Talk:AnyMug (3.5e Equipment)

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Revision as of 22:22, 7 May 2017 by Dragonexx (talk | contribs) (Can't Actually Create Booze?: new section)
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I summon oil!

Good old anymug. One question, well, two. No caster level (if Goblins never specified set it the lowest of whatever seems fitting) and why is it faint... divination? Seems conjuration if anything.

Out of curiosity, is the uncraftable thing something Goblins actually specified? Seemed like it is something that could be crafted, especially since it was made at least once before. Did the dwarves forget how? -- Eiji-kun (talk) 23:21, 2 February 2014 (UTC)

Also, this needs the tag to mark it as being based off something else. --Undead_Knave (talk) 04:55, 3 February 2014 (UTC)
Forgive me, as I do not know how to edit these properly, I'm going off what I know, and I admit to screwing up a few things.
Not being crafted, I see it as an achient dwarven artifact, long forgotten how to make. I didn't know I needed a tag to mark it off, I should point out Thunt does know about this page, I told him Via Twitter. as for the divination, I wasn't thinking when I made it :( Sorry if I'm bad at this, could I get a hand --BrenTenkage (talk) 21:25, 3 February 2014 (UTC)
Sure, I'll get to this in a few hours or so. You'll pick up on formatting soon, and welcome to the wiki.  :) When I make the changes I'll update this and tell you what I did so you can remember in the future. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 22:24, 3 February 2014 (UTC)
Thanks I'm new to 3.5, I don't know how to set up magical items and what the right settings are, yeah. Thanks for being understanding, I just want some of the magical items from many fan comics put here, for fun flavor. I also wouldn't mind the Dashing Swordsman class put here (from Order of the Stick) LOL Anyway thanks

-- 22:40, 3 February 2014 (UTC)

All done.


  • Changed "Weak Divination" to "Faint Conjuration". The auras can be found in detect magic. Also gave it an (arbitrary) caster level of 5th. The closest thing to it is either create water or create food and water so that's my justification to calling it CL 5th.
  • I had to figure out if this was going to be a minor artifact, or a craftable item (and thus have a price). What I went with is a normal craftable item with a bit of fluff text how the methods were lost. If you want it to be a minor artifact instead, tell me.
  • Changed "act" from "Can form any liquid the user desires" to "move action". That's the action needed to use the item.
  • Some grammar and clarity edits. I saw "minor action", that's a 4e term right? Sadly I don't know 4e well enough to know if that's 3.5's version of a standard or move action, I presumed move.
  • I adjusted the wording on the limitations. Saying "any liquid which deals damage" covers pretty much any liquid like acid, lava, liquid nitrogen, and temperature extremes. It also excludes poisons to prevent people summoning drinks of Black Lotus Extract for free, but keeps in the ability to summon undrinkable fluids so you can have the villian-burning fun of oils.
  • Gave the mug some arbitarily high hardness and hp for its durability. I can make it invulnerable if you like, but I figured there wasn't a need. Most things won't even chip it anyway.
  • Filled in the missing "{{3.5e Wondrous Items Breadcrumb}}" area. That lets people go back to whatever list (Wondrous Items) they were looking in.
  • I notice this is listed as Epic Equipment. Is that intentional? I removed it for the moment, but if you think its really an epic item (I don't) I'll work it back in.
  • Shortened the Trivia bit and made it a hyperlink. Added the disclaimer.

Given that last part you definately intended it as an artifact. So the question is, do you want to make it an artifact or a magic item? IMHO it works just as a magic item and to my knowledge the AnyMug isn't special in that way, but maybe Thunt said something about that? You might know more than I. If you want, I'll go ahead and make it a minor artifact. Minor artifacts don't really have prices per se, but I could figure something out. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 00:54, 4 February 2014 (UTC)

This works, better then what I can come up with --BrenTenkage (talk) 01:00, 4 February 2014 (UTC)
Then this is a great success! You have been granted the title of Maker-of-Articles the goblin. Happy to help. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 01:07, 4 February 2014 (UTC)
....hmm what would you roll if you decide to use it as a weapon (why would you want too?)--BrenTenkage (talk) 01:22, 4 February 2014 (UTC)
It's an improvised weapon, so typically -4 to the attack roll unless you are somehow proficient in "mugs". It's pretty small, so I'd call it a light weapon, and clearly bludgeoning. The nearest light bludgeoning simple weapon I see is a light mace, at 1d6, 20/x2. Good for spontaneous barfights, or if you just really like messing with the DM with your +5 collision fleshgrinding anymug. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 01:29, 4 February 2014 (UTC)

Ha I love it LOL--BrenTenkage (talk) 01:39, 4 February 2014 (UTC)

I can't help but see it on a "Drunken Monk" it seems like the perfect drunk-fighting weapon... and no matter how much splash's out it fills right back up.--Snafusam (talk) 01:48, 4 February 2014 (UTC)

Eiji: A minor action is a 4e term, but it would actually be closer to a Swift action. It would be closer to a Swift action that can be used as a Move action. --Undead_Knave (talk) 05:44, 4 February 2014 (UTC)

By non-magic fluids does that include alchemical liquids? So could this tankard be filled with liquid light, or antitoxin? (alchemist's fire being prohibited) If it can't make alchemical liquids, what would a fair price be for a Greater AnyMug that can? Tunganation (talk) 19:47, 17 February 2014 (UTC)

At 3000, endless non-damaging alchemical seem fine to me, I wouldn't change price. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 22:19, 17 February 2014 (UTC)

Can't Actually Create Booze?

Alcohol is a poison, and the same applies under D&D rules. By not being able to create poison, it can't actually create alcoholic beverages. --Dragonexx (talk) 16:22, 7 May 2017 (MDT)