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Virtual Sizing (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Spanambula (talk)
Date Created: 6 June 2015
Status: complete
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Virtual SizingEdit

A virtual sizing sword looks like a regular size sword until used.

"So you're six feet tall and trying to adventure with a 40-foot sword. How's that working out for you?"

Let's face it, there's a certain attraction to carrying a weapon that's ridiculously large for you. But carrying it around in everyday life, even everyday adventuring life, is impractical at best.

The Virtual Sizing enhancement works in similar fashion to the SizingMIC enhancement, but instead of physically changing size, a ghostly outline of the weapon's virtual size appears when an attack is made. The effect is automatic, requiring no activation from the user. When attacking with the weapon it counts as it's current virtual size for all purposes (including damage, weight, and penalties for wielding an oversize weapon).

You gain the reach of the weapon's virtual size only when the attack is made; you only threaten squares appropriate for a creature of your size (doubled as normal if the enhancement is used on a reach weapon).

Virtual sizing can only be used to increase a weapon's size, it cannot make the weapon smaller than its base size. The weapon's virtual size category remains the same until changed, a mental command requiring one standard action.

Faint Evocation; CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, spiritual weapon; Price: 2,500 gp.

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