User:Karuma/Scrap Box

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Adopter: Karuma (talk)
Original Author: Ph0b0s D31M0s (talk)
Date Created: 4/14/2011
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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<-Creature Name->


Init/Senses /<-Other senses, like darkvision ->; Listen , Spot
Aura <-Auras around the creature.
AC , touch , flat-footed ; <- AC from other effects, such as wild shaping or spells ->
hp ( HD); <- Damage reduction, Fast healing, Temporary HPs, ect. ->
PR/Resist <-psionics version of sr->/<-including energy resistance->
Fort/Ref/Will //
Speed ; <-- Other movement options, like Run or Ethreal Jaunt -->
Base Atk/Grp /
Special Actions <-Special actions->
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
Advancement <- Hit Die advancement ->

Strategies and Tactics

Sample Encounters



Typical Physical Characteristics:




Sample Lair

Typical Treasure

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