Extremist Ambusher (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 4/24/2011
Status: Finished
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Extremist Ambusher [Multiclass] Prerequisites: Sneak Attack +2d6, Incarnum DefenseBenefit: Your levels in Rogue and Soulborn stack for the purposes of determining your Sneak Attack bonus dice and uses per day of Smite Opposition and Share incarnum Defense. Example: A Soulborn 5/Rogue 6 would have Sneak Attack +6d6, Smite Opposition 3/day, and Share Incarnum Defense 1/day.

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Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorKaruma +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteSneak Attack +2d6 + and Incarnum Defense +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryRogue and SoulbornMoI levels stack for Smite Opposition, Share Incarnum Defense, and Sneak Attack dice. +
TitleExtremist Ambusher +
TypeMulticlass +