3.5e NPC Class Preload

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Abilities: <-Description of most important attributes for this class.->

Races: <-Description of relative likelihood of various races to join this class.->

Alignment: <-Alignments allowed for this class, or write "Any".->

Starting Age: <-Select "Simple" or "As rogue", "Moderate" or "As fighter", or "Complex" or "As wizard", to let players know which starting age category to use for 1st-level characters->.

<span id="Table: The <-class name->">Table: The <-class name-></span>

Hit Die: d<-Die size for Hit Die->

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spells per Day Power
Maximum Power
Level Known
Fort Ref Will 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
2nd + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
3rd + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
4th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
5th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
6th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
7th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
8th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
9th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
10th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
11th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
12th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
13th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
14th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
15th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
16th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
17th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
18th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
19th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
20th + + + + <-any class features gained at this level->
Class Skills (<-number of skill points->
"" is not a number.
+ Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)

Appraise (Int), Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Control Shape (Wis), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Martial Lore (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Psicraft (Int), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Truespeak (Int), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Psionic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the <-class name->.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: <-Description of class weapon & armor proficiencies.->

Spells: <-Delete this section if this class does not cast spells. Description of spellcasting abilities: on what stat save DCs are based, on what stat bonus spells are based, and what stat determines the highest level spell that can be cast.->. <-pluralized class name-> choose their spells from the following list:

0—<-spells, spells, spells->

1st—<-spells, spells, spells->

2nd—<-spells, spells, spells->

3rd—<-spells, spells, spells->

4th—<-spells, spells, spells->

5th—<-spells, spells, spells->

6th—<-spells, spells, spells->

7th—<-spells, spells, spells->

8th—<-spells, spells, spells->

9th—<-spells, spells, spells->

<span id="Table: <-class name-> Spells Known">Table: <-class name-> Spells Known</span>
Level Spells Known
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th

Power Points/Day: A <-class name->’s ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on Table: <-class name->. In addition, he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high <-relevant ability-> score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points). His race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items.

Powers Known: <-Delete this section if this class does not manifest powers. Description of manifesting abilities: on what stat save DCs are based, on what stat bonus power points are based, and what stat determines the highest level power that can be manifested.->. <-pluralized class name-> choose their powers from the following list:

0—<-powers, powers, powers->

1st—<-powers, powers, powers->

2nd—<-powers, powers, powers->

3rd—<-powers, powers, powers->

4th—<-powers, powers, powers->

5th—<-powers, powers, powers->

6th—<-powers, powers, powers->

7th—<-powers, powers, powers->

8th—<-powers, powers, powers->

9th—<-powers, powers, powers->

Maximum Power Level Known: This column determines the highest level power he can learn at this level.

To learn or manifest a power, a <-class name-> must have an <-relevant ability-> score of at least 10 + the power’s level.

<span id="<-extraordinary class feature->"><-extraordinary class feature-></span> (Ex): <-class feature game rule information->

<span id="<-psi-like class feature->"><-psi-like class feature-></span> (Ps): <-class feature game rule information->

<span id="<-spell-like class feature->"><-spell-like class feature-></span> (Sp): <-class feature game rule information->

<span id="<-supernatural class feature->"><-supernatural class feature-></span> (Su): <-class feature game rule information->

<span id="<-class feature->"><-class feature-></span>: <-class feature game rule information->

<span id="<-subclass feature->"><-subclass feature-></span> <-"(Ex)", "(Su)", "(Sp)", or "(Ps)" if applicable.->: <-subclass feature game rule information->

<--... repeat as necessary.-->

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RatingUndiscussed +
SkillAppraise +, Autohypnosis +, Balance +, Bluff +, Climb +, Concentration +, Control Shape +, Craft +, Decipher Script +, Diplomacy +, Disable Device +, Disguise +, Escape Artist +, Forgery +, Gather Information +, Handle Animal +, Heal +, Hide +, Iaijutsu Focus +, Intimidate +, Jump +, Knowledge +, Listen +, Martial Lore +, Move Silently +, Open Lock +, Perform +, Profession +, Psicraft +, Ride +, Search +, Sense Motive +, Sleight of Hand +, Speak Language +, Spellcraft +, Spot +, Survival +, Swim +, Truespeak +, Tumble +, Use Magic Device +, Use Psionic Device + and Use Rope +
Title3.5e NPC Class Preload +