User:BackHandOfFate/Kurin, Druid 7

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Kurin, Druid 7

Current XP / Next Level: ??? / ???

Alignment: Neutral Good

Size/Type: Small Humanoid(Strongheart Halfling)

Hit Dice: 5d10(40)+2d8(10)+40(90 hp)

Initiative: +4

Speed: 20ft. (4 squares)

Armor Class: 29(10 base + 4 dex + 9 armor + 4 natural armor + 1 deflection + 1 size)

Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+1

Attack 1:

Attack 2:

Attack 3:

Space/Reach: 5ft./ 5ft.

Special Attacks:

Special Qualities:

Abilities: Str 9, Dex 19, Con 19, Int 11, Wis 22, Cha 11

Saves: Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +13(+4 vs fey)

Skills: Use 'Skill +X (ranks)' notation, plz

Athletics +16(10)(+2 Racial), Concentration +7(1), Dowsing +16(10), Geomancy +18(10)(+2 Nature Sense), Perception +18(10)(+2 racial), Stealth +16(10)(+2 racial), Survival +17(9)(+2 Nature Sense)

Feats: Sacred Vow(Racial), Vow of Poverty(Eiji Variant 1st), Tough Guy(3rd), Insightful Strike(VOP 3rd), Natural Spell(5th), Vow of Purity(VoP 6th), Human-like Skill Training(7th)

Equipment: Not much to see here.

Vow of Poverty(Benefits): Armor Bonus +6 4 lesser divine blessings 2 Bonus Exalted Feats Natural Armor +2 DR 3/Magic Energy Resist 5 Deflection +1

Blessings: Blessed Blow(Su): You automatically confirm crits against evil creatures and undead. Noblebright(Su): As a standard action at will you can shine light as a torch, or as small as a candle. The light burns undead. Non-intelligent undead will avoid you unless ordered to attack, and any undead which strikes you with a non-reach or natural weapon takes 1 point of light damage/2hd.(3 light damage) Sustenance(Ex): You no longer eat or drink. Sleeping only takes 2 hours instead of 8. (Though you must still rest 8 hours to refresh spells and similar abilities). Unblemished(Su): You are never stained with blood, and are immune to any forms of bleeding damage or ability damage based on blood loss (such as a wounding weapon or a vampires blood drain).

(Note: Benefits that do not stack with Level dependent benefits not listed)