Twilight Thorn (3.5e Monster)

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Author: The-Mage-King
Date Created: September 17th, 2010
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Twilight Thorn

Oh. Crap.
—Krusk, half-orc barbarian, at the start of his party’s first fight with a Twilight Thorn.

Twilight Thorn

CR 8

TN Gargantuan (Tall) Naught
Init/Senses +7/Listen +15, Spot +15
AC 23, touch 15, flat-footed 21
(+8 Natural Armor, +7 Dex, +2 Deflection, -4 Size)
hp 180 (15d12 HD)
Immune Naught immunities
SR 24
Fort/Ref/Will +4/+11/+9
Speed 40 ft.
Melee Slam +21/+15/+11 (2d6+10)
Space/Reach 20 ft./20 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +11/+21
Atk Options Slam
Special Actions Beams, Void Burst
Abilities Str 31, Dex 24, Con —, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 15
SQ Naught Traits
Feats Fling EnemyB, Power Attack, Snatch, Improved Snatch, Large and in Charge, Area AttackSav, Weapon Focus (Slam)
Skills Climb +25, Jump +25
Beams (Su) A Twilight Thorn may send out twisting beams of energy in order to attack an opponent. These beams cause 4d12 points of damage to a creature hit. A successful DC 19 reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is Charisma based.
Void Burst (Su) A Twilight Thorn may use a giant burst of pure Void to attack its foes. This ability deals 8d10 points of damage to anything caught with a 10 foot radius of the targeted corner. This can be deflected by anyone wielding a weapon of at least +2 enhancement bonus. If the deflecting creature succeeds on an opposed Charisma check, it may choose another creature- other than the Twilight Thorn- to deflect the attack into. This Ability may be used once every 1d4+2 rounds.

Strategies and Tactics

Twilight Thorns are the ‘giants’ of the lesser Nobodies. Their entire purpose is to smash the targets of Humanoid Nobodies, while leaving at least a few of the smaller minions alive. In combat, they mostly make as many attacks as they can against one opponent.

If the combat is occurring on a platform that can easily be moved by something of its strength, a Twilight Thorn will try to shift it so that enemies will fall off. They also have a tendency to try and trap their opponents in mid-air, before unleashing their Void Burst.

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AuthorThe-Mage-King +
Challenge Rating8 +
Identifier3.5e Monster +
NameTwilight Thorn +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeGargantuan (Tall) +
SummaryTraining nobody boss of Kingdom Hearts, now as a monster. +
TitleTwilight Thorn +
TypeNaught +