Canon talk:List of Spelljammer Wiki articles
How this Page might be updated
This page will not be updated automatically. Here is one way to do it manually. Please feel free to change this section, if you find a more elegant solution, but this one is at least easier than editing each link individually.
• On Spelljammer Wiki’s All pages, mark the first column while holding the „Ctrl“ key and copy it to Windows Notepad.
• Repeat this with second and third column and copy them below the first one.
• Copy all of this from the Editor to column B into an Excel sheet.
• Sort.
• Copy-past column B to column D.
• Type „[[spelljammer:“ into column A and draw it down, so that you have that entry in front of each entry in column B.
• Type „|“ into column C and draw down.
• Type „]]< br >“ into column E and draw down (without the spaces between <, br and >, of course).
• Copy column A through E into Editor.
• Mark on of the resulting spaces between the columns and let the Editor replace it by „“ (nothing).
• Mark everything and replace existing list with new one.
• Update date in „Statusdate“ template.
What is this page for?
Spelljammer is one of many D&D campaign settings, it belongs here because it is part of D&D. And it has its own wiki, where Spelljammer-specific topic are covered in more detail than it is likely to achieve here. In order to have access to everything about Spelljammer here, I created this page. If you search for anything, that has an article at Spelljammer Wiki but not here at D&D wiki, you will be pointed to this list, and you will be provided with a link. Daranios 19:34, 22 January 2009 (UTC)
Have you thought about getting a bot to do this?
Have you thought about asking Wikia to help you create a bot that can automatically search the articles on Spelljammer Wiki and then publish a list here? David Shepheard 23:04, 11 July 2009 (UTC)
- I have now both asked someone form the community support team and asked at Wikia's forum without success so far. Maybe my questions were not clear enough. I would be happy for anyone who knew how to do that. Daranios 16:46, September 9, 2009 (UTC)