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Zantetsuken Master (3.5e Feat)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 8th December 2023
Status: Complete
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Zantetsuken Master [Fighter] Prerequisites: BAB +11, Improved Sunder, Greater Weapon FocusBenefit: Once per round, when you make an attack you can declare a it a 'zantetsuken' attack, you must have Greater Weapon Focus with the weapon you wish to perform a 'zantetsuken' attack with.

If this attack hit and deals damage higher than half of the struck creature's or object's remaining hit points (before any damage multiplication from a confirmed critical hit), it destroys it immediately. If the struck creature has regeneration that isn't bypassed, instead of slaying the creature outright the attack automatically bypasses it regeneration. An attack channeling a spell or maneuver cannot be made into a 'zantetsuken'. A creature or object destroyed by a 'zantetsuken' attack is cut in half, or similarly damaged, and cannot be easily restored (such as with the raise dead spell). Special: A creature with the Diehard feat or the Ferocity special ability add the number of hit points it can stay conscious and acting under 0 hit points to its current hit points for the purpose of this feat.

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