User talk:Eiji-kun/Complete Transportation/Sky Vehicles/Components

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Revision as of 03:12, 11 November 2011 by Eiji-kun (talk | contribs) (Speed stats)
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Speed stats

Does a maximum speed refer to the speed it moves when it Runs, the speed it moves when it double moves or charges, or the speed it moves in a single move action? Also, did you know that a Clumsy creature's maximum turning rate is proportional to its speed? This means that any craft that flies as fast as a fighter jet will also be able to do enough wild spins and dives to make a bee jealous. Also, rocket propulsion allows you to go at Mach 13, which is about 4 times as fast as a Blackbird. Unless you have strict aerodynamics rules, I'm going to be using hit and run tactics to strafe you once per round from 70 miles away. --Foxwarrior 01:03, 11 November 2011 (UTC)

Heh, I'm not done yo.
Maximum speed will refer to the fastest your ship can go period. You don't quite move as creatures so, instantly moving and then stopping at the end of your turn. I'll address acceleration and how quick you can hit maximum speed later, but for the most part it is assumed that once you're in motion you will continue to be in motion until you stop. Good catch on the clumsy maneuverability thing, I'll have to fix that.
The rocket one is intentional. If you're on a rocket, and you do nothing but accelerate in a straight line, yes you will eventually hit mach 13. Unless you think that's overkill, I don't mind dropping it down and forcing people to buy more than one rocket to reach that kinda speed. Yeah... yeah, I think I'll do that, that seems right.
On strafting, I will be putting in rules about relative speed between two objects. Its to prevent that kind of nonsense and partly to close up some loopholes. The quick and dirty is that after a certain point you start getting miss chance, until you get 95% miss chance in respect to whatever you're shooting on the ground/enemy ship/flying Eiji Plushie. This applies the other way too, making "fly really damn fast" a valid defensive strategy. -- Eiji-kun 03:12, 11 November 2011 (UTC)