Argonian (5e Subrace)

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' is a subrace of 'Error Race Missing

Ability Score Increase: Strength {{{str}}}, Dexterity {{{dex}}}, Constitution {{{con}}}, Intelligence {{{int}}}, Wisdom {{{wis}}}, Charisma {{{cha}}}
Size. An argonian stands between 4½ feet to 6 feet tall. As an argonian your size is medium. 
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. 
Natural Weapons - Claws. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d4 slashing damage on a hit. 
Scaly Hide. Argonians are covered in a layer of scales. Your AC equals 12 + your Dexterity modifier. 
Histskin. You may use a single recovery dice as a bonus action. You must finish a short rest before you can use this ability again. Additionally you regain one additional recovery dice at the end of each long rest to a maximum of your total recovery dice +1. 
Swampborn Resilience. You have advantage on saves and checks against poisons, saves against the poisoned condition, and diseases. You have resistance to poison damage. 
Survival Instinct. You have proficiency in the Survival Skill.

Facts about "Argonian (5e Subrace)"
Canontrue +
Charisma{{{cha}}} +
Constitution{{{con}}} +
DexterityDex {{{dex}}} +
FeaturesSize +, Speed +, Natural Weapons - Claws +, Scaly Hide +, Histskin +, Swampborn Resilience + and Survival Instinct +
Intelligence{{{int}}} +
RaceLizardfolk +
Strength{{{str}}} +
Subrace Ability ModsStr {{{str}}} +, Dex {{{dex}}} +, Con {{{con}}} +, Int {{{int}}} +, Wis {{{wis}}} + and Cha {{{cha}}} +
Subrace FeaturesSize +, Speed +, Natural Weapons - Claws +, Scaly Hide +, Histskin +, Swampborn Resilience + and Survival Instinct +
SummaryThe Elder Scrolls variant of Lizardfolk +
Template ErrorRace Missing +
Wisdom{{{wis}}} +