Talk:Zombie Apocalypse (3.5e Spell)

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Revision as of 03:48, 16 September 2011 by Spazalicious Chaos (talk | contribs) (A Bit Kamikaze: good)
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A Bit Kamikaze

The burst is centered on the caster. By the spells description, the zombies are not under the casters control. The whole reason a zombie uprising works is beacause they literally swarm people by the hundreds and keep swarming until they get what they came for- brains, flesh, items that let them channel their zombie god, an evil McGuffin, etc. Thus, even with a high level caster that is needed to cast this spell in the first place, he effectively has to undue his spell manually (killing all the zombies he created) or die. And he can't simply run out of town because he is the center of the effected area, thus the zombies are always there.

In closing- this spell is worthless as written. Either hand partial control to the caster (maybe he can issue one order that all zombies will try to fulfill upon animation, like "kill the thief who stole my keys" or the more productive "return my stolen keys to me" or something) or allow the spell to center on something NOT the caster.--Change=Chaos. Period. SC 18:13, 15 September 2011 (UTC)

That doesn't in any way prove that the spell is useless. You're still creating a friggin army of (weak) undead and throwing out a mass negative level to everyone in a huge radius without a save and desecrating the area around you. Whether or not you control the zombies doesn't necessarily matter; if you cared to you could take control of them via other means or have provisions for them not to bone you but instead preferentially bone other people. Not to mention the fact that anyone who would be killed by the casting of the spell itself would be SO weak that in anything other than a mass combat minigame (or for roleplaying purposes) they are effectively useless and of no threat to a caster who is not a totally retarded sack of shit (in which case he deserves it).
That said, I'll humor you. They now have total control over anything animated by the spell until the end of its duration. I can do that because it's a level 8, and level 8's are boss. - TG Cid 20:14, 15 September 2011 (UTC)
Worthless and useless are entirely different things. The spell was useful as written for your mentioned reasons, but had no worth-while effect as any measures to prevent your own spell turning on you were not included. That would have been passible as a lower level spell, but not as an 8th.
Still... I do like the idea of a spell were you create zombie armies for one purpose and lose control once the purpose if fulfilled, a necromantic devils bargain as it were. Any thoughts on making a lower level version of this with that limitation in mind?--Change=Chaos. Period. SC 03:48, 16 September 2011 (UTC)
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