Sniper (Legend Track)

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Author: Mystify (talk)
Date Created: March 15, 2012
Status: <-how close to completion->
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A ranged track based on making single, powerful attacks


The sniper is based around making single, precise shots at long range. While they are still capable of dealing with close enemies, their motto remains the same: Make Every Shot Count.

Track Abilities

1st Circle - Sniper's Shot (Ex): By spending a standard action to make a single ranged attack against a single target, the sniper can make a shot strike with devastating accuracy. A sniper's shot gains a +1 bonus to accuracy for every circle of sniper you possess, and 1d4 [Precision] damage per level.

2nd Circle - Long Range Accuracy(Ex): When using Sniper's Shot, the range penalties for firing outside of your weapons range are eliminated.

Cloaked position(Ex): If you remain immobile, you do not take the -5 penalty to stealth for taking an offensive action due to Sniper's shot, however you do not benefit from the +2 modifier for being immobile.

3rd Circle -Sniper's aim (Ex): When using Sniper's Shot, you add 2x your KOM to damage. This increased to 4x your KOM at 11th level, and 6x your KOM at 16th level.

4th Circle - Make Every Shot Count(Ex): Once per Encounter per level, If you hit with a Sniper's Shot, the target must make a fortitude save equal to (10+1/2 your level + KOM) or be [Dazed] for 1 round.

5th Circle - Knockback (Ex): When you hit with Sniper's shot, you can cause the target to be [Blown Away] from you.

Snipers shot now deals 2d4[Precision] damage per level

6th Circle - Unstoppable shot (Ex): Once per encounter, as a free action, you may declare your next Sniper's Shot [Unstoppable]. An [Unstoppable] ability cannot be mitigated, reduced, or redirected.

7th Circle - Head shot(Ex): Once per encounter, you can declare you are taking a head shot. Your next attack will deal 10x your level in bonus damage. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 level + KOM) halves the extra damage, and prevents the target from being reduces below 1hp. The target is [Battered] and [Bleeding], regardless if they make the save. This is a [Death] effect. You may not use head shot on an [Unstoppable] attack.


Facts about "Sniper (Legend Track)"
AuthorMystify +
IdentifierLegend Track +
Rated ByTenno Seremel +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryA ranged track based on making single, powerful attacks +
TitleSniper +