Natureborn (3.5e Race)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 7-14-14
Status: Complete
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If dragonborn are beings reborn in the image of a dragon, then the natureborn are born in the image of the spirit of nature itself. Through a mysterious ritual a creature transforms into a being of elemental and floral power.


Natureborn must be dedicated to nature, and so many come off much like druids (if they aren't already druids). For the most part they being themselves neutrality in all its states, from comforting to careless, amoral to generous, dangerous to a source of health and security. However they go about it, natureborn rarely fit in with urban society. They are beings of the wild.

Physical Description

Like dragonborn, natureborn are not a breeding species. They are reborn from pre-existing races and take the appearance and mannerisms from their base race. Instead of scales and claws, the natureborn replaces their flesh and bone with aspects of nature. Their skin is like soil, their scales like stone, their hair becomes grass and leaves, and their blood becomes sap. A blend of animal, plant, and minerals of the earth, the natureborn seem familiar and yet are strange and mythical beings. Depending on where the natureborn is reborn, they may take on specific environmental aspects such as sandstone from being born of the desert, or seaweed hair from being born of the sea.


The natureborn get along with any who respect nature, and so their relations vary. Industrial cultures often clash, and quiet cultures are embraced. Most often they find themselves at odds with dwarves and humans and synchronize well with elves and halflings, but it ultimately varies.


Natureborn usually have at least one neutral aspect to their alignment.


Natureborn are born in and live in "the wild" in all its aspects. Indeed, natureborn cannot be created in urban environments at all.


Natureborn worship nature deities or nature itself. Many are druids or rangers.


Natureborn speak their base race's languages, and learn Sylven as part of becoming a natureborn.


Natureborn retain the names of their base race.

Racial Traits

  • -2 Intelligence, +2 Constitution or +2 Wisdom: The process of becoming a natureborn is hard on the mind, but when they are reborn they can be hearty of body or become deeply aware of their surroundings. These abilities are in addition to the base race (see the Egg of Nature Ritual).
  • Humanoid: The natureborn remain humanoids in spite of their often inhuman appearance, though if they were not humanoids to begin with they retain their typing. They retain any subtypes of their base race. 
  • Medium: As a Medium creature, a natureborn has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
  • Natureborn base land speed is feet. Most are medium, but natureborn retain the size and movement options of their base race, though they lose any other augmentations to their movement (such as the dwarven ability to move in heavy armor without slowing down). 
  • Low-Light Vision: A natureborn can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. 
  • Age: Regardless of the age of the natureborn before the Egg of Nature Ritual, they emerge as an adult (losing any bonuses and penalties due to age). They live up to 200 years before entering middle age. 
  • Living Pulse (Ex): Natureborn recover unusually quickly when in natural environments, benefiting from the effects of a ring of regeneration
  • Natural Aspect: The gifts of the natureborn manifest in different ways. Upon completing the Egg of Nature Ritual, the natureborn chooses which of the following aspects to manifest. Once the choice is made it cannot be changed.
  • Feral Mind (Ex): A natureborn who selects the feral mind gains stronger animal aspects, gaining the wild empathy of a druid of their level (or adding +1/2 HD to wild empathy if they obtain it) and scent. They gain either two claws (dealing 1d4 for medium) or a bite (dealing 1d6 for medium) attack. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge Nature and Survival checks and both become class skills and may be used untrained.
At 6 HD, the natureborn's natural armor thickens, gaining a +2 natural armor bonus. Any natural attacks they possess gain a +1 enhancement bonus and gain either a 19-20/x2 critical threat range, or a 20/x3 critical threat range, chosen on obtaining this ability.
At 9 HD, the natureborn's natural armor improves, growing to a +4 natural armor bonus. Their enhancement bonus rises to +2, and their threat range becomes 18-20/x2 or 20/x4 respectively.
At 12 HD, the natureborn's natural armor improves, growing to a +6 natural armor bonus. Their enhancement bonuses rises to +3, and they gain a new mode of movement from the following: a swim speed equal to twice their land speed (and the ability to breath water), a burrow speed equal to their land speed (and tremorsense 50 ft), a climb speed equal to their land speed (and immunity to fall damage), or a fly speed equal to twice their land speed (average), chosen on obtaining this ability.
At 15 HD, the natureborn's natural armor improves, growing to a +8 natural armor bonus. Their enhancement bonus rises to +4, and their attacks now ignore all damage reduction and hardness except DR/-. The natureborn is filled with life and becomes biologically immortal, immune to negative energy, and immune to death effects.
  • Green Heart (Ex): A natureborn who selects the green heart gains stronger plant aspects, gaining immunity to paralysis and magic sleep effects and no longer needing to sleep. They can feed themselves on nothing more than water, an hour of sunlight, and contact with soil in place of their usual diet. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge Nature and Survival checks and both become class skills and may be used untrained.
At 6 HD, the natureborn gains 25% fortification and immunity to poison.
At 9 HD, the natureborn gains 50% fortification and immunity to stunning.
At 12 HD, the natureborn gains 75% fortification and immunity to polymorphing. They may now use speak with plants as a spell-like ability at will.
At 15 HD, the natureborn is immune to critical hits and gains immunity to mind-affecting effects.
  • Primal Flesh (Ex):A natureborn who selects the primal flesh gains stronger elemental aspects, gaining resistance to acid, cold, electric, and fire 2 and constant endure elements. They no longer need to eat or breathe. They can speak with any creature with an elemental subtype regardless if they actually know their language as if under the effect of tongues. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge The Planes and Survival checks and both become class skills and may be used untrained. The save DCs of any of the following abilities is 10 + 1/2 HD + Con modifier.
At 6 HD, the natureborn's energy resistances rise to 5, they gain the Quench ability of a water elemental, and a swim speed equal to their land speed.
At 9 HD, the natureborn energy resistances rise to 10, they gain the Burn ability of a fire elemental, and they gain a +10 bonus to their land speed.
At 12 HD, the natureborn energy resistances rise to 15, they gain the Push ability of a earth elemental, and a burrow speed equal to their land speed.
At 15 HD, the natureborn energy resistances rise to 20, they gain the Whirlwind ability of a air elemental, and a fly speed (perfect) equal to their land speed. 

Egg of Nature Ritual


Vital Statistics

Table: Natureborn Random Starting Ages
Adulthood Simple Moderate Complex
0 years +As base race +As base race +As base race
Table: Natureborn Aging Effects
Middle Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Maximum Age
200 years 400 years 600 years +2d100 years
  1. At middle age, −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Natureborn Random Height and Weight
Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
Male As base race +As base race As base race lb. × (As base race) lb.
Female As base race +As base race As base race lb. × (As base race) lb.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewRaces

Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5628 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Effective Character Level1 +
Favored ClassDruid + and Ranger +
Identifier3.5e Race +
Level Adjustment0 +
Racial Ability Adjustments-2 Intelligence + and +2 Constitution or +2 Wisdom +
Rated ByLeziad +
RatingRating Pending +
SizeMedium +
SummaryIf dragonborn are beings reborn in the image of a dragon, then the natureborn are born in the image of the spirit of nature itself. Through a mysterious ritual a creature transforms into a being of elemental and floral power. +
TitleNatureborn +
TypeHumanoid +