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Revision as of 02:04, 3 November 2011 by Tarkisflux (talk | contribs) (Inherent Bonuses: number correction)
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General Rules

  • Balance level guidelines are determined on a game-by-game basis. They may include maximums, minimums, and so on. All character selections are limited by these guidelines, including, but not limited to, class, feats, and spells. In some cases a higher balance level class may be allowed as an exception, provided they are limited to options that bring them into line.
  • Action Points considered on a game-by-game basis.
  • Attributes will be capped at a number determined on a game-by-game basis (generally at 20, plus racial attribute adjustments). Neither magic nor training no wishes nor miracles nor books nor anything other than plot fiat can raise an attribute over this cap, so plan accordingly.
  • Psionics is almost certainly out. I don't like the fluff of it, don't like the mechanics of it, and don't have a place for it in most settings. It can be added on a game-by-game basis, but it comes at the cost of other magic types and the terms I offer must be unanimously agreed to by all players.

Character Creation

Attribute Generation

  • Total of all attributes must be equal to 72. I suppose you could also go with less than that if you feel like hamstringing yourself for some reason.
  • No score may be higher than 18* to start.
  • No score may be lower than 6 to start.

*If a race has a particularly large attribute adjustment penalty, or the cap is low for some reason, they may not actually be able to put an 18 in the attribute. The racial cap always overrides this limit.

Race Selection

  • Core races allowed without approval; other races require approval and may be denied for "bullshit fluff reasons".
  • Racial attribute adjustments are not added to your attributes. Your racial attribute adjustments are added to the cap to determine your maximum attribute value.
  • Favored classes are not in use. Related - there is no xp penalty for weird multiclassing.
  • Any race with a +/-4 or greater attribute adjustment requires approval.
  • Any race with an ECL >= 2 requires approval.
  • Any race with an LA > +1 will not be allowed.

Class Selection

  • Core classes are allowed without approval.
  • All non-core WotC published classes require approval, as do any wiki classes, and may be denied for "bullshit fluff reasons". Other classes may also be considered.
  • If ToP is in use, classes of any balance level are permitted and are not subject to any balance level minimums in play. Low balance classes will get more skills, and should perform at a better than expected level.

Feat Selection

  • Feats are gained at each odd level, rather than 1st and then every 3 levels.
  • Scaling feats are allowed, but restricted to only being gained in the feat slot granted by character levels at 1, 3, and 7 (and maybe 11 as well) and those classes that explicitly grant them as bonus feats. If a character does not select a scaling feat at level 1, they may instead select two standard feats.



  • Flaws are allowed, but selecting a flaw does not grant you a bonus feat or any 'advantage' other than being able to hamstring yourself mechanically (which is only an 'advantage' in a very skewed sort of way). The limit on flaws is still 2.
  • Traits are not allowed.

Character Advancement


  • There are no xp penalties for ridiculous multiclassing. Do it if it makes sense.
  • When taking a second (or third, or fourth, etc.), the good save progressions are reduced by +2. This is a straightforward reduction in save divergence.
  • If you want to figure your BAB and saves out based on the fractional method, you are welcome to do so. Again, this is largely a reduction in save divergence.
  • [Multiclass] feats are out. Yes, really. If you really want/need two progressions we'll talk about working something out, either a weird gestalt thing or a custom prestige class or whatever, but you may just have to go without.

Attribute Bonuses

  • You may increase two attributes by +1 each at level 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20.
  • These bonuses may not raise an attribute over the attribute cap.

Inherent Bonuses

  • Due to equipment changes...
    • weapons wielded by a creature gain an enhancement bonus equal to +1 per 3 levels (rounded down).
    • shields wielded by a creature gain an enhancement bonus equal to +1 per 3 levels (rounded down).
    • characters gain a combination enhancement / deflection / natural bonus to armor class equal to +1 per 2 levels (rounded down).
    • characters gain a combination enhancement / deflection bonus to touch armor class equal to +1 per 3 levels (rounded down).
    • characters gain an enhancement bonus to saving throws equal to to +1 per 3 levels (rounded down).
    • character abilities that require the target to make a save (like all spells ever) gain a +1 bonus to DC at level 2, and an additional +1 per 4 levels over 2 (rounded down). This is a concession to increasing PC saves and monster save bloat in conjunction with the capped attributes.

Starting Characters Above Level 1