Scion of Lucania (MC Paragon Path)

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Author: Xeadin (talk)
Date Created: 4-2-11
Status: Complete
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Scion of Lucania

Scion of Lucania

My spirit is a part of the divine realm that gives me understanding, and it is this understanding that makes me aware of everything.
—Tsoriena, Thorndyke heir of Lucania proper
Prerequisite: Thorndyke, any non-military class

Spiritual leaders of the natural and divine worlds-- embraced by the power granted to their good will. You have taken your first step toward the gods and to divine enlightenment. A day’s work and prayer have given you a head start towards immortality. Your work is not done, and you are still needed by your friends. The civilization is in your hands, but you can delve into the divine realm to reach to those hands in need with the power of the gods. Many scions of Lucania use this power to better themselves during battle, but others tend to support their comrades whenever the going gets tough. Their spiritual aid is remarkable, and they can have an adverse effect upon their adversaries—causing many to have a change in heart. Those that do resist the powers of the deities are shown no mercy. You are, in essence, the ultimate defender of your religion, and no title deserves better spiritual recognition than the scions of Lucania themselves.

Scion of Lucania Path Features[edit]

Spirit of Lucania (11th level): When you use the Lucina’s blessing racial power, the target also gains a +1 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. This bonus cannot be stacked when used upon the same target again. At 21st level, this bonus can be stacked if the target uses the initial effect before the bonus wears off.
Spiritual Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take another action, all adjacent allies can shift half their speed and gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls until the end of your next turn.
Gift of the Gods (16th level): When you use a melee attack power, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls to your next attack.
Lucina's Guidance (16th level): You can use the Lucina’s blessing racial power upon a number of allies within range equal to your Intelligence modifier with a single use.

Scion of Lucania Path Powers

Divine Rage
The anger of your deities swells within you in response to a grueling blow—giving you focus and determination.
Encounter ✦ Radiant
Immediate Reaction Melee Weapon
Trigger: An enemy hits you with a melee attack
Target: The triggering creature
Attack: Strength vs. Armor Class
Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, plus ongoing 5 Radiant damage (save ends).
Effect: When the target saves against the ongoing damage, you gain a +2 bonus to your next attack roll.

Whispers of Lucina
Scion of Lucania Utility 12
With a quiet whisper, you inspire courage to your nearest allies.
Daily ✦ Healing
Minor Action Close Burst 5
Target: Each ally in burst
Effect: The target regains 2d6 hit points and can shift 3 squares.

Lucina's Reckoning
Your weapon glows with divine fury and the next strike blinds your foes with dire radiance.
Daily ✦ Radiant, Stance
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Primary Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier Radiant damage, and the target is weakened (save ends). Make a secondary attack.
Miss: Half damage and the target suffers a -1 penalty to all defenses (save ends). Make a secondary attack.
Secondary Target: Each creature in Close Burst 4 centered on you
Secondary Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target takes ongoing 5 Radiant damage and is blinded (save ends both).
Miss: The target is dazed (save ends).

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Action TypeImmediate Reaction +, Minor Action + and Standard Action +
AuthorXeadin +
IdentifierMC Paragon Path +
KeywordRadiant +, Healing + and Stance +
Level11 +, 12 + and 20 +
RangeMeleeWeapon + and Close Burst5 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummarySpiritual leaders of the natural and divine worlds-- embraced by the power granted to their good will. +
TitleScion of Lucania +
TypeScion of Lucania Attack Power + and Scion of Lucania Utility Power +
UsageEncounter + and Daily +