User:Warriors4ever/3.5 Truespeak Effects/Utterances/2nd Level/Hidden Truth (3.5 Truespeak Effect)
Hidden Truth
Level: 2
Duration: Until discharged (up to 1 minute).
Saving Throw: None
Normal: You grant the target a +10 bonus on the next Knowledge check or Sense Motive check it makes and enable your target to use the skill, even if untrained. If the target has bardic knowledge, lore, or a similar class feature, this bonus can apply to that check instead.
Augment: For every step this utterance is augmented, the target gains an additional +1 bonus on that check. This stacks with the normal bonus provided by the utterance.
Reverse: Your target gains a +10 bonus on the next Bluff check he makes.
Augment: For every step this utterance is augmented, the target gains an additional +1 bonus on that check. This stacks with the normal bonus provided by the utterance.