Volcanic Resilience (3.5e Invocation)

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Author: Havvy (talk)
Date Created: August 19th, 2010
Status: Complete
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Volcanic Resilience
Warlock Lesser; 3rd

You gain the abilities to survive on the elemental planes of Earth or Fire or anywhere such conditions might be found. You gain a burrow speed equal to your base land speed(while burrowing, treat the character as having tremorsense/10 feet). Furthermore, you gain immunity to fire, suffocation or damage due to unbreathable, toxic or foul air and atmospheres . These abilities last for 24 hours.

Back to Main Page3.5e HomebrewClass Ability ComponentsInvocationsWarlock

Havvy's Homebrew (191 Articles)
Article BalanceModerate +
AuthorHavvy +
Identifier3.5e Invocation +
LevelWarlock Lesser +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummarySurvive in the elemental planes of Earth and Fire. +
TitleVolcanic Resilience +