Telekinesis, Songweaver (4e Power)

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Author: Sam Kay (talk)
Date Created: 4th March 2009
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Songweaver Lesser Spell
With a wave of your hand you move an object with the power of your mind.
At-Will ✦ Arcane
Minor Action Ranged
Effect: You can pick up, move or manipulate an object weighing 20 pounds or less that is up to 5 squares away without touching the object. If you are holding the object you wish to manipulate, you can move the object into a pack, pouch, sheath, or similar and simultaneously move any one object carried or worn anywhere on your body to you hand with your mind (so you do not need to physically move either object). As a move action, you can move an object carried in this way up to 5 squares. As a free action, you can drop an object you are holding in this way and end the effect.
Special: You can have only one telekinesis effect active at any one time, and a telekinesis effect can only influence one object.

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Action TypeMinor Action +
AuthorSam Kay +
Identifier4e Power +
KeywordArcane +
LevelNA +
RangeRanged +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitleTelekinesis, Songweaver +
TypeSongweaver Lesser Spell +
UsageAt-Will +