5e Alternate Class Features

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Crimson SorceryZhenra-Khal
Cunning RogueRogueLessening a little of Rogue's insanity, while giving them a little bit of a buff in flexibility.Zhenra-Khal
Eldritch HemocraftZhenra-Khal
Occult MagicWarlockEver wish Warlock spellcasting was more flexible without being broken? Ever wanted Long Rests to be useful for a Warlock? Here's the ACF for you.Zhenra-Khal
Passionate BarbarianBarbarianMuch like Monk, Barbarian is designed in a self-limiting way by putting too much power into a single ability - Rage, in Barbarian's case. This ACF intends to make Barbarian feel a little bit better, while keeping its purpose similar.Zhenra-Khal
Rebalanced MonkMonkEver wish Monk wasn't so hard to optimize? Ever wish it didn't run out of Ki so fast? That its AC didn't suck as much? And that all its power wasn't in a single ability? This is the ACF for you.Zhenra-Khal
Rebalanced Paladin Aura of ProtectionPaladinLet's make Hexadin a little less busted, but still powerful.Zhenra-Khal
Spellfire SorcerySorcererSpellfire for 5e, based loosely on the Shandril's Saga books and the 3.5e Spellfire Channeler prestige class.Zhenra-Khal
Variant Divine SmitePaladinEver wish your Divine Smite wasn't Radiant damage? Or that you could use it on ranged attacks, without it being busted? Here you go.Zhenra-Khal

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