Kobold, Variant (4e Monster)

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Author: Xeadin (talk)
Date Created: 2-17-11
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Kobolds (Variant)

Kobolds are dinosaur-like reptilian humanoids that are extremely dexterous and clever trapmakers. Some kobolds have evolved more idealistic approaches to acquiring new combat skills, such as mounting on the backs of dragons, leading a battalion of kobold underlings, or summoning kobold spirits to harry their foes.

Kobold Skirmisher (Variant)

Kobold Skirmisher
Level 11 Skirmisher
Small Natural Humanoid
XP 600
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +6; darkvision
HP 110; Bloodied 55
AC 25; Fortitude 19, Reflex 21, Will 20; see also trap sense
Speed 7
BasicMelee.png Spear (standard; at-will) ♦ Weapon
+16 vs. AC; 2d6 +5 damage
Ranged.png Javelin (standard; at-will) ♦ Weapon
+16 vs. AC; ranged 5/10; 1d8 +5 damage
Combat Advantage
The kobold skirmisher deals an extra 2d6 damage on melee and ranged attacks against any target it has combat advantage against.
Mob Attack
The kobold skirmisher gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls per kobold ally adjacent to the target.
Shifty (move; at-will)
The kobold shifts 1 square
Trap Sense
The kobold gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Acrobatics +12; Stealth +14; Thievery +14
Str 12 (+6) Dex 18 (+9) Wis 12 (+6)
Con 14 (+7) Int 7 (+3) Cha 17 (+8)
Equipment Hide armor, spear, 5 javelins

Kobold Skirmisher Tactics

Like its lesser counterparts, kobold skirmishers take advantage of its environment to hole their enemies into a tight group to use Mob Attack.

Kobold Dragonshield (Variant)

Kobold Dragonshield
Level 12 Soldier
Small natural humanoid
XP 700
Initiative +11 Senses Perception +8; darkvision
HP 119; Bloodied 59
AC 28; Fortitude 21, Reflex 21, Will 20; see also trap sense
Speed 6
BasicMelee.png Short Sword (standard; at-will) ♦ Weapon
+19 vs. AC; 2d6 +5 damage, and the target is marked until the end of the kobold dragonshield’s next turn.
Melee.png Iron Bulwark (Standard; encounter) ♦ Weapon
+19 vs. AC; 3d8 +5 damage, and the dragonshield gains a +2 bonus to AC until the end of its next turn.
Dragonshield Tactics (Immediate reaction, when an adjacent enemy shifts away or an enemy moves adjacent; at-will)
The kobold dragonshield shifts 1 square.
Mob Attack
The kobold skirmisher gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls per kobold ally adjacent to the target.
Shifty (move; at-will)
The kobold shifts 1 square
Trap Sense
The kobold gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against traps.
Alignment Evil Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Acrobatics +12; Stealth +14; Thievery +14
Str 17 (+9) Dex 17 (+9) Wis 15 (+8)
Con 15 (+8) Int 11 (+6) Cha 13 (+7)
Equipment Scale armor, heavy shield, short sword

Kobold Dragonshield Tactics

Like their lesser counterparts, dragonshields keep the fight away from their weaker allies to take advantage and to turn the tide against their enemies whenever they get the chance. They are fierce fighters, and they will fight to the death if they have to.

Kobold Dragon Sorcerer

Alignment Languages
Str (+) Dex (+) Wis (+)
Con (+) Int (+) Cha (+)

Kobold Brute

Alignment Languages
Str (+) Dex (+) Wis (+)
Con (+) Int (+) Cha (+)

Kobold Battle Chief

Alignment Languages
Str (+) Dex (+) Wis (+)
Con (+) Int (+) Cha (+)

Malgeby, Scion of Kurtulmak

Alignment Languages
Str (+) Dex (+) Wis (+)
Con (+) Int (+) Cha (+)

Kobold Dragon Rider

Alignment Languages
Str (+) Dex (+) Wis (+)
Con (+) Int (+) Cha (+)

Kobold Spirit Caller

Alignment Languages
Str (+) Dex (+) Wis (+)
Con (+) Int (+) Cha (+)

Kobold Spirits

Alignment Languages
Str (+) Dex (+) Wis (+)
Con (+) Int (+) Cha (+)

Kobold (Variant) Lore

A character knows the following information with a successful check.

DC 15:
DC 20:
DC 25:

Encounter Groups

Level Encounter (XP )

Template:4e Creatures Breadcrumb

AuthorXeadin +
Identifier4e Monster +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitleKobold, Variant +