Abyssal Heritor (4e Feat Type)

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Abyssal Heritor Feats: Abyssal heritor feats represent demonic ancestry. If you have more than two abyssal heritor feats, you must be of the good, chaotic evil or unaligned alignments (if you are not of one of these alignments when you take your second abyssal heritor feat then you must change your alignment to one of these alignments) and you cannot willingly change your alignment to one other than the aforementioned alignments.

Name Description Tier Prerequisites
Claws of the Beast Your hands are twisted like claws. This deformity allows you to deal more damage than usual with your unarmed attacks. Heroic Demonic Ancestry
Demonic Sneak Attack 1/Encounter re-roll a number of sneak attack dice equal to the number of abyssal heritor feats that you posess. Heroic Demonic Ancestry.
Keeper of Forbidden Lore Gain a bonus to knowledge skill checks equal to the number of abyssal heritor feats that you posess. Heroic Demonic Ancestry.
Otherworldly Countenance Your abyssal heritage manifests itself in your extreme good looks. Your beautiful appearance is unsettling to those around you- even to your foes! Heroic Cha 18, Demonic Ancestry.
Primordial Scion Gain a bonus to damage rolls against creatures of the lawful good and evil alignments. Heroic good, unaligned or chaotic evil, Demonic Ancestry.
Vestigial Wings Gain a bonus to jump skill checks equal to +3 per abyssal heritor feat that you posess. Heroic Demonic Ancestry.
Cloak of the Obyrith Gain resistance to untyped damage. Paragon Demonic Ancestry
Heart of the Nabassu Gain resistance to necrotic damage equal to the number of abyssal heritor feats that you possess. Paragon Demonic Ancestry
Poison Talons You can secrete Abyssal poison onto your claws., Your claws drip with a poison as dark as the abyss. Paragon Claws of ther Beast, Demonic Ancestry.
Chaotic Spell Recall 1/Day, spend an action point to regain a daily spell. Epic Any one abyssal heritor feat, Daemonic ancestry.
Demonic Skin Gain a +1 racial bonus to your AC. Epic Demonic Ancestry.
Eyes of the Abyss Gain darkvision, and a bonus to perception skill checks equal to the number of abyssal heritor feats that you posess. Epic Demonic Ancestry.
Precognitive Visions Gain a number of bonuses equal to 1 + 1 per 2 abyssal heritor feats that you possess. Epic Demonic Ancestry.

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