Talk:Young Adult Polymorph Symbiote (3.5e Monster)

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Revision as of 21:49, 29 November 2013 by Nolanf (talk | contribs) (A Few Simple Questions: you were right)
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Welcome to the Symbiote

Welcome to the discussion page for the Polymorph Symbiote! This is obviously based on the Venom costume from Spider-Man comics (I'll gladly post the legal disclaimer at the bottom of the page, if anyone thinks it's necessary).
Anyway, I added in all the details that I thought were important, I tried to make this as little confusing as possible, and I hope I guessed an appropriate CR for this monster.
As always, I encourage other people to look this thing over and post your comments right here! Any suggestions for changes (or compliments on how awesome this is) are welcome. --Nolanf (talk) 23:22, 23 November 2013 (UTC)

You should generally put a disclaimer at the bottom of any page that is clearly based off something, and this page is included. --Undead_Knave (talk) 06:49, 24 November 2013 (UTC)

A Few Simple Questions

Looks good, Questions... 1. Does the symbiote Gain anything (other than HD) if it advances? 2. does the template change anything if the symbiote is advanced? 3. why does spell-like abilities ignore the link? 4. is "Carnage" comming?--Snafusam (talk) 03:52, 27 November 2013 (UTC)

1. I thought about some changes. I'm thinking of getting rid of Wisdom Leech and adding Poison Immunity, or maybe keeping both. 2. If the symbiote changes, yes, it would have to change its host creature as well. 3. I just copied that word-for-word from the Druid's animal's "Share Spells." I don't really have a rationale other than that. 4. Carnage would be fun... I was thinking of splitting up this monster into 3 stages: "Juvenile," "Young Adult," and "Mature Adult." For the juvenile stage, I'll aim for a CR 1. Young adult stage is the one I already made. Finally, the mature adult could have the improved strength, stabbing weapons, and projectiles of Carnage and I'll try to fit it into a CR 9.
I won't start on the next stage of this project until after Thanksgiving. If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions before then, feel free to write in. --Nolanf (talk) 03:41, 28 November 2013 (UTC)
I advise allowing the symbiote to choose what spells that are cast on it's host are shared with it, including spell-like abilities. but force everything that's aimed at the symbiote to be shared to it's host. this will give the symbiote a bit more potential to survive an "harm" spell but still force damage on the host if the enemy targets the symbiote. --Snafusam (talk) 04:41, 28 November 2013 (UTC)
Funny you named it Polymorph Symbiote, but didn't include the symbiote's ability to shapeshift its host and change its form somewhat and clothing at will, as far a I can see. Have you considered an at will Disguise Self effect? Or perhaps the host counts as always wearing Glamered equipment?
EDIT: Sorry, I should have written that in Host template page, hahaha... -HarrowedMind (talk) 18:38, 28 November 2013 (UTC)
Snafusam is right about including spell-like abilities. That will be changed... HarrowedMind, you should not be sorry to write it here too. And you're right that the Disguise Self ability is a detail I overlooked. --Nolanf (talk) 21:49, 29 November 2013 (UTC)