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Vibroglass (3.5e Equipment)

Revision as of 03:33, 15 October 2016 by Leziad (talk | contribs)
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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 24rd July 2015
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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A special type of glass made from alchemically mixing vibrathoil into glass during the smelting, vibroglass is extremely hard and completely immune to sonic damage and cannot be destroyed by shatter or similar effects. It is usually crafted into decoration or medical tools however some managed to shape it into powerful weapons and armor. Objects made of vibroglass always vibrate softly, the larger the item the stronger the vibration. If coated in vibrathoil however it will vibrate extremely violently, making them almost impossible to handle. However doing so make the material merge back with previously broken pieces allowing it to be repaired even if it is sundered and destroyed, the pieces can be pushed back together for 1d6 rounds to reform the item as well as restoring any magical properties it possessed.

Vibroglass can be made into weapon, they are however difficult to handle, attacks made with a vibroglass weapon are made with a -1 penalty to attack by a +2 bonus to damage (as if it was coated with If vibrathoil). Any attacks made with a vibroglass weapon also carries the effect of shatter with a caster level equal to the wielder's base attack bonus, making it a very effective material for sundering or destroying crystaline creature. If vibrathoil is applied to a vibroglass weapon the penalty to attack and the bonus to damage not only stack but also double, for a -4 penalty to attack and a +8 bonus to damage. Weapons made of vibroglass gain a 10% discount on any enhancements which deal sonic damage and high frequency weapon.

Armor and shields can also be made with vibroglass. Such armor or shields provides energy hindrance (sonic) and DR/Adamantine based on the type of armor or shield. Bucklers, light shields, and light armor have hinder 10% and DR 1/Adamntine. Heavy shields and medium armor have hinder 25% and DR 3/Admantine. And tower shields and heavy armor have hinder 50% and DR 5/Admantine. Hindrance overlaps, it does not stack but the damage reduction from your armor and shield does stack. Armors made and shield made of vibroglass have their armor check penalty increase by 1 because of the constant vibration. If a vibroglass armor is coated with vibrathoil, it will start violently vibrating, sickening the wearer for 1d4+1 round and increase the armor check penalty by 3.

Vibroglass needs special preparation so all weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below. Thus, vibroglass weapons and ammunition have a +1 enhancement bonus on attack rolls.

Vibroglass is extremely hard but can be easily broken when vulnerable much like real glass, it has 3 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 20. Vibroglass is immune to sonic damage, quarters all electric and cold damage, takes half damage from acid and force, and full damage from fire.

Type of Vibroglass Item Item Cost Modifier
Ammunition +160 gp
Light armor, bucklers, or light shields +1,000 gp
Medium armor or heavy shields +4,000 gp
Heavy armor or tower shields +9,000 gp
Weapon +8,000 gp

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