon


Like the original Claymore, taking into account all the bonuses and bonus of this template

Special Attacks

Like the original Claymore, taking into account all the bonuses and bonus of this template

Special Qualities

An Awakened One Second type acquires one quality from the following list:

Wings: An Awakened One gains wings and a fly speed equal to his base land speed. Flight is average in maneuverability. Additionally, the wings can be used as 2 secondary natural attacks, dealing 1d4 damage each. Finally, An Awakened One gains flight as a class skill.

Bodily immunities: An Awakened One drastically improves the bodies ability to reduce the influence of outside effects. Immunity to poison and disease are granted.

Extra limbs: two more arms are grown. These arms, while not nearly as powerful as the main claws, are treated as secondary natural attacks (dealing 1d10 +½ str mod, 19-20 x2). Additionally, they increase any climb or swim checks by +4, and give a circumstantial bonus of +2 to grapple checks.

Additional legs: two more legs are grown. +4 Balance check and additional 10 ft. speed.

Snake-like body: An Awakened One share some of the innate qualities of snakes, such as a +8 racial bonus on Balance and Climb checks. An Awakened One can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. An Awakened One use either their Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is higher. An Awakened One has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. An Awakened One can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. An Awakened One does not naturally have swim or climb speeds.

Amorphous: The fortification rids an Awakened One of any weak point throughout your body. It grants immunity to all critical hits.

Great Physical Prowess: Permanent +5 to all physical attributes.

Reach: Primary natural attack has +10’ bonus to reach caused by stretching of the body.

And acquires one quality from the following list:

Web: An Awakened One can turn one of his arms into a web of tendrils; such a web functions as a net, with a range of 10 ft. However, the roll to escape the net is equal to the character's level + strength modifier, plus size modifier. It takes a standard action to change the arm into the net, and when the net is escaped or if the attack is missed, it takes a standard action to ’reload’ the net.

Exoskeleton: An Awakened One gains a layer of armor, granting an armor bonus equal to his constitution modifier. Any effects that decrease constitution therefore decrease this bonus, and any effects that raise constitution raise this bonus. This armor counts as a normal armor bonus, such as one granted by manufactured armor.

Poison: primary natural attacks that deal damage have the potential of dealing poison damage. The save is equal to (½ level + constitution modifier + 10), and can deal one of the following effects; recurring 2d6 damage, 2 ability score damage, or paralysis for 1 turn.

Greater legs: increase move speed by +15ft a +10ft bonus to jump

Hyper-Adrenaline gland: An Awakened One has increased the adrenaline glands in the body making yourself much more difficult to kill while at the brink of death, you gain the Diehard feat, and gain Temporary hit points equal to 1d12 + Con modifier. You also gain a +6 to all physical stats while bloodied.

Mental fortification: An Awakened One protects the mind, gains a +4 on all mind-affecting effects, as well as any effect to try and view the subject magically.

Improved multiattack, as a bonus feat.

Tail: a permanent tail is grown, treated as a secondary natural attack (1d12 + ½ str mod, 20 x2), and a +2 balance, with +8 to swim and a 20’ swim speed. A 10 can always be taken on such a swim check.

Venom Shot: A projectile like a sting form in the arms that deal 1d6 + Dex damage and, the target must make a DC 15 + Con mod or become paralyzed a number of rounds equal to your Constitution mod and take Constitution modifier +1 ongoing poison damage.

Spider walk: An Awakened One gains micro-hairs to give a climb speed of 20’. In addition, a 10 can always be taken on a climb check, and you can climb no matter the surface. This requires at least 2 free arms, with any additional arms used granting a +2 bonus per pair.

Change Shape: An Awakened One Second type can assume one other form. Is a unique Small or Medium monstrous humanoid. The humanoid form of an Awakened One Second type can resemble her appearance of Claymore, but can not be too similar to human. Must be present defects and differences at the choice of the DM, which give out monster. An Awakened One Second type remains in one form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but an Awakened One Second type revert to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals its natural form if it is in humanoid form.


If Claymore was an offensive type, then +5 Dex, +4 Str, +3 Cons, if a defensive type, then +3 Dex, +4 Str, +5 Cons to Claymore totals, with all bonuses from class abilities and Dangerously Awakened status.


Same as the base Claymore


An Awakened One Second type gain Multiattack, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes, assuming the original Claymore meets the prerequisites and doesn’t already have these feats.

Challenge Rating

Same as base creature +8


Always CE

Level Adjustment

Same as base Claymore +8

Third step

If Claymore chooses to continue to resist the Awakening, she goes through save against awakening again, as if she would pass her resisting the approach of the Final Awakening, but her difficulty is increased by +5.

If Claymore passes this save, then the Awakening stops and she returns to the previous form in the Dangerously Awakened state. As you can guess, it is almost impossible given the complexity of the saving throws and their number. But exceptional willpower and circumstances can allow Claymore to return evens because of the border of humanity.

Similarly, if the complexity of the threat to life and well-being of Claymore, then for the sake of this check, it does not increase, but reduces the DC.

If Claymore fails this save, then for her Awakening is irreversible, but there is an opportunity to save even a part of humanity. Claymore can do additional save-check with an increased complexity of +10, which the danger to loved ones will be affected as usual. In the event of failure of this save, she becomes an Awakened One Second type and passes under the control of the DM, but if successful, Claymore becomes a creature similar in strength and abilities to the Abyssal One, an Awakened One Third type, as described below. This does not change the fact that an Awakened One Third type is controlled by the DM; however, an Awakened One Third type can be in the humanoid form of her choice and has a personality very similar to the one that was before her Awakening. An Awakened One Third type does not have to fight with her loved ones and still has deep feelings for them, and even though she must not eat people to maintain her life, she should not regard people exclusively as food.

Size and Type

The size increases into two categories, which leads to the purchase of appropriate bonuses and penalties, in addition to types and subtypes, the entity acquires Aberration type.

Hit Dice

Class hit-dice are replaced by d12


Same as the base Claymore.

Armor Class

An Awakened One First type gets a bonus to Natural Armor in the amount of his Cons bonus (considering all the bonuses available for Claymore and considering the bonuses of this template)


An Awakened One receives primary and secondary natural weapons in accordance with their size to choose the DM (horns, claws, tail attack, slam, etc.), but not more than two secondary natural weapons


Like the original Claymore, taking into account all the bonuses and bonus of this template

Special Attacks

Like the original Claymore, taking into account all the bonuses and bonus of this template

Special Qualities

Change Shape: An Awakened Third Second type can assume one other form. Is a unique humanoid, which repeats the appearance of the original Claymore and has all the characteristics of the original Claymore before awakening, in addition to being always considered Dangerously Awakened in terms of bonuses to characteristics. An Awakened One Third type remains in one form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but an Awakened One Third type revert to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals its natural form if it is in humanoid form.

An Awakened One Third type acquires one quality from the following list:

Wings: An Awakened One gains wings and a fly speed equal to his base land speed. Flight is average in maneuverability. Additionally, the wings can be used as 2 secondary natural attacks, dealing 1d4 damage each. Finally, An Awakened One gains flight as a class skill.

Bodily immunities: An Awakened One drastically improves the bodies ability to reduce the influence of outside effects. Immunity to poison and disease are granted.

Extra limbs: two more arms are grown. These arms, while not nearly as powerful as the main claws, are treated as secondary natural attacks (dealing 1d10 +½ str mod, 19-20 x2). Additionally, they increase any climb or swim checks by +4, and give a circumstantial bonus of +2 to grapple checks.

Additional legs: two more legs are grown. +4 Balance check and additional 10 ft. speed.

Snake-like body: An Awakened One share some of the innate qualities of snakes, such as a +8 racial bonus on Balance and Climb checks. An Awakened One can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened. An Awakened One use either their Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier for Climb checks, whichever is higher. An Awakened One has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. An Awakened One can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. An Awakened One does not naturally have swim or climb speeds.

Amorphous: The fortification rids an Awakened One of any weak point throughout your body. It grants immunity to all critical hits. Great Physical Prowess: Permanent +5 to all physical attributes.

Reach: Primary natural attack has +10’ bonus to reach caused by stretching of the body.

And acquires two qualities from the following list:

Web: An Awakened One can turn one of his arms into a web of tendrils; such a web functions as a net, with a range of 10 ft. However, the roll to escape the net is equal to the character's level + strength modifier, plus size modifier. It takes a standard action to change the arm into the net, and when the net is escaped or if the attack is missed, it takes a standard action to ’reload’ the net.

Exoskeleton: An Awakened One gains a layer of armor, granting an armor bonus equal to his constitution modifier. Any effects that decrease constitution therefore decrease this bonus, and any effects that raise constitution raise this bonus. This armor counts as a normal armor bonus, such as one granted by manufactured armor.

Poison: primary natural attacks that deal damage have the potential of dealing poison damage. The save is equal to (½ level + constitution modifier + 10), and can deal one of the following effects; recurring 2d6 damage, 2 ability score damage, or paralysis for 1 turn.

Greater legs: increase move speed by +15ft a +10ft bonus to jump

Hyper-Adrenaline gland: An Awakened One has increased the adrenaline glands in the body making yourself much more difficult to kill while at the brink of death, you gain the Diehard feat, and gain Temporary hit points equal to 1d12 + Con modifier. You also gain a +6 to all physical stats while bloodied.

Mental fortification: An Awakened One protects the mind, gains a +4 on all mind-affecting effects, as well as any effect to try and view the subject magically.

Improved multiattack, as a bonus feat.

Tail: a permanent tail is grown, treated as a secondary natural attack (1d12 + ½ str mod, 20 x2), and a +2 balance, with +8 to swim and a 20’ swim speed. A 10 can always be taken on such a swim check.

Venom Shot: A projectile like a sting form in the arms that deal 1d6 + Dex damage and, the target must make a DC 15 + Con mod or become paralyzed a number of rounds equal to your constitution mod and take Constitution modifier +1 ongoing poison damage.

Spider walk: An Awakened One gains micro-hairs to give a climb speed of 20’. In addition, a 10 can always be taken on a climb check, and you can climb no matter the surface. This requires at least 2 free arms, with any additional arms used granting a +2 bonus per pair.


If Claymore was an offensive type, then +6 Dex, +5 Str, +5 Cons, if a defensive type, then +5 Dex, +5 Str, +6 Cons to Claymore totals, with all bonuses from class abilities and Dangerously Awakened status.


Same as the base Claymore


An Awakened One Third type gain Multiattack, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, and Lightning Reflexes, assuming the original Claymore meets the prerequisites and doesn’t already have these feats.

Challenge Rating

Same as base creature +10


CE or NE, whichever is closer, more often NE

Level Adjustment

Same as base Claymore +10

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CR6 +, 8 + and 10 +
Identifier3.5e Template +
Level Adjustment6 +, 8 + and 10 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryAwakened Beings are former Claymores who went over their 80% limit and Awakened. Their forms vary greatly and have a desire to eat humans. +
TitleAwakened +