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Becoming a TankmasterEdit

Entry Requirements  
Skills: Knowledge (Engineering) 8 ranks. 
Feats: Craft Construct
Special: Must be proficient with siege weapons.
Table: The Tankmaster

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Base Weapon, Tank, Upgrade
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Upgrade
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Upgrade
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Upgrade
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Upgrade
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +5 Upgrade
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +5 Upgrade
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +6 Upgrade
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +6 Upgrade
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +7 Upgrade

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level)
Appraise (Int), Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Control Shape (Wis), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Martial Lore (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Psicraft (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Truespeak (Int), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Psionic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex).

Class FeaturesEdit

All of the following are class features of the Tankmaster.

Base Weapon: At 1st level the Tankmaster can install a single siege weapon on her tank, essentially granting it a mobile platform. She can operate the siege weapon from within the tank, including firing or reloading it. Additionally as a move action she can rotate the siege weapon, allowing for speedy aiming. The siege weapon is in addition to any weapons granted by upgrades. Changing base weapon require 8 hours of work and the siege weapon must have base that is smaller than the tank's size.

Tank: A 1st level tankmaster build her very own tank. She can enter or leave her tank as a full-round action, she do not require any skill check to pilot her tank and may be the only one to do so. At first her tank is one size category larger than her (or large, pilot choice when taking the class), while it is not a monster it does have some statistic of it own:

  • The tank count as a construct with the vehicule subtype.
  • The tank possess all immunities as a construct, with the following exception:
  • Any [mind-affecting] effect that target the tank target the pilot instead, even with total cover from the tank.
  • The tank is still subject to critical hit.
  • The tank count as having a number of hit dice equal to your class level for the purpose of determining HD dependent effects.
  • The tank has it own hit points, it possess a base number of hit point equal to the bonus hit point of a construct of it size and an additional 5 hit point per character level and class level you have.
  • The tank as a vehicule use all of your ability score with the possible exception of Strength, it has a Strength of 20 plus 4 for each size category it is above medium if higher than your normal Strength.
  • The tank count as quadrupedal for all intent and purposes, including but not limited to carrying capacity, defenses against combat maneuvers and whatnot.
  • A tank is not a creature, it does not have actions, attack bonus, saving throws, feats, skills, etc. The pilot must provide these, on the other hand the tank benefit from every feat the pilot has (assuming it can use them).
  • The tank has it own AC depending on the model (see below), you use your own Dexterity in order to determine the tank's AC.
  • The tank has it own speed, based on it model with average maneuverability. This functions like a flight maneuverability for the purposes of how quickly you can turn but limited to ground movement.
  • The tank has an hardness of 10 + your class level, reducing incoming damage dealt to it.
  • The tank possess the ability to Trample (4d6 base damage for large tank) enemies. It automatically trample any creatures it Overrun.
  • The tank is a magic item, it stop working in an antimagic field and cease working for 1 round if successfully dispelled.
  • The tank is motorized, as a result at the start of each turn it will move up to it speed at no action cost for it pilot. The pilot decide the direction and distance the tank move (including standing still). If the pilot is unconscious or unable to control the tank, it will move full distance in a straight line in the last direction it moved unless it last stood still, in which case the tank does not move.
  • Despite being a quasi-construct the tank is not destroyed when it reach 0 hit point, it simply become wrecked. A wrecked tank cannot be operated until it is brought back to positive hit point. If the tank is ever brought to negative hit point equal to half it total hit point it is completely destroyed and explode (see below).
  • A tank that is destroyed explode as per the superexpolosion spell centered on itself, with a caster level equal to your character level. The tankmaster is NOT immune to the explosion.
  • A destroyed tank must be replaced over the course of 1 day per class level. This intense work-out bestow a negative level on the pilot that bypass any immunities and do not stack with other negative levels, it can never result in level loss and is automatically removed when the tankmaster next gain a level.

Upon gaining this class feature you choose between a light tank and a heavy tank:

A light tank grant total cover to the pilot, this does not hinder the line of sight of the pilot but do block line of effect (this of course do not affect the tank's own systems). It grant a base armor bonus to AC equal to 3 + 1/2 class level, has no max dexterity bonus, a -6 armor check penalty and a base land speed of 40 ft. Finally a light tank possess slight build. The light tank automatically come with the following upgrades: Ballistic Weapon and Nitro Booster
A heavy tank grant total cover to the pilot, this does not hinder the line of sight of the pilot but do block line of effect (this of course do not affect the tank's own systems). It grant an an armor bonus to AC equal to 6 + 1/2 class level, has a max dexterity bonus of +2, a -12 armor check penalty and a base land speed of 20 ft. The heavy tank automatically come with the following upgrades: Heavy Frame and Reinforced Armor

The tankmaster may also partially expose herself out of the top hatch, reducing the cover granted by the tank to partial cover but granting line of effect to the tankmaster (and every creature's to the tankmaster).

Energy Point (Su): A 1st level tankmaster gain a number of energy points equal to her class level plus her Intelligence or Charisma modifier. She regain all her energy point after resting for 1 minute or recover two energy point as a standard action.

Upgrade: At each and every level, the tankmaster choose one of the following upgrade below, some upgrades have prerequisite that must be met in order to select them. Additionally she may switch one of her previously chosen upgrade for another upgrade whenever she level up.

Agile Steering (Ex): The tank's land maneuverability increase from average to good.

Ballistic Weapon (Ex): As an attack action you may make a single ranged attack that deal 2d6 + your Dexterity modifier in piercing damage. The ballistic gun is a ranged weapon with a range increment of 120'. Using the ballistic weapon consume 1 energy point per round to activate, no matter how many time it is fired. You always gain the benefits of Rapid Shot and Distracting Barrage with the Ballistic Weapon.

Cloaking Device (Su): You can go invisible at will (as the spell), however each round you stay invisible cost a single energy point.

Energy Beam (Su): As a standard action you fire a ray of energy within 120 ft, it deal 1d6 + character level in energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic, chosen each time it is fired). Alternatively as a full-round action you may fire a 120 ft. line of energy instead, dealing 1d6 energy damage per character level (reflex halves). The standard action shot consume 1 energy point, the full-round action shot consume 2.

Escape Pod (Su): Whenever the tank is reduced to 0 or less hit point you may replicate the effect of escape pod as an immediate action. At your option you may trigger the tank's death throe as you escape, destroying the tank prematurely.

Forcefield (Su): As an immediate action you may spend 1 energy point to gain a number of temporary hit point equal to twice your class level that last until the start of your next turn. As long as these temporary hit points are not depleted, you gain the benefit of the Hyperarmor special quality.

Heavy Frame (Ex): The tank gain the benefits of Improved Bull Rush and Improved Overrun.

Hover Pad (Su): The tank has a hover speed equal to it land speed with average maneuverability, additionally by spending 1 energy point you can replicate the effect of levitate on the tank.

MADAR (Su): You gain blindsense out to 30 ft. As a move action you can send out a pulse, gaining blindsight to 30 ft and blindsense to 60 ft for 1 round at the cost of one energy point. You cannot detect anything within an antimagic field.

Missile Launcher (Ex): You can fire a missile as a standard action, launching an explosive out to Long range (400 ft + 100 ft/level) at the cost of one energy point. The missile explodes in a 20 ft radius burst, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage per level with a Reflex save for half. If you select this upgrade at least twice you gain the Missile Barrage option, allowing you to fire any number of missile, however, multiple missile's damage overlap; they do not stack. Thus, it's useless to aim it all at one creature except to force it to make multiple saves. Each missile cost 1 energy point to fire as normal.

Nitro Booster (Su): When you use the Run action with your tank your speed is multiplied by 10 instead of by 4.

Reinforced Armor (Su): The tank's hardness increase by a further 5 points and gain 2 additional hit point per character level you have.

Rocket Flight (Su): The tank gain a flight speed equal to twice it land speed with poor maneuverability, additionally by spending 1 energy point you can double your fly speed but your maneuverability drop to (clumsy).

Siege Cannon (Ex): As a full-round action you fire your heavy siege cannon, make a single ranged attack with a 100 ft increment, it deal 1d6 point of half-fire half-bludgeoning damage per character level in a 10 ft. spread centered on the target, every creature caught is allowed a reflex save to halves damage with the exception of the primary target if the initial attack hit. Using the siege cannon consume 1 energy point per shot.

Special Material (Ex): You change the tanks's armor plating and make it of a special material instead, upon selecting this upgrade you must select a special material with a cost equal or less than Adamantine. The tank count as being made out of this material, changing it base hardness and granting the same benefits as an heavy armor made of the material.

Spider Threads (Su): The tank is always under the effect of spider climb, additionally by spending 1 energy point you can make your tank essentially weightless for 1 round, allowing you to climb any surface without breaking it.

Superior Engine (Ex): You double the speed of your tank and ignore difficult terrain.

Class Feature (Su):

Class Feature:

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