User talk:Spazalicious Chaos/Magical Cosplayer (3.5e Class)

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Lo, the Zodar

Not giving this a full review, but a point to be aware of, particularly when giving open ended things, is unintended consequences. Note the Zodar found in Fiend Folio, page 199. Be aware that being able to summon it (ablit at ECL 18) will give you Wish whenever you want, no cost. I'm sure there's other abuses, but I've not looked into them yet. -- Eiji-kun 01:12, 6 December 2011 (UTC)

At 20th level it would be available, and by then there is already wish flingers everywhere. And that be a very specific circumstance. I was thinking more of avoiding cosplayers just donning a mech suit whenever they were facing something poisonous or a rogue, hence the "do not gain construct traits" thing.
Also, this is a monster class when you get down to it. There is nothing this class can do to break the game that a wizard can't do with polymorph and sooner. Thus, unless someone out there makes a LA 0 adamantine coated null monster template, I'm sure that the cosplayer will not kill a game.--Change=Chaos. Period. SC 01:18, 6 December 2011 (UTC)
Then why is it Rogue level? Though, IMO, it is either Wizard or Unquantifable. Probably the latter. -- Eiji-kun 02:06, 6 December 2011 (UTC)
++To Eiji. You get "wish flingers everywhere" in wizard-level games. Not rogue-level ones. --Ghostwheel 02:35, 6 December 2011 (UTC)

Read the prerequisites, sir

Pathetisad requires a prior morale penalty. Something which could not possibly have happened for a level 1 character. --Foxwarrior 02:14, 6 December 2011 (UTC)