User:Leziad/Psychic Stalker Rebuild

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Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the Psychic Stalker .

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Psychic stalkers are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. Psychic stalkers are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Power Points/Day: A Psychic stalkers’s ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points she has available. Her base daily allotment of power points is given on Table: Psychic Stalker. In addition, she receives bonus power points per day if he has a high wisdom score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points). Her race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items.

Powers Known: A psychic stalker is able to change one or more of her power known when taking a full rest. She automatically know both the mind thrust and recall agony powers and learn a number of additional powers based on her class level. A Psychic Stalkers choose her powers from the following list:

1st— Aura of poison, cat's feet, compression, control light, crystalize memory, discover weak spot, dimension hopCP, ethereal smoke, inertial armor, float, force screen, manifest blade, mental ping, mind thrust, precognition, defensive, prescience, offensive, precognition, offensive, prevenom, prevenom weapon, primeval fear, psionic scarf, psychic strike, sense link, skate, telempathic projection, vigor, weaponkinesis

2nd— Body adjustment, body equilibrium, body purification , concealing amorpha, damp powerCP, detect hostile intent, dimension swap, emphatic link, harmful, false sensory input, foresee weakness, hustle, manifest trap, phantom flanker, suggestion, psionic, warp light

3rd— claws of the vampire, ectoplasmic form, empathic feedback, empathic transfer, hostile, escape detection, dimension slide, fly, psionic, keen edge, psionic, ubiquitous vision, vampiric blade, warp cloak

4th— claw of energy, dimension door, psionic, freedom of movement, psionic, inhibiting strike, schism, psychic vampire, teleport, psionic, truevenom, truevenom weapon

5th— Alternate future, arcane replication, anticipatory strike, chakra purification, crisis of life, ethereal jaunt, psionic, recall death, psychic point singularity.

6th— Astral phantom, divert teleport, hostile schism, psychic halo, mind blank, personal, segment body, teleport, psionic greater

7th— Bend reality, etherealness, psionic

Maximum Power Level Known: This column determines the highest level power he can learn at this level.

To learn or manifest a power, a psychic stalker must have an Wisdom score of at least 10 + the power’s level.

Shadowstrike (Su): The Psychic Stalker's primary ability is drawing psionic energy into her weapon and striking at vulnerable foes. As a swift action the Psychic Stalker can infuse her weapon with psionic energy granting her weapon the Brilliant Energy quality and deal an extra 1d6 damage, both effect lasting 1 round or until expended on your next successful attack with the weapon. The extra damage increase by 1d6 at 3rd level and each odd level thereafter.

Weapon Finesse: A 1st level Psychic Stalker gain Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.

AC Bonus (Ex): A 2nd level Psychic Stalker add her Wisdom as an insight bonus to her AC as long as she wear light or no armor and isn't carrying a shield.

Psychic Evasion: At 2nd level the psychic stalker gain evasion (as the Rogue ability). At 7th level this ability improve to improved evasion. Unlike the rogue she need to be psionically focused to benefit from evasion.

Cloaked Manifesting (Ex): A 3rd level psychic stalker gain a +1 bonus to her manifester level and to her DCs when manifesting a non-harmless power against another unwilling flat-footed creature. At 6th level and each 6 level thereafter this bonus increase by 1.

Psionic Death Attack (Su): A 7th level Psychic Stalker gain Psionic Death Attack. This ability work as the assassin's death attack except with the following changes: Firstly it require the psychic assassin to expend it psionic focus as she start observing the creature, she may recover her psionic focus without disrupting her death attack. The psychic assassin may only her death attack with either a mind thrust or recall agony power (that she manifest normally), instead of a melee attack and the Save DC of the death attack is the same as the DC of the manifested power. If the creature succeed on it fortitude save it is allowed a will save against the power as normal. If the power fail to penetrate power resistance the death attack fail.

Undetectable Mind (Su): A psychic talker capable of masking her presence and thoughts with uncanny ability, upon attaining 5th level she become under a permanent conceal thoughts effect and gain the benefit of the Darkstalker feat from Lords of Madness as long as she is psionically focused.

At 11th level she fall under the effect of a permanent nondetection efefct as long as she is psionically focused. At 19th level she is under the effect of mind blank while psionically focused as well.

Shadowmind: A 20th level psychic stalker become able to bend perception and space with their mind, creatures striking her will find that they miscalculated the distance between them and the psionic stalker, giving her a constant 50% concealment which is not bypassed by true seeing. Additionally when psionically focused she appear to teleport instead of moving conventionally, her movement ignore difficult terrain, obstacles and do not provoke attacks of opportunity.