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User:Surgo/Hero Game

< User:Surgo

Campaign RulesEdit

The game is (almost) Standard Superheroic -- 420 points, with 75 points of matching complications.

Since magic, offensively, is based around the mental combat stat (OMCV), this stat cost 5 points to improve by 1 point -- just like OCV and DCV.

As for the kind of target numbers we're looking at for characters, SPD is limited strictly to 6. PD/ED (defenses) should be at a minimum of 17 or so for a "weak defenses" character, with 36 or so the limit for a very defensive character. If you wonder how I derived this, I took Lyrana's Blast using all the points in her pool (no limitations or anything, just 60 points of Blast) which came out to an average damage of 42. Offensive combat values should top out at 9 or 10, defensive around 7 unless you're like a super-speedster.

Dispel counts as a defense power, which means mages can, and are expected to, abort to dispel other mages' stuff.

Healing is done using Simplified Healing. There are no restrictions on repeated uses of healing (so healer characters work like they should).


To keep the setting sane, any MegaScale or cross-planar teleportation must have the limitation Focus: Obvious, Inaccessible, Bulky (at minimum). This makes sure that cross-planar travel is through gates and portals and astral dreadnaughts, not plane shift and greater teleport.


There are a lot of special rules for a specifically "magic-using" character. See Magic.

Social CombatEdit

We use the skill contest social combat rules from the Advanced Player's Guide II. Winning a contest cuts into your opponent's PRE, and winning a presence attack immediately wins the combat.