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Vethrfolnir AL-05c Aerial Scout (3.5e Monster)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 3-8-16
Status: Complete
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Vethrfolnir AL-05c Aerial Scout
Size/Type: Small Construct (Bot)
Hit Dice: 8d10+10 (54 hp)
Initiative: +5
Speed: 10 ft, fly 80 ft (perfect)
Armor Class: 21 (+5 dex, +5 natural, +1 size), touch 16, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+2
Attack: Talon +12 melee (1d4, 20/x2) or Launched Alchemical Fire +12 ranged touch (1d6 fire, 20/x2)
Full Attack: Two Talons +12 melee (1d4, 20/x2) or Launched Alchemical Fire +12 ranged touch (1d6 fire, 20/x2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Hologram, Launch Item, Sprint
Special Qualities: Bot Traits, Construct Traits, Cruising Speed, Darkvision 60 ft, Improved Evasion, Low-Light Vision, Programming, Quick Reflexes, Scanning Array, Share Mind
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +11, Will +7
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 21, Con -, Int -, Wis 20, Cha 1
Skills: Hide +17, Listen +13, Move Silently +13, Spot +13, Tumble +13
Feats: Flyby AttackB, Weapon FinesseB
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, Pair, or Witness (3-12)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Neutral
Advancement: 9-16 HD (Small), 17-24 HD (Medium)
Level Adjustment:

A small silver eagle robot sits upon a branch, skin reflecting its surroundings and its head dominated by a confusing spider-like array of optical visors, and disc-shaped vents in its wings which blow a stream of quiet but forceful air.

The Scientia company had a need of scouting drones, and for this the Nixie Cam Drones were serving well. However, Nixies were inappropriate in certain observation activities where they had to be more subtle and blend in with the environment better. Thus they turned to the same creative forces behind the dog-like Fenrir project and had them create a bird which would scout for them and survive hostile territory.

The mirror-like sheen of the Vethrfolnir Aerial Scout is not merely for fancy appearances. Using their complex optics systems, the feathers tilt and bend, redirecting light to blend in best with their environment and providing a low level form of cloaking. Thus while actually chrome, they may appear to be brick-wall patterned in a city, green and brown in a forest, or any other form of color. They possess bird-like wings, but the primary source of their lift is the vents in the wings, with the flexing of their wings providing harrier-like nimble control over their position with only the soft hiss of moving air.

The standard Vethrfolnir is about 3 ft long with a wingspan of 7 feet, though they are not reliant on flapping for lift. They weigh about 9 lbs and understand one vocal language (usually Common), but do not speak directly. They can, however, communicate through the use of their hologram projectile. Due to their base programming, they typically act like trained birds, with occasional head quirks and natural behavior.


Vethrfolnirs are scouts, not combatants, but they are capable of low level anti-personnel bombing runs. They are capable of carrying and are considered proficient in any throwing weapons, including (and by default) alchemical splash weapons such as alchemist fire. With a belt to hold alchemical items, a Vethrfolnir is capable to rushing in, delivering flaming assaults, and fly back to cover before anyone can do a thing about it. They are not very tough, but do work in packs, planning intelligent assaults or even suicidal runs for the good of the whole mass.

Cruising Speed (Ex): The Vethrfolnir can reach very high in the sky and high speeds. At altitudes of 5000 ft and higher, the Vethrfolnir's overland speed becomes 600 mph.

Hologram (Su): The Vethrfolnir has a projector, giving it a supernatural form of major image at will. However, the image is clearly fake, so only mindless beings ever fall prey into thinking it could be real. Because it does provide some cover, one can get up to 20% concealment using the hologram to project an object in the way.

Improved Evasion (Ex): The Vethrfolnir has improved evasion like a monk.

Launch Item (Ex): Due to their air pressured jets in their talons, the Vethrfolnir can duplicate launch itemSpC as an attack action and as an extraordinary ability.

Programming: The Vethrfolnir possesses the following programs: Attack, Calculate, Communication, Identify Creature, Identify Object, Reposition, Search, and Self-Preservation.

Quick Reflexes: The Vethrfolnir possesses a Good Reflex save for its racial HD.

Scanning Array (Su): The Vethrfolnir have powerful eyesight. They only take a -1 penalty on spot checks every 100 ft. They are also capable of using detect magic at will.

Share Mind (Ex): The Vethrfolnir is capable of communicating with others of its kind on a deep level, effectively granting it Telepathy 100 ft, but only with Vethrfolnir.

Sprint (Ex): Once per hour as a free action, a Vethrfolnir can move up to x10 its normal movement speed for one round.

Skills: The Vethrfolnir has a +8 racial bonus to Hide, Move Silently, Listen, Spot, and Tumble checks.

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