Saul, Guardian of Binders (3.5e Vestige)

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Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: November 14, 2015
Status: Completed
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Saul, Guardian of Binders[edit]

The lover of Tasmin Cutterbuck, who sacrificed himself to protect her from witch slayers. He has lingered on as a vestige so he could remain with her even after his death.

Level: 2nd

Binding DC: 15

Special Requirement: Yes


It is common knowledge among the Theurgians that their leader, Tasmin Cutterbuck, fell in love with a powerful wizard named Saul, who returned her love faithfully and affectionately. He even went so far as to single-handedly hold off an entire coterie of witch slayers who attacked Tasmin, keeping them at bay for several minutes while she escaped, even though it cost him his life. But what's not so well-known is that even in death, Saul's devotion to Tasmin was too powerful for the afterlife to hold him. Disgusted with the gods who declared his lover's very life a sin against existence, Saul shunned them all and journeyed to the plane of vestiges. Now Saul lurks in that lonely plane of nothingness, waiting for his lover to call upon him so that he may be at her side once more.

Special summoning[edit]

Saul only answers the call of members of the Theurgian Society[1].


A chunk of flesh appears within the seal. Then another, and another, and another. They fly together and recoalesce, coming together like building blocks or pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, until they have assembled a gnomish wizard, who smiles at you.


While bound to Saul, your body appears to be covered in scratches and scars, as though it had been hacked to pieces with numerous swords and then put back together.


Saul's devotion to the Theurgians and their cause manifests in his nature as a vestige. Whenever one of your allies is in danger, Saul demands that you protect them with your life, doing whatever it takes to keep them safe, even if the actions you must take are completely suicidal.

Granted Abilities[edit]

Enhanced Binding[edit]

Your effective binding level is increased by 2.

Shield Friend[edit]

You can use shield other at will on a willing creature. While this ability is active, you take three-fourths of the damage that would otherwise be dealt to that creature.

Saul's Protection[edit]

Saul keeps a close watch out for any and all danger. While bound to Saul, you gain a +3 insight bonus to AC and a +2 insight bonus to all saving throws. These bonuses increase by 1 for every four effective binder levels you possess. In addition, you gain uncanny dodge, which is upgraded to improved uncanny dodge at effective binder level 8th.

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Luigifan18's Homebrew (383 Articles)
AuthorLuigifan18 +
Binding DC15 +
Identifier3.5e Vestige +
Level2nd +
Rated ByGanteka Future +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryThe lover of Tasmin Cutterbuck, who sacrificed himself to protect her from witch slayers. He has lingered on as a vestige so he could remain with her even after his death. +
TitleSaul, Guardian of Binders +