User:Luigifan18/Words of the Witch (3.5e Spell)

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Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: December 7, 2012
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Words of the Witch
Necromancy [Death, Sonic]
Level: Dread Necromancer 6, Sorcerer/Wizard 6
Components: V, F, XP
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: One living creature/level within a 30-ft.-radius spread
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates or Fortitude partial — see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
You, you can't decide!

You have no right
To torture and kill in the god's name!
Do it, and you will never hide;
The truth will find you! You will be cursed!

Words of the witch, like the storm...
Listen to them! They will curse you!
Words of the witch, like the flame...
Will burn your soul, will kill you!

—Lonewolf, "Words of the Witch"

Divine spellcasters and arcane spellcasters sometimes fail to get along. When the holy inquisition comes to start murdering the **** out of sorcerers and wizards, they can turn to this spell to defend themselves.

You utter a vicious, vengeful curse, calling upon the spirits of arcane spellcasters who met a grisly end and focusing their hatred upon your foes. Any creature within the designated 30-foot spread that has wronged an arcane spellcaster at any point in its life and has not been forgiven for the offense or already faced judgment for the crime dies instantly if it fails a Fortitude save. Creatures with no outstanding crimes against arcane spellcasters merely take 10d6 damage if they fail their saves.

Acts that are considered to have wronged an arcane spellcaster include raiding a wizard's tower, burning a witch at the stake for the "crime" of witchcraft, burning spellbooks in a bonfire, murdering a sorcerer's family, or any other unprovoked offense. The key word in the former sentence is "unprovoked". A creature is not considered to have wronged an arcane spellcaster if it attacked the spellcaster in self-defense, to protect its conspecifics, to prevent it from committing a crime, as an act of justified revenge, or within the context of a formal duel, tournament, or other combat challenge, nor is the act considered a crime if the arcane spellcaster provoked or taunted the subject into wronging it. An act is only considered to be a crime against an arcane spellcaster for the purposes of this spell if it was committed with no justification, a flimsy justification, or an extremely self-centered or self-righteous justification. (A divine mandate is considered self-righteous, so anyone who goes around killing arcane spellcasters under his or her god's orders is a viable target for this spell.)

Creatures that make a personal habit out of mistreating arcane spellcasters (including witchborn binders[1], divine crusaders[2], overzealous zealots serving certain deities (including Yawheh), and anyone who works in any capacity for a government that tyrannically opposes arcane magic) take a −2 penalty on saves against this spell, and even if they succeed, they take 2d6 damage per caster level (maximum 30d6 damage at level 15).

Regardless of other circumstances, arcane spellcasters take a +2 bonus on saving throws against this spell, and crusaders[3], paladins, blackguards, and divine spellcasters take a −1 penalty on saving throws against this spell (which can stack with the penalty listed above). (The penalty does not stack with itself; paladins and blackguards of a sufficiently high level to cast divine spells do not take a −2 penalty.)

Focus: A cherished personal belonging of an arcane spellcaster who was persecuted and murdered by people who mistrusted and feared his or her powers. If said arcane spellcaster was an ancestor, family member, lover, or close friend of you, this spell's save DC is increased by 2.

XP Cost: 250 XP.

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