Fox (4e Familiar)

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Author: Dracomortis (talk)
Date Created: May 23, 2010
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Fox Familiars[edit]

These canine creatures have lithe bodies covered in plush fur, often orange or brown in color. They grant their masters profound cunning and insight.
Speed 6
Constant Benefits
♦ You gain a +2 bonus to Insight checks and Nature checks.
Active Benefits
Fox's Cunning: Once per encounter as a minor action, you can reroll a failed Insight check that you made any time since the beginning of your last turn.
Possible Quirks
♦ Has golden and silver fur.

♦ Hops on the back of people it likes.

File:Fox by MirrorCradle.jpg image by Ashe

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Facts about "Fox (4e Familiar)"
AuthorDracomortis +
Identifier4e Familiar +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitleFox +