Talk:Megaton (3.5e Epic Spell)

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Revision as of 03:16, 27 October 2012 by Luigifan18 (talk | contribs) (Questions:: You've hit upon the precise reasons why I believe this spell sucks.)
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I hate math. Anyway, this should be fairly accurate actually to a 1 MT explosion. Some liberties were had of course (translating radiation damage and sickness to negative levels and disease, playing fast and lose with the weather effect, etc). If you're curious, it was designed with a 24th level caster in mind with epic leadership and a score that allowed all his spellcaster followers and cohort to praticipate. This is more of a DM Plot McGuffian spell, but I will be making a more combat-friendly spell soon. -- Eiji Hyrule 07:40, April 4, 2010 (UTC)


Can't you technicallydo something like forcecage the 'bomb' before it explodes and be safe? --Sulacu 07:41, May 11, 2010 (UTC)

How clever. By straight RAW, yes, you COULD. I didn't use the Destroy Seed. On the other hand I did use the transform seed to effectively duplicate disintrgrate's effect in the close range area (you are dusted, as disintergrate) so the forcecage would probably be disintergrated as well.
A prismatic sphere however.... -- Eiji Hyrule 08:24, May 11, 2010 (UTC)


1: Why does this spell need so many casters?

2: How the heck is one supposed to find that high a number of magic adepts that would all agree to participate in a 100-day ritual?

3: How are you supposed to convince them to participate in a ritual that will kill you, them, and everything else in the spell's range with little reward?

4: Is the spell ruined if interrupted?

5: If so, what's to stop local authorities/random adventurers from interrupting this spell? CobaltTheMadMage (talk) 02:46, 27 October 2012 (UTC)

You've hit upon the precise reasons why I believe this spell sucks. Hard. (I love Tactical Nuke, funnily enough.) --Luigifan18 (talk) 03:16, 27 October 2012 (UTC)
NeutralPlanterobloon +