Legacy of Darkness (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Geography/Vagus-Dal

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Author: Risek (talk)
Date Created: July 20th, 2010
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The Azemo

Beneath the surface of Vagus-Dal, the sprawling cities of the mind flayers are all bound together by a church-like organization known as the Azemo.

Long before the rise of the Empire, the illithids were united under the rule of a being of immense power and wisdom: the infamous elder brain. It was a just, if somewhat cruel overlord; it incubated the tadpoles of future generations while simultaneously preserving the memories of those past. But the brain's power began to wain, as it took ill with some fierce psychic illness that wracked the population of the shard's manifesters. The brain went on a bloodthirsty rampage, killing and consuming all it could reach. To contain their crazed ruler, a band of thirteen mind flayers came together to imprison the elder brain within its' own palace, locking it in a state of temporal suspension.

At the behest of these thirteen, the survivors traveled to the maze-like caverns beneath the earth where they began to rebuild a broken civilization, relying as they had on slave power and psionics, carving a great kingdom below. The thirteen were fixed as something akin to kings, overlords to replace their fallen god: The Azemo.

They are the judges, the generals, the archmages and the messiahs, now of nearly deistic power and influence. The Azemo rule the population with iron fists, opposed only by the Empire (who are still only somewhat certain of the creatures' existence), and the mighty Kaskadi Survivors, a small army of dromite slayers who roam the surface.

  • Size: Large
  • Location: Inner Ring to Deep Void (Transitory)
  • Climate: Warm
  • Terrain: Forest
  • Other Features: Volcanic
  • Race:
20% Illithid
30% Dromites
50% Others (Mixed slaves)
  • Civilization Traits
  • Owner: Independent
  • Dominant Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil
  • Civilization State: Subterranean metropolises
  • Religious Beliefs: None
  • History and Background:

In the early days of exploration in the outer ring, the famed Imperial exploring galley Dheretius discovered a strange, hot shard just past the Raelatis Cluster. This shard was home to an utterly staggering array of fauna unseen elsewhere.

Among the wonders discovered by the scouts were ruins of a truly alien design, sweeping sculptures and obelisks, crumbling towers and factories of some sort, all of a non-Euclidean design. These strange structures truly dumbfounded the explorers, especially when divination magic displayed nearly nothing, save for residue of some form of psychic energy rarely seen before. When investigated further, the source of the energy was traced deep underground, into labyrinthine caverns that ran through the interior of the shard. What they found there was an entire empire of cephalopod- like creatures; powerful, magical beings who spoke using only their minds. Contact was brief and passive, as the natives proved neither violent or willing to join the Empire, and the envoys had nowhere near enough soldiers to attempt to conquer them. The Imperials left the shard without a report being filed, and to this day, Vagus-Dal stands as a vacant entry in the Empire's log.

Vagus-Dal is a covered with a dense jungle, but is odd in that it seems to have days for only two weeks a year, when it moves from an unknown location in the Deep Void to a position just past the Raelatis Cluster. Beneath the surface, three rifts to the Elemental Plane of Fire exist, raising the temperature of the shard considerably.

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