Talk:Werewolf Lord (3.5e Class)

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Revision as of 03:35, 22 November 2017 by ThunderGod Cid (talk | contribs)
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RatedDislike.png ThunderGod Cid dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
I have to dispute the below claim that this class is broken. Quite the opposite for a class that is supposed to be a Very High balance class. The bonuses to Strength while transformed (at levels 1, 6, 12, 17, and 19) allow for a +5 attack bonus, which at first glance could probably be pretty RNG-breaking given how easy it already is to stack Strength from other sources. But then recall that in order to use the natural attacks from this class at all effectively, you are also forced to take the Multiattack feat, otherwise you take a -5 penalty to attack rolls with all of your natural attacks, completely invalidating your Strength bonus (the primary reason to play this class, for the record) for virtually an entire playthrough. Only by taking the second feat (Improved Multiattack) can you negate any such penalties. Thus it's highly unlikely that this class meets the Very High balance level as written.

Secondly, this class offers no alternative way to spend your actions other than "attack in melee". Every other ability in the class is pretty much just a passive buff, so the end result is quite boring and barely even practical. Possible RNG-breaking aside, I would put this class at Moderate (at best) for the simple fact that without liberal use of the Power Attack feat, it will do very little damage and can only attack one target at a time for any significant DPS.

The interactivity of the transformed form with other modes of play is also not fleshed out, leaving room for flexible interpretations that could possibly be abused. Is the werewolf still able to wield weapons when transformed? Do any bonuses from armor and weapons worn still apply while transformed? Can I dip into this class to make a better war hulk that throws things while transformed and gets more Strength at minimal cost? These possibilities are not explored, and I think it's wrong to assume that any of them would be intuitive without a pre-existing source rule to reference (which this doesn't have either).

RatedOppose.png EmperorXander opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
it over powered broken
RatedLike.png Bonwa likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
i like the concept of this class i couldnt play lycanthrop without lvl adj but now i can

Werewolf Lord

I just finished the class. If you have any ideas for epic levels and for balancing please share them with me since I suck with balancing. Montwind (talk) 04:12, 23 August 2015 (UTC)

DislikedThunderGod Cid +
LikedBonwa +
OpposedEmperorXander +