Magic Girl (3.5e Class)

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Author: qwertyu63 (talk)
Date Created: 12/19/13
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A Cha-based class that can transform into a powerful battler. 0 Other Other

Magic Girl

Magic girls wield one of the most powerful forces in the universe, hope. The power of hope lets them engage in great feats.

Making a Magic Girl

Almost any character with a good Charisma score can work well as a magic girl.

NOTE: Despite the name of "magic girl", being female is not a requirement to take this class. "Magic boys" are allowed.

Abilities: A high Charisma score is near-mandatory. No other ability score really matters.

Races: Races with a Cha penalty would tend to avoid this class.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 3d4×10 gp (75 gp).

Starting Age: As fighter

Table: The Magic Girl

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Charm, Transform, Costume (Masterwork)
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Charming Battle, Hope's Power
3rd +1 +3 +1 +3 Hammerspace (store), Eternal Light (food), Ideal Sight
4th +2 +4 +1 +4 Costume (+1), Charming Defense, Hope's Light
5th +2 +4 +1 +4 Skyclaim (x1, slowfall), Hopeful, Light Hands (3/day)
6th +3 +5 +2 +5 Charm (+2), Ranged Slash, Eternal Light (water)
7th +3 +5 +2 +5 Costume (+2, +1 prop), Spellguard, Swift Change (1/day)
8th +4 +6 +2 +6 Charming Life, Hammerspace (imagine 1), Eternal Light (heat/cold)
9th +4 +6 +3 +6 Skyclaim (x2, 10 ft.), Well of Hope (x2)
10th +5 +7 +3 +7 Charm (+4), Costume (+3, +1 prop), Costume Power (+1), Light Hands (4/day)
11th +5 +7 +3 +7 Charming Wit, Eternal Light (sleep), Transform (+11)
12th +6/+1 +8 +4 +8 Well of Hope (x3), Swift Change (2/day)
13th +6/+1 +8 +4 +8 Costume (+4, +3 prop), Pure Charm (+4), Costume Power (+2, +1 prop)
14th +7/+2 +9 +4 +9 Charm (+6), Eternal Light (breath)
15th +7/+2 +9 +5 +9 Well of Hope (x4), Hammerspace (imagine 2), Light Hands (5/day)
16th +8/+3 +10 +5 +10 Costume (+5, +3 prop), Costume Power (+3, +1 prop)
17th +8/+3 +10 +5 +10 Eternal Light (age), Swift Change (3/day)
18th +9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Charm (+8), Pure Charm (+6)
19th +9/+4 +11 +6 +11 Costume (+6, +3 prop), Costume Power (+4, +1 prop)
20th +10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Endless Hope, Light Hands (6/day)

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Magic Girl.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Magic girls are skilled with all simple weapons. Magic girls are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Charm (Su): The power of a magic girl is contained within a simple piece of jewelry, such as a ring or necklace. This piece of jewelry is called their charm. Within 24 hours of taking their first level in magic girl, their charm will make its way into their possession. If a magic girl should ever lose their charm, have it stolen or even destroyed, it will find its way back into their possession in perfect condition within 24 hours, regardless of the contrived circumstances needed to permit such a recovery. (If the magic girl is within anti-magic, the charm will not return until after they leave it. Putting the charm in anti-magic will not stop it from returning to the magic girl.)

As the magic girl grows in power, their charm also grows more powerful. Starting at level 6, their charm gives them a +2 enhancement bonus to their Charisma while they wear it. No one else can gain this benefit. This bonus increases to +4 at level 10, +6 at level 14 and +8 at level 18.

Transform (Su): As a full-round action, a magic girl can transform into a more powerful form. All creatures within 30 feet of the magic girl when they transform is fascinated until the start of the magic girls next turn (Will save DC 10+half the magic girls's level (round down)+their Cha modifier negates).

To transform, the magic girl must have their charm. While in this form, they have access to a wide range of powers. The BAB of a transformed magic girl increases by +5, however their total BAB may not exceed their hit dice. Starting at level 11, this BAB increase increases to +10.

While transformed, the magic girl changes in appearance. This change is great enough that it counts as a disguise, granting a +10 circumstance bonus to Disguise skill checks to not look like themselves.

A magic girl can transform back as a free action, and can be transformed for a total of 10 minutes per magic girl level per day, divided as they see fit. If a transformed magic girl falls unconscious, they instantly transform back.

Costume (Su): When a magic girl transforms, her costume appears around her. Upon taking their first level in magic girl, the magic girl must choose their costume elements. They must choose a weapon and armor. The valid choices are as follows:

  • Weapon: Any simple or marital melee weapon or a whip.
  • Armor: Any light or medium armor or fancy clothes.

When the magic girl transforms, their clothes/armor are replaced with the chosen armor and the chosen weapon appears in their dominant hand, replacing what is there. When the magic girl transforms back, the costume elements vanish and the items they replaced return. The magic girl is proficient in the chosen weapon and armor, even if they otherwise wouldn't be (e.g. if they choose longsword, they are proficient in all longswords, but not all martial weapons).

As the magic girl gains levels, their costume grows more powerful. The items created grow in power as follows:

  • Level: Power
  • 1-3: Masterwork weapon/armor
  • 4-6: +1 weapon/armor
  • 7-9: +2 [energy] weapon/+2 light fortification armor
  • 10-12: +3 [energy] weapon/+3 light fortification armor
  • 13-15: +4 [energy][burst] weapon/+4 moderate fortification armor
  • 16-18: +5 [energy][burst] weapon/+5 moderate fortification armor
  • 19-20: +6 [energy][burst] weapon/+6 moderate fortification armor

At level 7, the magic girl must choose Flaming, Frost or Shock. Their costume weapon has that weapon property. At level 13, the magic girl must choose Flaming burst, Icy burst or Shocking burst (they needn't choose one that matches their first choice). Their costume weapon has that weapon property as well.

If the magic girl transforms while wearing armor/holding a weapon with a higher enhancement bonus than the costume element that replaces it (temporary bonuses don't count), that costume element has that enhancement bonus instead. If they transform while wearing armor/holding a weapon with a magic property, the costume element that replaces it has that property as well.

Charming Battle (Ex): Magic girls can use their charm in combat. Starting at level 2, the magic girl can use their Charisma modifier on attack and damage rolls instead of the normal ability score (Strength or Dexterity, depending on the attack) while transformed.

Hope's Power (Ex): Magic girls are fueled by hope. Starting at level 2, they may, as a non-action, add a +1 morale bonus to an attack roll, a saving throw, or a skill check they make. They can elect to apply the bonus to the roll after they determine that their unmodified roll is lower than desired and they may only apply it once per roll. The magic girl may use this a number of times per day equal to their Charisma bonus.

Hammerspace (Su): Magic girls are great at hiding things. Starting at level 3, the magic girl has a extra-dimensional pocket for storing things. This pocket can store 10 pounds of stuff per magic girl level. Putting items in to this pocket and taking items out of this pocket is a move action. Drawing an item does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

More skilled magic girls can even produce items they didn't actually bring. Starting at level 6, the magic girl has an undefined, weightless, item stored in hammerspace. As a full-round action, they pull this item out, defining what it is as they do so. They may define it as any mundane item worth 10 gold pieces or less that weighs 5 pounds or less. The item is as useful as any other item of that type, but clearly has no real value. If they put this item back into hammerspace, it becomes undefined and weightless once more and can't be taken out again for 30 minutes. If the item is not put back into hammerspace within 24 hours, it vanishes and returns to hammerspace (also becoming undefined and weightless). Starting at level 15, the magic girl has 2 undefined items.

Eternal Light (Ex): The endless hope of the magic girl sustains them. Starting at level 3, the magic girl does not need to eat food. They may still do so, if they wish.

As the magic girl gains levels, their hope sustains them further. Starting at level 6, the magic girl does not need to drink water. Starting at level 8, the magic girl can endure heat and cold (as the spell endure elements as a permanent effect) Starting at level 11, the magic girl does not need to sleep. Starting at level 14, the magic girl does not need to breathe. They may still do these things, if they wish.

Eventually, their hope alone sustains them forever. Starting at level 17, the magic girl becomes immune to aging, becoming ageless. As a result, they no longer takes penalties to their ability scores for aging, nor do they gain bonuses for it (any penalties/bonuses already in place remain). They do not die of old age.

Ideal Sight (Su): Magic girls can see the forces of magic. Starting at level 3, the magic girl can, as an immediate action, cause their vision to flash colors based on magic fields around them. All magic auras flash visibly, with a color based on the school of the aura as follows:

  • Abjuration: Blue
  • Conjuration: Yellow
  • Divination: Purple
  • Enchantment: Orange
  • Evocation: Red
  • Illusion: White
  • Necromancy: Black
  • Transmutation: Green

The brightness of the aura indicates the power of the aura. The magic girl can use this power at will.

Charming Defense (Ex): Magic girls can use their charm to protect themselves. Starting at level 4, the magic girl can use their Charisma modifier on Armor Class and Saving throws instead of the normal ability score (Dexterity for AC and Reflex, Constitution for Fortitude, Wisdom for Will) while transformed.

Hope's Light (Su): The radiance of hope shines through the magic girl's charm. Starting at level 4, the magic girls charm glows, clearly illuminating a 20-foot radius and providing shadowy illumination out to a 40-foot radius. The magic girl and other creatures can see normally in the light. This light is suppressed in magical darkness, and the magic girl can choose to suppress the light at will.

Skyclaim (Su): Magic girls can claim control over the skies. Starting at level 5, the magic girl can fly while transformed, with a fly speed equal to their base land speed (perfect maneuverability). In addition, magic girls of at least level 3 are immune to falling damage, even when not transformed.

Starting at level 9, their transformed fly speed increases to double their base land speed (perfect maneuverability). In addition, they can even fly while not transformed, gaining a fly speed of 10 feet (good maneuverability).

Hopeful (Ex): The hope of magic girls carries them through tough times. Starting at level 5, a magic girl is immune to fear (magical or otherwise) and any emotion based negative effects (e.g. crushing despair).

Light Hands (Su): Magic girls can help heal their allies. Starting at level 5, the magic girl can, as a standard action, touch someone to heal them. The touched individual is is healed a number of hit points equal to double the magic girls Charisma modifier, with a minimum of 4 points. The magic girl can use this ability 3 times per day. At 10th level and every 5 levels after that, the magic girl gains another daily use of this ability.

Ranged Slash (Su): Simply staying away can not let you evade the magic girl's attacks. Starting at level 6, the magic girl can make ranged attacks with the weapon in their costume. They may, as an attack action, make a melee attack from up to 30 feet away, but only with the weapon in their costume while transformed (they may do this as part of a full attack).

Spellguard (Ex): Magic girls can be hard to affect with spells. Starting at level 7, the magic girl gains Spell Resistance 11 + their character level while transformed.

Charming Life (Ex): Magic girls can use their charm to sustain themselves. Starting at level 8, the magic girl can use their Charisma modifier instead of their Constitution to calculate their hit points while transformed. When transforming back, if the loss of hit points from this feature would kill you, you instead have -9 hitpoints and are automatically stabilized.

Swift Change (Su): Normally, transforming takes a fair bit of time. However, skilled magic girls can skip the wait. Starting at level 7, the magic girl can transform as a swift action. They may do this once per day. When a magic girl transforms as a swift action, they do not create the fascinated effect created from a normal transformation.

At levels 12 and 17, the magic gains an extra daily use of this ability.

Well of Hope (Ex): When a magic girl is ready to fight, they will not yield and when their hope swells, it swells to the peak. Starting at level 9, all morale bonuses the magic girl receives are doubled. At level 12, this increases to tripled. At level 15, this increases again to quadrupled.

Costume Power (Su): Magic girls can call upon some of the power of their costume even when not transformed. If an untransformed magic girl of 10th level is holding/wearing a weapon/armor that is of a type in their costume, that item is considered magic and has a +1 enhancement bonus. If the weapon/armor being used has an enhancement bonus already, use the higher bonus. Any magic properties of the weapons/armor still work normally.

This bonus increases as the magic girl gains levels, increasing to +2 at level 13, +3 at level 16 and +4 at level 19. Starting at level 13, the items affected by this class feature also gain a magic property of their own. Armor affected has the light fortification property, while weapons affected have the weapon property chosen at level 7 for the costume weapon.

Charming Wit (Ex): Magic girls can use their charm to remain aware. Starting at level 11, the magic girl can use their Charisma modifier on Spot, Listen, Search and Sense Motive skill checks instead of the normal ability score (Wisdom for Spot, Listen, Search and Sense Motive, Intelligence for Search) while transformed.

Pure Charm (Ex): More skilled magic girls can use their charm even when not transformed. Starting at 13th level, they gain the benefits of their Charming Offense, Charming Defense, Charming Life and Charming Wit class features even while not transformed. In addition, their charm swells while transformed. While the magic girl is transformed, they get a +4 untyped bonus to their Charisma. At 18th level, this untyped bonus increases to +6.

Endless Hope (Su): Simply killing a magic girl isn't enough to get rid of them. Starting at level 20, if the magic girl dies, they are raised from the dead in 2d10 days (as per the spell true resurrection) at the location of their choice. If the magic girl dies within 1 week of being raised by this ability, this ability does not raise them from that death.

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Article BalanceVery High +
Authorqwertyu63 +
Base Attack Bonus ProgressionPoor +
Class AbilityOther +
Class Ability ProgressionOther +
Fortitude Save ProgressionGood +
Identifier3.5e Class +
Length20 +
Minimum Level0 +
Rated ByGhostwheel +
RatingRating Pending +
Reflex Save ProgressionPoor +
SkillAppraise +, Bluff +, Concentration +, Craft +, Diplomacy +, Disguise +, Gather Information +, Hide +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Move Silently +, Perform +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Speak Language +, Spot + and Tumble +
Skill Points6 +
SummaryA Cha-based class that can transform into a powerful battler. +
TitleMagic Girl +
Will Save ProgressionGood +